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Jay Tigran

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Everything posted by Jay Tigran

  1. I really hope we get new molds for the PKE, packs, and guns. If not, I'll still be happy I'm a lot happier with these than with any of Mattel's works lately...
  2. Yah know, I was watching the cartoon the other day, and the equipment was really black with blue highlights... but I agree, a new gun sculpt would be nice. Other than the gun sculpt (and potentially the pack sculpt) I am more than impressed with how these look
  3. They.Look. AWESOME!!!!! and Egon's lips were always pretty pronounced in the cartoon
  4. I have no idea what you're talking about... >.>
  5. It'll probably be Buster/Ghost with Slimer counted as a Buster. That's just my guess. And you are correct, there was a Demon Egon when one of his machines malfunctioned, and a Were-Chicken Egon. There's a few I'd like to see (including those, those are good choices) -Mrs. Rogers/Watt (old woman or Demon) with Bird accessory -Sandman (was just a cool episode) -Anti-Ghostbusters [This could be a special 4-pack too] (all 4 guys in original colored uniforms with stay-puft residue and their skin is transparent green) -PeopleBusters [another 4-pack with PB Janine in place of Winston] -Makeover Lotsabucks -Professor Dweeb -The Slob & his brother the Sleaze -The Ghost Eater -Louis there's a lot more they could do...this could be interesting to see what they come up with.
  6. besides the Video Game 4-pack it's always been Human/Ghost from what I remember I'm curious what the Egyptian Ghost is... I think it's Blackie from "The Long, Long, Long, Etc. Goodbye"
  7. I'm interested in seeing how they pull off the hair... but more so the equipment. The pack, PKE, and trap all look different then their movie counterparts. Guess we'll just wait and see
  8. I say buy what you want. I got bored of the mattel line, but I still love the Minimates. So I buy the minimates.
  9. I'm quite interested to see how he looks too.... but Yay! this sounds awesome!
  10. A semi-expected reuse, the blue T-Dog was seen in the episode 'Egon's Ghost' and Yay! BoogyMan!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. BEST MINIMATE (top 3 choices) - Vigo - Statue of Liberty - Scoleri Brother Nunzio WORST MINIMATE (top 3 choices) - Mayor of New York - "World of the Psychic" Peter Venkman - Ready to Believe Dana Barrett BEST ACCESSORY (top 3 choices) - Peter Venkman's 'gooey' Hair Piece - Hairless Cat - 'Happy new Year!' Hat WORST ACCESORY (top 3 choices) - Dana's Jacket - ... -... BEST ACCESSORIZED MINIMATE (top 3 choices) - Ghostbusters 2 Egon Spengler (Dark Gray version) - - BEST WAVE OR BOXED SET (top 1 choice) - Ghostbusters 2 SlimeBlower Boxset WORST WAVE OR BOXED SET (top 1 choice) - Ready to Believe Boxset BIGGEST SLEEPER- "didn't see that one coming" - unexpectedly good, an unsung hero (top 3 choices) - SlimeBlower Ray - SlimeBlower Winston - Theatre Ghost BEST VARIANT- not just a labeled variant, but an alternate version of a previously released figure (top 1 choice) - Courtroom Egon WORST VARIANT- not just a labeled variant, but an alternate version of a previously released figure (top 1 choice) - Ready to Believe Ray SEXIEST MINIMATE (top 3 female and top 3 male characters) - Ghostbusters 2 Janine Melnitz - Statue of Liberty - Dana Barrett - Ready to Believe Peter - Courtroom Egon - Tony Scoleri BIGGEST PAIN IN THE ASS TO OBTAIN- That one particular minimate you went through hell to obtain in 2010 (top 1 choice) - SDCC Ghostbusters 'Logo' Blank BEST FACIAL EXPRESSION- That particular minimate face you thought was hilarious or just darn right perfect for thar certain character (top 3 choices) - Courtroom Egon - Gooey Winston - Gooey Egon BEST HAIRPIECE (top 3 choices) - Ghostbusters 2 Peter - Courtroom Egon - Vigo BEST MINIMATE VEHICLE (top 1 choice) MINIMATE IN MOST NEED OF AN UPDATE- any mate from your collection that is in desperate need of a cosmetic overhaul/update (top 3 choices) - Janine Melnitz - Courtroom Peter - Ready to Believe Boxset!
  12. While I kind of figured this would happen, I was hoping to hear something new...oh well
  13. I want to see what the packs/throwers look like...I really hope they remolded them to look like the toons WooHoo! GB outfit Janine...I wonder what the color scheme will be I wonder what he means by "GB Slimer"
  14. This is GREAT news!!!!! I'm glad they specified Janine was in her office attire, means they will be making a GB suit variant too *crosses fingers*
  15. Hey everybody! Got some good news from the world of ArtAsylum!
  16. even without the images I needed the archive is currently up to date on all mates released so far, their accessories, and a quote from or about each character. I will be starting reviews shortly, if you wish to review a mate or 2 let me know
  17. I think Series 4 should have completed any remaining sets GB1 Janine GB2 SlimeBlower Winston in charcoal Gray GB1 Old Lady Librarian GB1 Demon Librarian I say this because the Librarian we got is like in mid transformation... anyways: Does anyone have High Quality scans of the artwork on the side of the Ready to Believe boxset and GB2 SlimeBlower boxset? I need them for my site (no scanner) In case you're wondering, it's the artwork of the GBs (& Dana's) faces I will of course credit you for the original scans
  18. You would think, after more than a year of them saying the Ecto-1 is not in their agreement, that people would stop asking the question.
  19. This is awesome, can't wait to see what they roll out for the Real Ghostbusters!!!!
  20. This is fantastic!!!! Can't wait to see what they come out with besides the 4 guys, slimer, and Janine who do you want to see in RGB MiniMate form? and they may not be able to do Fearsome Flush as he was not in the cartoon, merely the toy line which may have it's own set of licensing red tape...
  21. I don't think Canada has gotten any of the GB Minimates in TrU
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