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Everything posted by Amazing.JL

  1. I agree, if anything it should have been an accessory with the maskless spidey.
  2. Did you think I was talking about Translucent Spidey? Nah just thought they were new minimates I could never have.
  3. Uh, don't understand. This is an auction for 4 kubricks.
  4. Whew! You almost scared me Fujis, don't do that. Nice Q&A Thanks again Timbo!! Thanks again to those whose voted!
  5. Sweet bus stop Ivan, and totally missed that auction.
  6. I just can't see a lemon in the same way I used it. Ady "Rocky" Shrullboa is interesting.
  7. You and the family keep safe. Must have been quite a scene.
  8. Not sure, but they have been lacking TV commercials. Variety has also been lacking in mass market lines or too many of the same repackaged minimates.
  9. Well I think most know I've had quite a busy time with personal stuff so I haven't visited some sites as often as I used to. I do check MMHQ/MMC just about daily (Who doesn't), but slipped off the face of the earth three weeks ago. My IM email was temporarily disabled so I didn't get the message. No worries antacost and webhead pointed me in the right direction last week. Who doesn't love MMC and MMHQ? Best Reviews and Articles in the business. An RSS feed would be aweseome!
  10. That great. I tried this a couple times last couple of weeks trying to find out where everyone was at or specifically what forum.
  11. Mr. Sinister is cool as hell! Great job as always, love the cape.
  12. How is that slingbox? When I see that I think Jim Rome Works pretty good. I actually got it for watching baseball games, and other shows while working late during the week. Can't miss a game so I got the slingbox instead of the MLB.TV package. I like the fact that I can use it from my phone. Spooky, I had that Jim Rome feeling too.
  13. I'm watching what I can, mostly replays. Once in a while I'll use my slingbox, but can't do it at work so I'm doing it on my phone. They should have had a service of some type, even it was like MLB.TV.
  14. Joe Q should be shot dead on how he runs Marvel and how he manages the main man Spidey. He knows nothing about Spider-man, he just belives he does. Joe Q is a damn fool and nothing great/astounding has really happened during his tenure. Horrible moves that have made me pay a little more attention to the DC universe.
  15. I feel exactly the same way. Sure the promos are great but the line has been lacking. ======================================================== On a side note, Cornerstorecomics is on my s-list just barely. I can go into detail, but I had to harrass them to get my order of $150-$200 which was prepaid and I'm still missing one piece.
  16. Yes Danny well said and I agree. DST imo has not managed the line as best as they could. There have been enough releases where they could have corrected mistakes or changed there approach/philosophy. As time has gone on they remain on there mission of rehashes, reused parts, lack of good villains, and lack of creativity/diversity. Marvel minimates got me hooked, especially cause I'm a Marl fan. The announced line-up of waves 12/13 has me bummed out. I collect something I love but I can only be taken for a fool for only so long. If it weren’t for BSG and DC lines, minimates could be dead for me right now. Yeah we are getting SF and Speed Racer and love them, but not with the same intensity as the other lines. I was a SF crazed fan but this was in my past life. I’ll easily have more than 1,000 minimates by year end with the new releases. (This includes promos) How much my collection grows may hinder on DST. I buy extras all the time, but will not buy as many I used to if DST continues to give me crap. The DCD line is coming out guns blazing and is not afraid to put all their chips in like DST. Maybe this will hinder some of DSTs sales and they wake up and smell the coffee.
  17. lol, no Timbo I didn't get more than five this time. Maybe if they were new mates I would have. I think the movie was okay and not bad. Batman Newtimes was way better.
  18. awesome art man, love the beetle and bat-woman. Keep it up man.
  19. I'm not opposed if it's for the cause or something pro-minimate retailers. Just not too many. Hey if you need a helping hand let me know.
  20. lol, hell yeah a BOP pack would be awesome! It's been one of my favorite books too.
  21. Interesting, thanks for the info. I'll try to look out for it more often. I've heard about MSG before but didn't think about it till now.
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