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Everything posted by Prowlar

  1. After looking back I agree with you about the cape change. For some reason I was thinking that AOA Rogue's Cape was green instead of yellow so instead I'd go with Femme Fatale Lady Death's cape in yellow. As for the basic mask I had considered it but just couldn't find a place for it in the black blank with the wings and cloak. After all my secondary goal was to create as many customizing possibilities as possible for the BAF Skeleton and both parts for a Grim Reaper and a winged skeleton just jumped to the top of the list.
  2. I know the topics have been discussed before but not as a single unified idea. Ordinarily I'm against the whole blind bag debate since I don't like having to pay large amounts of money and still not get a complete set of figures. So I came up with a way that I could enjoy collecting and still not be overly upset about getting multiple duplicates or missing out on something. To this end I combined most of the seperate ideas into a singe release. Here is an example Fall/Halloween wave: Pack 1 Rare contains 1 Complete Transparent Orange Blank 1 Stand 2 Exclusive Build-a-Figure Skeleton feet (Canceled Calico Jack Box Pirate) 1 Transparent Orange Flame Hair 1 Transparent Orange Battle Beasts Snake "legs" 2 New chain Anklets (Similar to Femme Fatale Dawn's Chain Bracelette) Pack 2 Rare contains 1 Complete Transparent Green Blank 1 Stand 2 Exclusive Build-a-Figure Skeleton Hands (Canceled Calico Jack Box Pirate) 1 Exclusive Build-a-Figure Skeleton Sword (Canceled Calico Jack Box Pirate) 2 Transparent Green Fire Balls 1 Transparent Green Femme Fatale Medusa Hair Pack 3 Uncommon contains 1 Complete Metallic Gold Blank 1 Stand 2 Exclusive Build-a-Figure Skeleton Arms (Canceled Calico Jack Box Pirate) 2 Exclusive Build-a-Figure Skeleton Wrist Cuffs (Canceled Calico Jack Box Pirate) 2 Metallic Gold Boom Boom Ankle Cuffs 1 Metallic Gold Moon Knight Cape Pack 4 Uncommon contains 1 Complete Metallic Blue Blank 1 Stand 2 Exclusive Build-a-Figure Skeleton Legs (Canceled Calico Jack Box Pirate) 2 Metallic Blue Black Bolt Arm Wings 2 Metallic Blue Battle Beast Croc Armor 1 Metallic Blue Daredevil Hairpiece Pack 5 Common contains 1 Yellow Blank 1 Stand 1 Exclusive Build-a-Figure Skeleton Hips (Canceled Calico Jack Box Pirate) 1 Silver Power Man Chain Belt 1 Yellow AOA Morph Cape 1 Yellow Akuma Hairpiece 1 Yellow Ryu Gi 1 Yellow Old Man Logan Duster Pack 6 Common contains 1 Complete Brown Blank 1 Stand 1 Exclusive Build-a-Figure Skeleton Body (Canceled Calico Jack Box Pirate) 1 Exclusive Build-a-Figure Skeleton Jacket (Canceled Calico Jack Box Pirate) 2 Brown Captain America Buccaneer Boots 1 Jack-O-Lantern (Real Ghostbusters)with traditional face 1 New Grim Reaper/Death Scythe Pack 7 Common contains 1 Complete Black Blank 1 Stand 1 Exclusive Build-a-Figure Skeleton Head (Canceled Calico Jack Box Pirate) 1 Black Angel Wing Left 1 Black Angel Wing Right 1 Angel Wing Connector 1 Black Mumm-Ra Cape 1 Black Cloak Hood Pack 8 Common contains 1 Complete Red Blank 1 Stand 1 Exclusive Build-a-Figure Skeleton Hat (Canceled Calico Jack Box Pirate) 2 Red Mighty Spider-Man Gauntlets 1 Battle Beast Moose Machete 1 AOX Rogue Hood (Black Hair) 1 Red Hobgoblin Cape 1 New Hockey Mask Other Exclusive BAF could include such characters as DST Chuck and Zach, canceled MAX figures, and DST staff frankenmates. Rares would always be Transparent, Uncommons would be Metallic, and Commons would be flat colors. Yes, I'm probably crazy but I've had too much time on my hands lately and a lot of WIPs that could use one more part that is either hard to get or in the wrong color. So rather than take my frustration out on my mates I grabbed a note pad and came up with this idea.
  3. Interesting. You should create a Quasimodo as a separate entity and make him a rogue "man without a country" type. Nope no Quasi-monster soldier. After all because of you I'm now working on Over the Rainbow. Characters currently include: Detective Ruby and K9 Officer Toby, the Depraved Drug-lord of Oz and his goblin guardians Frick and Frack, and Dr. Emmy Raile the Sinister Scientist of the South with her guard the Emerald Enforcer.
  4. Negative. You gave me the Duke that you bought for the gun. You kept the gun itself. As for your updates, Peregrin looks amazing! Where'd the wings come from?!? Finally, Ruby is badass! I am seriously considering stealing some of your ideas for my character, Ruby Slippers, whose flesh is black and white. (She angrily notes at some point that it should be sepia). Her steel-toed cherry red Doc Martens are the only part of her that's colorful; even the rainbow on her Dark Side of the Moon T-shirt is grayscale. I like the idea that Ruby is Dorothy's granddaughter; if I ever get Resident Evil Alice, I may make her Dorothy's granddaughter rather than a contemporary Dorothy. And I love the idea of the OtR drug! I think your next custom should be the Super Scientist of Oz; that's a compelling idea! Your creativity is infectious, man! Huh, I could have sworn I had two of those guns at one point. Then again maybe I still do and I just haven't dug through the right box for a while. Anyway, Peregrin's wings are from a dragonfly mech from the Heroclicks/Mageclicks? series that I found at a yardsale. As for Oz I do have a lab coat or two so I suppose it is a possibility but the current customs I'm putting the most time into are my Soldiers of Horror Drac, Frank, and Mummy. Quasimodo doesn't make the team because I've never seen him as a monster. However, I still stand by what I said about needing an updated Kraven the Hunter Mate so that I can give Ruby a Cowardly Lion Vest instead of her trench coat.
  5. Chalk another Ammy up for a QC issue. One of mine came with a front paw replacing one of the back paws. I'm not complaining since I had another set and because it works for the jumping effect.
  6. True horror the truth of where Snarfs come from. I present the Queen Snarf and her spawn.
  7. I may have an extra of that gun, should you need it. I feel like I shouldn’t have to ask this in 2012, but I’m ignorant: how do you combine two photos into one .jpeg file? I like Fanatic, too. Any relation to the Sigma custom? Who'd the head on the right come with? Is it Tony Stark? 'Cause he's a dead ringer for my lazy G.I. Joe kitbash, Gray Ghost: Crap, I forgot about your Outback. He’s perfect. DST, get the Joe license and I shall tattoo your company logo upon my forehead! Breakdown! I didn’t know you’d recreated him as a MiniMate. Awesome! You made a Sigma Freefall, too, didn’t you? Hell, I think you gave me a Sigma Freefall, but I might be confusing characters. Dude, Tegra is perfect; factory-quality paint and awesome parts. Did you ever paint any of your MOTUC Panthors? I think Reaper is my favorite design of all the Zombie story characters. I like that long military jacket. Or perhaps Death; whose face is that?!? Mangry friggin’ rules! Your description didn’t do him justice! Now then… Requests/suggestions (to make you laugh at my expense and/or keep you up at night): 1. Any and all Wizard of Oz-themed customs. Moody modern updates, satirical gender-reversed alternates, earnest tributes, whatever lights your fire… after the ideas you shared regarding my Hot Toys Dorothy ambitions, I’d love to see what you could do with the Oz mythos in MiniMate form. 2. Moss Man and Fisto. They’re my favorite vintage Masters of the Universe characters, and I bet they’d look wicked in MiniMate form. 3. The Bionic Six! Or at least Karate-1. 4. Planetary: Elijah Snow, Jakita Wagner and The Drummer. I suspect you never read that comic, to which I say, That’s no excuse! 5. Promethea. See above re: no excuse. 6. Casey Jones. ‘Cause I wanna see one in very possible scale and format. I loves me some Casey Jones. 7. Update this thread more frequently! Keep it up! A few answers. As Tenime pointed out it comes from the Bucky Captain America in this case the Modern Golden Age box set. The chest harness from Sarah Connor in the Terminator box set. Henrietta Jones: like I told you after watching Indy 4, the movie would have been even better if Indy had a daughter that acted just like him rather than a son. Sigma 6: While the Dragon Hawk really works well with Minimates something just feels off when trying to use them with the other vehicles. The Aliens/G.I. Joe Rifle: You should have an extra of it since it was in the pile of loot I gave you last year. So no I don't need an extra of that one. Photo merging: I use a program called IrFanview for all my photo editing needs. With it merging is as simple as choosing the create panorama image and then choosing the images to string together. The only thing the two Fanatics have in common is the name though I'm considering doing a minimate Sigma Fanatic now that you've mentioned it. The Forge head is indeed from a Tony Stark with a bit of the paint removed to shorten the mustache. However there is another minimate head that is a much closer match to your custom that I noticed in my fodder box but I forgot to check it closer while I was working on some one else. Minimates Tattoo: While I doubt your wife would allow you put the minimates logo on your forehead I have no doubt you'd at least try to get it. Meanwhile Outback is far from perfect since he still needs "Survival" written on his chest block but I have updated him none the less. Breakdown and Freefall: Breakdown is based on my Sigma 6 custom but Freefall is just a reuse of the name like Fanatic. MotUC Panthor/Battlecat/Nightiger Custom: No I still haven't gotten around to painting it, yet. Death's Head: Not the character but the Z-Day custom's actual head is from the Penance/Speedball in the Thunderbolts box set. Mangry: When you say my "description didn't do him justice" do you mean when I was telling you about him the other day or my bio I posted with him? If you mean the other day then I don't have to worry but if it's the bio it means I'm going to have to go back and see where it needs improvement. On to the requests, and yes one of them did keep me up all "night". 1. See the Ruby WIP 2. For MOTU check out Nervous' Customs: 3-5. All properties I have never seen and so have no current interest in attempting. And I'll use it for an excuse if I want too. Also there is the fact that very few of my customs are based on existing properties rather than crawling out of the dark depths of my own imagination. 6: While Casey Jones is one of my favorite TMNT characters as well until the right mask comes along I'm not going to make the attempt. However, I still maintain the belief that eventually DST will make turtle mates. 7: *Head Explodes* Now since you insisted you wanted more here are a few updates and a couple of WIP First up is Peregrin, as you can see I've gone ahead and added wings to her armored flight suit. Then there is rage powered Giest, Minotaur with new legs, Apollo with the white Magneto Helmet, and the updated Outback that I mentioned earlier. For works in progress I have Quark from the Marvel Mojoverse still in need of an eye patch and after a couple of hours worth of sleeplessness Detective Ruby. The idea for Ruby is that she is Dorothy's great granddaughter. During a drug raid gone bad on a lab producing the new drug OtR (Over the Rainbow) she is caught in an explosion. When she wakes she finds herself in a world similar to the stories her grandmother used to tell her only twisted into a nightmarish parody of Oz. A place where you're as likely to be eaten by the Lollipop Cannibals as you are to be able to be helped by the Wonderful Wiccan of the West and her flying monkeys. Ruby had to make her way to the Emerald City to deal with the Super Scientist of Oz, the creator of OtR, in order to destroy the drug and use his dimensional gateway to return home. Finally I have a few pics of my modified Thundertank. Just to enable your eventual new addiction. There, I think that's it for now.
  8. Wow, that comment is going to take some time to just sink in even before I begin to respond.
  9. I warned you when we first met that I'm evil incarnate. I still don't know why no one believes me when I give fair warning.
  10. I'm guessing Villain: Annihilus. Fantastic Four Members: Thing and Crystal. I was thinking that It would be She-Hulk but that has already been shot down and Bag-Man, though he is another Spider-Man variation, doesn't seem high enough on character recognition for a TRU wave. Associate: Medusa. While this is likely wishful thinking after seeing the new Human Torch and Invisible Woman bases just imagining the possibility of a new hair stand for Medusa is exciting. Of course the reality is that just about any Marvel character could easily fit in this category. Pack 1: Firelord and Airwalker. Seems pretty much like a confirmed lock on that one. Pack 2: Worthy Hulk and Mighty Red She Hulk. Though I'd be just as excited if it was Titania and Ms. Marvel, Iron Fist and Absorbing Man, or Wolverine and Juggernaut. I would have gone for Attuma and Dr. Strange but Strange has also already been shot down.
  11. There are Mumm-Ra's transformations into Pumm-Ra, King Arthur (with Excalibur) and a Transparent/Spirit Form. For support characters I'd like to see Mandora the Evil Chaser, Molemaster, Mumm-Rana, Snowmman (with Snowmeow), and Shadowmaster. As for characters that don't have a chance but I'd still like to see Demolisher (with mini Dirge,)a Brute Men Slave, and a Gargoyle thief.
  12. If anybeast gets the green treatment it should be Gruntos. Just imagine the picture of Gamma Green Gruntos smacking puny Gamma Hulk up 'long side the head with his hammer.
  13. The long abandoned satellite Hawk Haven's computer, sensing the approach of an Earth ship, activated its final resident Pilotlight. Upon analyzing the data sent to him by his Fighting Hawk, Phoenix, he realized that the StarHunter was in dire straits and that it was being towed toward Bedlama by an unknown vessel. He quickly contacted Cougarra and gave her the coordinates so that she could land at Hawk Haven. Once the ship was docked the StarHunter's sleep capsules were moved to the infirmary/workshop. Cougarra requested the use of Hawk Haven's star charts so that she could plot an intercept course with the missing Thundarian cruiser and after careful study Pilotlight realized that they were headed for Earth. Given the new information Cougarra realized that she would arrive at their destination several years in advance of the Nobles arrival. By this point Pilotlight had reviewed all the communications between both Hawk Haven and the StarHunter and realized that the Earth he remembered might no longer exist. He asked Cougarra to help him, using her advanced Thundarian engineering knowledge, to retrofit the base so that it could be moved to Earth orbit. She reluctantly agreed and started the project by salvaging the parts she needed from the Star Hunter's ship. Code Name: Pilotlight & Phoenix Name: Paul Lightwind Planet of Origin: Hawk Haven, Limbo Galaxy Primary Specialty: Heavy Armor Secondary Specialty: Law Enforcement Phoenix's Special Ability: Thirty-Minute Time Displacement
  14. It was a time of great expansion and exploration for Earth Forces. Earth's first extra-galactic contact was with the Limbo galaxy. They requested assistance in their struggles against the new Mob Boss known as Mon*Star. Earth Forces dispatched the Cybernetic police officers Commander Stargazer and Condor of the SilverHawks. This first contact convinced Earth Forces that their knowledge of the Milky Way galaxy was lacking so a research team known as the TigerSharks as a first contact team. At the same time another covert mission was prepared to explore the next closest galaxy. The StarHunter's mission was to discover if another Earth like planet could be found for the purpose of colonization. The team was placed in complete suspended animation for the journey knowing that, they would likely never again return to Earth. After thousands of years of travel the ship had nearly reached its destination when it cam under fire. The automated systems were able to stave off the attack but the ship was heavily damaged and the computer course corrected to the closest known human outpost, Hawk Haven in the Limbo Galaxy. Eventually the ship as the centuries passed the ship's systems began to fail with only the heavily reinforced sleep chambers powered and protected as it drifted through the void between galaxies. While the StarHunters slept many things changed in the universe. Civilizations died and new ones evolved to take their place. In the Limbo Galaxy the era of the StarHawks reached its peak and was then replaced by the universal Peace Keepers known as the Evil Chasers and on the planet that the Hunters were traveling toward the ThunderCats evolved. Code Name: Blades Name: Cougarra Planet of Origin: Thundera Primary Specialty: Search and Rescue Secondary Specialty: Mechanical Genius Special Ability: Ghosting During the early days of Thundera's upheaval a select few Thunderians realized that, if the Thunderian people were to survive the destruction, a new home needed to be found. To that end an advanced party of nearly 5,000 Thunderians, mostly craftsmen and their families, was sent ahead of the main convoy in order to have the planet prepared for the arrival of the Nobles. Enough individuals that, should anything happen to the main convoy, the spirit of Thundera would live on. When the Nobles didn't arrive as expected there was great sadness at the loss of so many lives as well as that of their greatest treasure. However Cougarra refused to just accept that the Eye of Thundera had been lost. Instead she quietly restored one of the group's scout ships, procured a Thunder Tank, and headed back to Thundera to locate the missing Nobles. When she arrived all she found was the remains of Thundera and the scattered debris of the Thunderian fleet. At that point she nearly gave up hope, however her computer informed her that at least two non-mutant ships had escaped from the area. One was of Thunderian origin but the other was completely unknown. Cougarra was uncertain which ship she should follow but considering her scout ship was faster than either of the other ships she decided the best choice would be to go after the closer, unknown ship and then double back to check on the Thunderians. She reached the remains of the StarHunter's ship just as it entered the Limbo Galaxy.
  15. Enforcer Enforcers are very dangerous individuals. They look just like every other civilian in a suit until they pull on their mask and gloves it is only then that their true loyalties are reveled. Don't let the fact that the Enforcers have given up their Lackey heavy armor and weaponry; their suits make extensive use of alien technology and are as effective, if not more so than the Lackey armor. The only individuals they are loyal too are their faction leader Mr. Big or Mangry and Dr. Diabolic himself. Like the Lackeys, Enforcers are always looking for a way to impress their leader in order to be promoted to a Crime Boss position. So far no one has attained that rank though it is only a matter of time and once there are a number of Crime Bosses they'll be looking to make a name for themselves in order to earn alien enhancements and only have to answer to Dr. Diabolic himself.
  16. Lackey Lackeys are Crime Times front line troopers. While they do get paid well for their services and they get heavy alien armor and weaponry they also are also nothing more than cannon fodder. When they are captured or even in danger of being captured, their weapons and armor self-destructs. To make matters worse is the fact that their worst enemies aren't the cops, super heroes, or even the military. No, their worst enemies are their fellow Lackeys looking to get ahead and promoted to the next level in the organization.
  17. This better not awaken anything in me. With Thundercats and Battle Beasts now is the perfect time to embrace your inner furry. :biggrin:
  18. Toady Toady is the alien that originally abducted the humans and is reluctantly helping the humans build an army of thugs to liberate his planet. He knows very little about human culture and finds the species to be awkward and ugly. However he really doesn't much care about that as long as he gets the army he needs to free his home world. However once his planet is freed he fully intends to dispose of the human army as quickly and efficiently as possible. While Toady has access to and an understanding of technology that is still slightly more advanced than human tech in reality he isn't the smartest individual among his own race. In reality he has more in common with the members of Crime Time than he does with his own people.
  19. Mr. Big Harold was always overlooked growing up, both figuratively and literally. While he was a mathematical genius he could never live up to his parents expectations. His older brother was a paragon of masculinity sports star and otherwise perfect son while his younger sister was born to act and was on stage before she was ten. With such important siblings Harold just disappeared into the background. Eventually he made a place for himself with the Mob as an expert accountant and money launderer but even then no one really paid any attention to him. Though he quickly learned that it was better not to be noticed in his line of work; still he dreamed of being someone big and important. He got that wish when he was genetically enhanced with alien DNA. The enhancement gives Mr. Big a flexible tissue and bone structure that allows him to stretch up to seven feet tall as well as twist and contort his body in any number of inhuman ways. Unlike Mangry Mr. Big made it through his enhancements with no unwanted side effects
  20. Mangry Originally known as Manny the Mangler, Mangry was a powerful individual when he was abducted. However no matter how strong he got or how many people he killed, with his bare hands, he could never get over his past. In school he'd always been the weakling that was picked last and at home his father was constantly abusing him in order to "toughen him up". That's why when he was given the option to enhance his abilities he chose to become even stronger. Genetically enhanced with the DNA of an alien that evolved in a heavy gravity environment Mangry now has super strength unfortunately this strength has come at a price. The first is that his skin in the areas affected has turned bright red. The second is that he is so strong that he is unable to hold delicate objects like cups, guns, or bank vault doors. In order to overcome this handicap Dr. Diabolic build strength reducing gloves, a first for the Doctor, considering he's usually trying to find technology to make people stronger.
  21. Crime Time The year was 1952 and three Men got more than they bargained for when answering the call of power and money. The first to disappear was a New York dock foreman and mob enforcer. He didn't even rate more than a three-line obituary. The second man was known as "Little Tony" due to his diminutive stature of five foot six inches. He was a Chicago accountant and Mob money launderer. When he disappeared he shot to the top of many Mob hit lists and police most wanted lists. The final individual was a government physicist in New Mexico that was working on top-secret research involving advanced technology. Weapons and devices that were often utilized by Mobsters and Super-Villains all over the world, so long as they could afford the Doctor's prices. The only record of his disappearance was a government memo noting that he was likely disintegrated in an experiment. It was also noted that since his "death" there had been a substantial decrease in security leaks. What no one suspected was that an alien had abducted the humans. Its purpose was to gather information on why a race as primitive as humans seemed to be using technology well beyond their own level of advancement. Its secondary mission was to collect samples to determine if the human species would be of any use to the aliens. Unfortunately the alien hadn't counted on the Doctor's favorite invention, gloves that allowed him to manipulate time in a twenty-mile radius. As the ship made the space time jump to the alien's home world, a trip that would have taken seconds in real time, the Doctor used his gloves altering the time displacement so that only seconds passed on the ship while sixty years elapsed in real time. The humans overpowered the alien and took control of his ship but didn't expect to survive for long once they arrived at their destination. What they discovered was that the alien's home world had been decimated by another race. In desperation the alien agreed to take the humans back to Earth and even assist them with advanced technology as long as they agreed to help him build an army to liberate his home world. Seeing the profitability in the idea they readily agreed. They quickly returned to Earth only to discover that things had drastically changed in their absence. Dr. Diabolic The leader of Crime Time the doctor chose not to have any physical enhancements he makes extensive use of alien technology. His helmet can produce two effects the first his a hypnotic wave that allows him to control weak minded individuals and a powerful mental blast too knock out those he can't control. His armor creates an interference field that drains kinetic energy from projectiles and power from energy weapons. The gauntlets and boots create an anti-gravity effect allowing him to fly or lift up to four tons. His cape has only one ability the collar is able to stay firmly starched and upright no matter the weather or battle conditions; otherwise it is just a simple piece of cloth. Fortunately his time altering equipment was destroyed in the battle to escape. However, even with all his gadgets giving him near invulnerability Dr. Diabolic is rarely ever seen, preferring instead to run the organization from the shadows and letting Mangry and Mr. Big appear to be the ones in charge.
  22. I'm sure Talisman will show up boxed with White Sasquatch in one of the TRU waves. Yeah, along with Nighthawk/Hellcat, Squirrel Girl/Rocket Raccoon, and Capwolf/Tigra.
  23. The Spider-Man Villain Puma needs to be added to the list. He'd make a great crossover character with the Thundercats.
  24. Sigh, a bit bummed about not getting CapWolf but he was a long shot after all. I'll just have to continue dreaming about the future furry wave: Capwolf & Tigra Throg & Toad Squirrel Girl & Warwolf with Snarf Style Modern Rocket Raccoon Hepzibah & Warwolf with Snarf Style Classic Rocket Raccoon And before someone jumps on the Rocket accessory hate wagon I'm only suggesting him that way because we HAVE to get proper Rocket Mates in the Gaurdians Comic and Movie.
  25. For a few more pictures of the new Thundertank with mates: Ind since taking those pictures I've been working with Lego in order to make it a better fit for both a driver and a passenger. Also for anyone finding clearance items the Thunder Racers make great scout vehicles with a little work. This is from a custom Rankin/Bass universe team that I'm working on that includes both a new custom ThunderCat Cougarra and SilverHawk Pilot Light. The interior in these pics is still in the concept stage but reflects what I have in mind.
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