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Silver Jet

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Everything posted by Silver Jet

  1. Well, Wave 13 arrived here in East Coast Canada today, went over and picked up my set at lunch time. My DOFP Wolverine doesn't appear to have any problems with it, the hands have a lousy paintjob, but seeing as I don't really care about the figure that's fine. Hey, does anybody know why on the back of the package they call the alternate Sentry "Raft"? I'm sure there's a reason....
  2. Golden Age Flash will be very nice. Now, if only they can get around to doing a Prof. Zoom, then I'll be in Heaven....
  3. As well, a Batcycle went for $51.99 just a couple of days ago, which might suggest that there just isn't that many Wave 2 items out there anymore, mint in box or otherwise....
  4. I bought both of mine on eBay in the early days of their release, paid 7.99 each BIN, could have bought six and maybe I should have. By the way, for those saying this $305 dollar auction for one is just a fluke, check out this: Second Javelin Auction This ones already going for $100, and there's still five days to go. Don't think it's a fluke any more...
  5. My local shop gets 'Mates in and he holds the variants for him, but except for one guy who moved to another province I'm the only one who really buys them here. If I hadn't of been collecting since Marvel Wave 2 there's just no way I could do this whole hog, and while my local comic shop has been very helpful the majority of 'Mates I have were bought online. Like the hard-to-get C3 Wave 2, my shop just couldn't get them, but I ended up buying two of each set on eBay early on for less then I would have paid in the shop. Again, it's hit and miss (and mostly miss) when it comes to a comic shop. Sadly, they may be a dinosaur now....
  6. Sure, you'll just have to wait until the next time I need to open my sdb. BTW, where on the 'mates is the number?
  7. Don't know if this is the right place to post this, but with the arrival in the mail today of a Captain America/Punisher two-pack, I have now completed my collection of Marvel Minimates! Yep, after more then three years of collecting I'm finally done, I got'em all, even the Silver and Gold Spideys (bought them together in a private sale way-way back and into the safety deposit box they went!). I'm feeling a mixture of happiness and depression now, as yay! I have them all at last, while aww! I have them all at last, meaning no more figures to collect but the new waves....
  8. Yeah, I agree, the GL is going for some silly prices on eBay. I snagged my eight Stewarts for next to nothing the last day of the con and to see them going for as much as $25 + $15 shipping on eBay (seriously, I did) just makes me shake my head. I mean, maybe in 4-5 years they might be worth 40 bucks, but not right now. GL's definitely one of my favorite 'mates now though, and it was my brother's favorite birthday gift, hands down, despite the fact that his girlfriend bought him an Xbox 360....
  9. I live in eastren Canada and up until Marvel Wave 4 I was buying them at Walmart, even the chase. I know one of the employees there and he holds any toys I ask for before they hit the floor, nice guy huh? Anyway, thanks to him I got all the chases for the same price as the others. Not bad getting Black Spidey for $ 4.99. After Walmart stopped selling them I switched to a local comic shop and have had no problem getting them all, C3 included. I seem to be the only die-hard collector around here so I've always managed to get the chase...
  10. Good idea with the tackle boxes, I use a small one myself to store all the mini accessories. I can see space is a premium for you, just like me. Those Transformer boxes can really stack up, let me tell you...
  11. I must have that figure! Another excuse to make the comic stores run...
  12. The Canadian SPACE chanel lobbied the Battlestar producers to hold off on the Canadian release of 2.0 until after they could finish airing the second season, to protect their ratings. So, while the US got 2.0 on December 20th 2005, Canadians could not buy it in the stores until April 2006. Sure, I could have bought it on Amazon and had it shipped here, but it would have cost 25 dollars more (I researched it), and I would have had it two weeks later. So, instead I drove down to Bangor on December 19th and bought myself one at Target. Turned out to be a pretty fun trip, and I found a few good minimates along the way...
  13. Thanks guys. Yep, thats a M.A.S.K. jeep, and Spideys riding one of their cycles too. They just happen to be perfect size for the minis, go figure...
  14. Okay there, here's some pics of the beach party diarama: Did some others too. There was a winter scene that worked out quite well I thought...
  15. I know, not even close to the impressive set-ups I've seen here, but here's mine: This is about a third of my collection. A bunch of the others are currently in a beach party diarama my wife built, but nobody wants to see that I'm sure, lol...
  16. I'm in the middle of rewatching the series right now, but I'm going to stop just before I reach "Pegasus" then wait for the DVDs. A long, long way, I'm sad to say. But at least I don't have to travel 600 miles to get 2.5 like I did for 2.0. They delayed it like 4 months here in Canada. Of course, while I was down in the States I found my Black Elektra, so...
  17. So it's confirmed then? Or at least as confirmed as anything can be until you actually start to see clips. I'd just heard Surfer, but wondered if they'd modify his origin because Galactus would be something too huge (pun intended) to do live-action, even these days. I know it's lame but I was sort of hoping they were going to do the Moleman. Hey, it's a classic. If dorky...
  18. Never thought of the Creeper! Okay, he's on my WL now too. Oh, and the Scarecrow. Classic Aninmated of course...
  19. Beautiful setup luke314pi, I especially like Silver Surfer on Galactus's shoulder. Still waiting on mine and I was planning on doing the same thing! I'll try and get some picks of mine up soon...
  20. My comic shop guys told me yesterday that the new Marvel isn't even available yet for him to order, so it looks to be at least July, if not later. The DC ones ARE available for order though, he told me, and he placed it last week. I still hope the Marvel ones come out first though, 'cause I can't wait for Beast! Thats been on my wishlist since the very beginning. And yeah, Cage looks lame, but they can't all be perfect, can they? I dunno...
  21. Booster Gold and GL are definitely at the top of my list, plus a spare GL so I can make an easy custom John Stewart. As for wish lists, Hawkgirl and Hawkman, most definitely...
  22. Battlestar Galactica 2.5 is due out in North America on September 19th and will include an extended version of the episode "Pegasus", as well as 10 hours of bonus features...
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