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Donny B

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Everything posted by Donny B

  1. Sweet petunia pie! This is excellent news, indeed :biggrin: I guess I can stop working on my Thor custom now :tongue: But I think the coolest part of the news (for me) was the fact that MMMV is one of the sites being used for one of the reveals. Talk about a sweet deal
  2. That makes 3 to you guys who got it: Fujis blacksun1520 A.J.V. Send me a PM with the address you want me to mail the minimates to
  3. Random Happiness Giveaway! (te he he) I scored three Ghost Rider/DareDevil 2 packs from Target yesterday. The first three people (who haven't gotten a set already) to post in this thread with the phrase "blarg blarg honk" will get one for free Thanks Ady and JL for letting me have my own little giveaway
  4. Dude, that's pretty hot! I'm going to have to check and see if my local Target has that same set. I don't think I've ever seen it before...
  5. haha... thats great! I love the trickery with the title Good stuff =P
  6. Congrats, guys! Well deserved wins on all accounts
  7. "Yes to the first, yes to the second, but only insofar as we keep to the shallows as much as possible." "uhh... that seems a bit contradictory, captain" Oh riiiight... well, in that case... yes to the first hahaha... sorry, I've been watching Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest too much Good job with the guess, Luke. I was afraid as I was making the card, that I would give myself away with it. So I tried something that was slightly not-my-normal-style so as to attempt to throw you off (a lot of good that did ) I was this close (hold up fingers) to putting an MMA logo on it jk Glad I was able to give you something you could make good use of! Let me know what projects they contribute to
  8. Top 5 christmas cookies that rock my face off and back on again: 1) sugar cookies (a staple! you cant have christmas without a frosty-the-snowman sugar cookie) 2) double chocolate raspberry chip cookies 3) oatmeal fudge bars 4) snickerdoodles 5) almond cheesecake fudge squares
  9. I would absolutely love to do it via chat, but the way my holiday season has been going, I seriously doubt I will have the time to sit down long enough to do the chat... so I guess I will have to vote thread.
  10. My 2006 year was overall, very awesome: In February I started my new job, which, although beyond full time, is the most fun and rewarding experience I've ever had. And I get to do it nearly every day I made inroads with a very personal and intimate friend... we had a rough patch, worked through it, and grew closer. If only she wasn't interested in some other guy... I finally came to grips with my own mortality. Long story, but the outcome led me to appreciate life soooo much more. I got my first laptop. It may sound trite, but I needed this sucker. I layed out more than 2 grand for it, and it was totally worth it. I now have a tool that will enable me to produce the digital art and videos that I've been dreaming of producing for years... I made a new best friend, which was a much needed thing for me, since my three closest friends have all moved away from me over the past few years (whether it be college or going to Iraq). I befriended this one dude who is exactly what my life was now void of. I got a new car for a very small price, which totally rocks, since I don't have a huge income. And I finally relaunched Minimate Adventures, after more than a year of trying to get the relaunch off the ground. That alone made it a good year
  11. Yeah, I got mine today too Thanks a bunch, JL! You rock
  12. Issue 85 is up Lurch77 especially should get a kick out of this one... I hope...
  13. Yeah, you do this as a huge favor - you have no requirements to send this stuff out (at least not that I know of). So there's no need to feel like you should be blamed for anything. Even if you take another 2 months to get the stuff out... you're still doing something nice for people, that you (again, as far as I know) aren't getting anything in return for. You're a pretty cool guy! We really appreciate all that you do!
  14. Oh sheesh... that's crazy, Luke! mad props!
  15. I just happened to have gotten some glam shots done a few weeks ago... just in time to show off my hot bod! Hahahaha, just kidding Actually, thats part of an image that I did for a photoshop contest. This is the real me (not my best pic ever... but it's the most current)
  16. Mine is pretty self explanatory, and I almost feel kinda dumb stating this, since y'all could probably figure it out on your own... Donny B is my nickname. My first name is Donald (though nobody calls me that except stiff old smelly people) and my last name... are you ready for this? ... begins with a B. My avatar requires a slightly more elaborate explanation: I used to be pretty heavily involved in an photoshop competition called "Photoshop Phun". The premise is that you are given an image and you have to do something creative to it - what you do is completely up to you, but you have to alter it in some way. The more creative/professional your alteration, the better your chances of winning. One of the first entries I submitted was an image of a pineapple. I worked it into a photo of a guy listening to headphones and created what I have come to call "Pineapple Head". I didn't win the competition, but there was something about that image that just stuck with me ... he has become my trademark, basically, and I use it as my avatar for pretty much every site I am involved in.
  17. Both of those are superb! it's pretty evident that you spent a lot of time on these. Great job
  18. Alrighty... this week's update is a pretty special one - go check out Issue # 83, which was written by none other than Fujis! Unfortunately, I totally screwed up what he had written it out to be. I misunderstood part of his script, and ended up changing it to something that I thought would flow a bit better... only to find out that I wrote the original humor out of it completely. *hangs head in shame* But alas. It's there, and there's still some laughableness left intact...
  19. Good eye. Yeah, I had totally forgotten all about this thread... I wrote that little blurb about not knowing where the parts came from before the Quick Customs contest over at MMC. I decided to use my James Bond as my entry, so I had to go through and find what parts I had used. I would have thought to update this, but like I said - I forgot this thread existed Yeah, you got it all pretty much right. The gun came from a set of guns/ammo/artilery that I picked up at TRU. I'll have to look up the brand name... I don't remember it off the top of my head. Oh, and the Phoenix is just a paint job. I taped off what I didn't want green, and just used an airbrush. I let it dry, took the tape off, and it pretty much turned out the way you see it (I had to do some minor touchups with a brush) And I think I may be making some new danglers this year...
  20. Because I couldn't wait any longer... and I don't think I'm going to have time to finish my other designs... and I'm afraid that someone else is going to enter the same thing that I've already made before I post it (it's happened before... ), here are my two entries: 800 x 600, 1024 x 768, 1280 x 800 800 x 600, 1024 x 768, 1280 x 800
  21. I cut the peg off the chair and glued a minimate peg (cut off of a minimate torso piece) in it's place. I tried to make it as functional as possible, so that if I ever feel the need to have someone else sit in the chair for whatever reason, it will be easy and simple to switch them out.
  22. It's really hard to accurately convey emotions/attitudes via the internet. I wasn't trying to sound like I was groveling or anything. I was just saying a 'my bad' for not getting the updates posted according to the schedule that I had set up. And yes, real life will always be more important. Family, friends, job... and I am seriously anticipating a very busy Christmas season this year, so don't be too dissapointed if I miss another week or two before January Anyway, I finally got the stuff done. Issues 81 & 82 are up, and hopefully issue 83 & a special bonus issue will be ready for next week If any of you get the Benji gag, let me know. I threw it in kinda at the last minute, and I'm afraid that it may be a bit too vague to be funny...
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