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Everything posted by Valo487

  1. I think that would be an awesome wave.
  2. What did non-powered human Galactus look like? And I have no doubt Mirymate knows more than the Marvel writers, most of them don't even bother to pretend like they know anything anymore. And the job of Editor at Marvel must be purely ceremonial.
  3. I second the love for Boomerang, I always thought his costume would make a really cool 'mate.
  4. If it's not I'm fine with that as long as they don't turn it into a Rehash wave, we've had a lot of those lately.
  5. I really hope you guys are right, I'm totally up for this wave. I hope the Spidey variants are more interesting, like Noir, Negative Zone, a new 2099. Although maybe Noir should wait till Hammerhead gets a 'mate.
  6. If Lukes right.....that would be awesome!!
  7. I'm completely for dead characters getting made, I'm simply annoyed at what sounds like an excuse why Winter Soldier wasn't made. I think they missed out on the possibility of two strong waves for both Thor and Captain America, and had to come up with an excuse why this very important character hasn't been made and the best shot we had at getting him has passed. Just say you haven't gotten to him yet, don't dream up facile excuses when it takes two seconds to think of examples that contradict you.
  8. I'm psyched for these, look forward to picking up both sets.
  9. I am psyched for these, and the Mummy set as well, that sarcophagus is awesome. I really hope the Invisible Man and maybe the Phantom of the Opera make an appearance at some point.
  10. I do have one question, I just realized it. If Frankie Raye is dead and we can get a 'mate of her, can someone ask Chuck why we can't get a Winter Soldier? Seems to me we have lots of dead characters as 'mates and that wasn't an issue then.... Kraven, Sabretooth, Gwen Stacy, the beat goes on....
  11. I'm with Mr. Oat, Morg to me looks the coolest, even though he's a character I'm not very familiar with. I also wanted to say I'm glad Zach survived his encounter with the Headless Horseman years ago.
  12. Thanks! I really hope he gets released at some point, I think his design is just as strong as any other Universal Monster.
  13. I still can't believe we may never see a Winter Soldier 'mate. That really sucks.
  14. I have. I'm hoping it means characters that have been on the black list at Marvel, like The Jackal and Kaine. They've been seldom seen or heard from since the Clone Saga. I'd totally buy a Clone Saga wave though.
  15. Picked up the Villager set tonight. Can't wait for the box sets to drop. Can someone post a link to the Invisible Man 'mate? And did DST ever say what their plans were for him?
  16. They all look great, and it's incredibly refreshing to see a box set full of new characters. I know we had the Galactus MAX, but.....c'mon. I only wish Firelord had made it, I always liked his look, but this is a very sweet disappointment.
  17. Some of you are really not getting the point I'm trying to make. I'm saying when we know a Spidey wave is coming, I find it disheartening that some members here are popping up with "I never got this guy, so we need a new one" or "Its been a while since we got this guy, he could use a redo." At this point in the line we shouldn't be getting waves that are 66% rereleases, or box sets that are 75% rereleases when there is so much they've never gotten to yet. I'm simply making the point that DST is very prone to rereleases and if we don't want that to become the standard it might not be the best idea to say "We want a new Shocker or Kraven just because" when the odds of that happening are far more likely than some of you give credit for. I agree some do need it, and said as much, but I guess that never quite sunk in. We know Zach Oat reads the board and posts, so even though we do not have that much influence, which I acknowledged already, they do see what we say. But whatever, I'm really tired of trying to make a thought out argument when the response I'm getting is "Theres always going to be retreads, get used to it, they don't listen to us anyway." I don't have to like it, and I want to give DST my money, forgive me if it's not for characters I already have. This line could become the biggest representation of the Marvel Universe, but this majority retread in new waves is getting really old. I'm tired of being excited about 2-3 'mates out of a 7 figure wave.
  18. Decided to mix it up a little bit. I'm splitting my list into top ten Heroes and Villains, I will always prefer new villains to heroes to even out the ratio but don't want to neglect the heroes either. Top 10 Heroes: -Winter Soldier -Luke Cage (a good modern one) -Puma -Constrictor -Havok (Modern) -The Prowler -Commander Steve Rogers -Darkhawk -Venom (Flash Thompson) -Tigra Top 10 Villains -Baron Zemo -Boomerang -Toad -Pyro -Blizzard -Hammerhead -Grey Gargoyle -Tiger Shark -The Hood -Mister Fear (Larry Cranston) Spider-Man variants: Noir, Negative Zone, Dark blue glossy 2099. Wolverine variants: Weapon X, head dome full blown Weapon X Wolverine. Iron Man variants: Iron Man 2020 Box sets: Wrecking Crew, Alpha Flight
  19. *sigh* I know retreads will always be here, I've even said that some characters need them, like Rhino, Spider-Man 2099, Kingpin, I'm simply making the point that Sandman and Hydro-Man do not merit them either due to lack of popularity or the fact they have had four versions already. When DST makes rereleases we need to encourage them to do them in a way that's positive and updates characters who really need it, not just because someone on here couldn't find one for what they wanted to pay for it or because they aren't happy with the four versions we have already. The Marvel universe is too rich to pend it playing in the sand all day. I know my opinion doesn't represent everyone, but I am really starting to wonder why anyone thinks just because the version we got isn't their favorite that means we need another one. At this stage in the line, we shouldn't be getting box sets with only one new character or waves with FOUR retreads with a new army builder and a character no one was clamoring for. If they want to put out a new Spider-Man 2099 as a way to get a new character on the shelf, that's great, but some of you want a wave with five retreads and one new character. That may be what we get, but I'm certainly not going to hope for that. I'm puzzled why I'm having to make the case for new characters on this board of all places.
  20. My main concern is someone from DST will read this and think "Wow, there's a market for a fifth Sandman! Forget Morbius, we've already got most of the Sandman parts made!" and we push back a shot at something new. We need to realize we are a minority voice. We are only a fraction of the minimate buying public, and most of that public already has a Sandman(or four...) and once they've checked that box they move on. We need to use the little influence we have to try to get characters/changes we otherwise wouldn't have, not let our inner fanboy take over because we don't like the hairpiece used for someone or the shade of green their shirt is. We have been beating the drum for Kang, the Wrecking Crew, Baron Zemo and Winter Soldier for a while, with little result. Maybe we shouldn't send the message that constant character retreads is a good thing.
  21. I don't have an issue with the character, I just think it could have been done better. Why not have him be Robbie Robertson's son or Ultimate Prowler so we at least have some knowledge of the character? I think why it annoys me is it is a publicity stunt. Not the half Black half Hispanic character, but the way they had to kill Peter Parker to do it. Why not let him just walk away from the costume like he's wanted to in the past, so we could have at least kept him as a supporting character in the boom while the new guy learns the ropes? And Ultimatum is a disgusting book. I really, REALLY want to know what the hell Jeph Loeb said that made them think letting him destroy an entire universe of books he didn't even help create was a good idea.
  22. The movie version to me is dead on, and since all 'mates are in the same scale I feel it works perfectly with the comic series. If we got a new Sandman it would likely be the movie version with a different face. I don't see that as being a big seller personally. I think some of this comes down to very nitpicky desires, when the line has had four versions of one character and you're hoping for more as opposed to something new that just seems shortsighted to me. Hydro Man only exists as a mate because DST likes to throw in one obscure character to most boxsets and was only made because he could be pieced together from existing parts. Expecting new tooling to be devoted to him is a long shot.
  23. I guess I'm overly sensitive about the constant retreads because one of the 'mates I wanted most was Winter Soldier, but because of the constant movie waves and the wasted opportunity DST refused to utilize who knows if we'll ever get one. We still have no Falcon, no Baron Zemo, no Kang, so to hear people trying to stir up support for even more retreads than we already get is frustrating in a big bad way.
  24. I don't get the desire for all the updates at all. We've had four different versions of Sandman, what else is left to do with him? I don't get why you guys want redos more than new characters. I'd rather have Will o' the Wisp before on redo personally. Rhino needs it the most, let's get him redone before we start redoing every 'mate that ever was. Please don't give DST the idea that what we want is more retreads.
  25. That Goblin design was infinitely better than the movie design, and would have played to Willem Dafoe's strengths as an actor (rent Shadow of the Vampire) if you don't believe me. And I am no fan of Alex Ross usually.
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