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Everything posted by Webhead

  1. Thundercats would rule. Bring on Robotech and my life would be complete!
  2. :spiderham: :spideysense2: :spiderman2099: :blackspidey: Iron Spidey rocks too! I'm in love!!!!!!!!!
  3. awesome work fujis!! :blackspidey: and :spiderham: I love it!
  4. I think the Warbird's face is great. Captures her attitude! Great work on both...the tray and drinks are a nice touch.
  5. caught this thread late but I just want to say I'm here to stay...AA was too restrictive and this place immediately feels just like home.
  6. Dude that Hunter sig rules! I loved that show!
  7. Peter Parker/Spider-Man hands down for all 3...I totally agree!
  8. Thanks everyone for the comments. I loved doing the AOA and the GI Joes. I still have some more of both to finish still. I designed decals in Adobe Illustrator and printed them off. I used a combo of both, but for the more complex ones definitely decals. I'm not the seasoned painter like Luke!
  9. Enjoy them man, we all owe you a big thanks for putting this board together!!
  10. Thanks man! I appreciate everyone's feedback! Apocalypse was done earlier this year, right around the same time as Holocaust.
  11. Mr. Sinister Thanks to antacost for giving me suggestions on the design of the cape (among other things). I did try something different by using grocery twistie ties for the back of the cape. It worked great as they were flexible enough to give me angles that I needed. I am really happy with this custom, probably my favorite of the more recent ones.
  12. Apocalypse Just as he appears back in the X-Men comics he appears on my customs thread. I really like how he turned out. Now Holocaust has a daddy!
  13. The Age of Apocalypse... Holocaust The son of Apocalypse came over with Nate Grey when the Age of Apocalypse ended (or supposedly ended). The camera doesn’t pick up the yellow highlights in the paint. He looks too orange here. I used sculpey for his arm gun, plastic for his armor, and a plastic lid for his dome. Here's another pic with the flash Another from the Age of Apocalypse... Abyss Abyss variant made him with some unraveled arms. I might take another pic after I put some more bends into the arms. Here's a side shot of his hair. I drybrushed white highlights into the hair. You can't see it in the looks better in person.
  14. Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow Yo Joe!!! I like the angry look Storm Shadow has. Cobra Commander Snake Eyes needed some evil to fight so why not start at the top. He definitely needs some henchmen and Destro to yell at. I used an Iron Man mask for his helmet
  15. The Sentry The Sentry is quite possibly my favorite custom (next to Hobgoblin). Another character Bendis brought back, this time in New Avengers. Here's the Sentry sticking to Carnage as seen in New Avengers #2. Luke Cage I'm obsessed with New Avengers. New Avengers Assemble!!!! I need to take a new pic now that I have Spider-Woman
  16. Puprle Man My brother gave me Alias to read. I was skeptical but I loved it. I love how Bendis turned this chump into a real threat so I had to bring him to life as a minimate. Purple Man's power allows him to control the will of others. Wherever he goes, the ladies can't get enough of him!
  17. Scarlet Spider The spider symbol took forever to design. I didn't have a spare set of Powerman's bracelets so I created my own web shooters from sculpey. Here's another shot Sin-Eater I'm working on his shotgun right now. I'll update the pic when I get it done. Shadowcat Colossus looked lonely so I had to get Kitty Pryde up there to keep him company. Her 80's costume comes complete with big hair!
  18. When I have time I will update this so it's links instead of pics but for now just wanted to get these back up. Iceman This was my first custom Hobgoblin He's one of my favorites. I love the way his sculpted cape came out. He was my first true custom as it involved painting, scultpting, and decal design. Here's a shot of the cape
  19. How is that slingbox? When I see that I think Jim Rome
  20. i'm all for a banner to help out with the costs
  21. Sweet work Tim! Love me some Black Queen!
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