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Everything posted by Alpheon

  1. PARENTAL ADVISORY. You were bored, I assume, Chazwinski?
  2. I finally found my Holy Grail of comics: the 2005 6-issue comic miniseries based upon the Irrational Games computer enterainment video game, Freedom Force. I'd been looking for it for a couple years, and the guy at my semi-local comic shop made my day, finding it in a box under another box under a table in the back of the store. I also picked up my other must-have item, Sam & Max: Surfin' the Highway Anniversary Edition. Love it--I've read it about four times in the past week and a half.
  3. I've desperately tried to hold myself back from buying any of the Heroes. They're so flippin' cool--but with them having no articulation (very little play value), and me having no display space, I'm more than certain they'd just wind up in a box under my bed. They're sooo awesome, though! What do you do with yours, Deadpool?
  4. Wow. Just about peed myself with laughter over "Concrete Man." But, still, I'm impressed with their ambition. I really, really wish they'd gone with the Megaman 8 look, though, but I'm sure others will want to crucify me over that statement. Strangely enough, I felt the same way, Deadpool, when I heard the announcement about Chex Quest 3. Long live the classics!
  5. Bought 'em all yesterday. VERY happy with the innovative and simply incredible Salaak. Even if you've never heard of a Green Lantern, he's worth picking up. His head comes off rather easily, though. I'm hoping Sinestro's large head can be used for a Freedom Force Blitzkrieg custom... Sinestro himself is a nice figure, too. Well executed, but his hair sometimes looks like it's just--I dunno, "sitting" on his head. Like a stiff toupee. Also, he strangely has the "big" lantern used more appropriately for Kilowagg and Salaak, as opposed to the smaller mold. Not whining, DST! You did a fine job! After my instense anticipation of Soviet Supes and Diana...they seem, underwhelming, somehow. I have no idea how they could be improved, and it's probably just a personal thing. I built them up to be the coolest figures ever, and...well, they're not. I haven't opened the others. More on them later. I know you'll be waiting on bated breath.
  6. Very, very nice. I left the forums for about an hour, and when I came back...well, I figured everyone was celebrating my return.
  7. Excuse me, sir? It says right there: Just read the whole article. Or, better yet, skip to the end. Don't just look at the pictures. That just makes confusion from ignorance. And, on a side note, does anyone have any suggestions on how to resurrect Vic through this Minimate (how to make Renee Jackson lookin' like our man Question)?
  8. That was freaking awesome. Very well done. I remember seeing that a long time ago--very impressed with the Stormtrooper 'mates, I might add. I can see them as real figures. :wishfulthinking:
  9. Havoc, as you know, I'm impressed. And Dan, I'm impressed with you, too! The car blowing up was actually (don't read this if you relish that "magical" quality that comes with ignorance) Havoc 05 is great at stuff like this, and will no doubt be bringing us more in the future. I bet no one can guess where the majority of the other sound effects came from...including the last thug's weird plea for his life... Havoc, maybe you should upload that little short with sleeping Spider-Man and venomous Venom? EDIT: Holy crap. I hadn't even noticed the voice saying "Suicide" in that sound clip. Oops.
  10. Yeah, it didn't feel as...uh, I dunno--epic as the others. It seemed almost as if this kind of thing is what Indy does in his spare time. I think it's because it didn't really focus on him as much as it focused it on the supporting characters. Geeknote: Did anyone notice just how incredibly similar Irina's death was to what the God Machine did in Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis? And yes, I agree with everyone else: the vine swinging (and Prairie dogs) carried that Lucas humor hokiness. And I don't say that flatteringly. The big damn ants, as well as the refridgerator explosion scene were both amazing, inventive, well executing scenes--two of my favorite moments in any movie in all time. However, they both seemed rather random, out-of-place, and unexplained in KotCS. The ants, while being a sort of staple of Indy films, didn't make a whole lot of sense. I mean, what the heckinda ants do that?? The ending went too fast. The wedding, the weird little scene with the gust of wind, and then the credits...and how did they get back to civilization? Mexican music in Peru? How is it that Indy, after getting out of the fridge and looking at ground zero, didn't immediately become one huge radioactive lesion? You can't just "wash someone down" after something like that...ah, plot holes. All this said, it was worth seeing. I did like it--even after weeks of praying to the heavens, "Please, PLEASE God: don't let it be "
  11. Y'know what was cool? The forties (fifties?) Captain America serials. Freakin' awesome. I'm serious. And, y'know what else? I don't even necessarily know how "cool" it really is, but the Hanna-Barbera F4 will always hold a special place in my childhood heart (yes, it was really old even when I was young, but still).
  12. Very nicely put. But we can't forget James Tucker, Timm's...I dunno, "assistant"? The other Timm. As for Evolution, I had no idea it had the same team as Beast Wars. I was a devotee of Wars and Beast Machines, but didn't really go for Evolution. My sister, who was four at the time, had a major "thing" for it. I have no idea why. Next Avengers looks like another something my sister would like, and X-Men...well, it seems like they both take themselves a little too seriously. Besides the many Timm series, that seems to be a general trait of all superhero cartoons, unfortunately--the 90's Spider-Man series being a prime example. Anyone ever watch Spider-Man Unlimited? It had maybe thirteen episodes, and quit right in the middle. "Extraordinary" is not a phrase I'd use in context with it, but it was a mildly fun ride.
  13. You mean the Backstage one? It looked promising, except it's all one piece--a fold-up "carry away" meant for convenience. And, Reideen? I do plan on getting that one. Not what I would've perferred in the ideal situation, but beggars can't be choosers. Thanks, guys, for the helpful input.
  14. I agree with blacksun. That's a buttload of Mini's in what--two? Three months? Holy crap! And, welcome. On a side note: creepy avatar. And--jeez--it blinks!
  15. Hey, all. I was torn as to where to put this--"Where are they now?", right here, or The Minimates Arms. Please forgive if this is misplaced or redundant. I was wondering if any of you, in your worldly travels, had found a suitably compatible boxing ring for the Italian Stallion to whoopass in. Anything? Perhaps a Kubrick playset, or even a bootleg Galactic Heroes something or other? Maybe a model set of another license? Really appreciate your time. My Rocky Minimates are in the mail from the Big Bad Toy Store, and I couldn't help but imagine Creed and Rocky kickin' each other's butts in a Minimate-sized ring... * sigh *
  16. I'm finally picking up the Rocky mini's. Thanks, God Magnus!
  17. I'm pretty darn sure there was no such thing in the movie, and I'm also pretty darn sure I was watching all throughout. Ah, well. We'll know once one of us gets an overseas DVD copy...
  18. I feel your pain. Same thing happened to me at Transformers--except, not only did they not expand the screen, the volume had to be cranked way louder than necessary in order to compensate for the fact that it was only coming out of the left side. That's right: I saw Transformers in Mono. It was pretty bad. Anyway, Havoc 05 and I are going to go see the Iron Man tommorow. I got the novel for my birthday, but still haven't gotten through it yet...I know how it opens, though. :biggrin:
  19. WOW. I thought the show looked unimaginably stupid, at first--but then I hear that Weird Al's doing a voice, and now these toys...those are PFA. Beautiful. I don't know why, either; I think it's the gimmick-lessness that draws me to them. Gorgeous.
  20. Thanks, Seanus! Really do appreciate it. Haven't tried it out yet, but I will soon.
  21. It seems such a simple process. But to the uninformed, it's an unexplained wonder. How do pics from Halo 3 wind up on the internet? On people's computers? Heck, on paper? I figured one of you would know, and if you'll be kind enough to forgive my ignorance, I'd be very appreciative. To clarify: I'd like to know how to rip pics (and videos, perhaps) taken in the Theater mode of Halo 3 and put them on my computer. Or, whether or not it can it actually be done. Thanks for your time. -Alpheon
  22. I'm tempted to go just for the Hell Spartan and Active Camo. Jeez, I have to have those, and I really hate eBay... Forgive me, but besides the cost of travel, what other expenses are there in going? Is there an entry fee? -Really, Really Ignorant
  23. Hey, guys. If you think it's dumb, blame me. I was the one who encouraged Havoc 05 to post it on YouTube, and then post it here. It was hilarious the first time I saw it on his computer--but since being opened to the masses, it seems to have lost some of its luster. I now understand it's pretty much a "you had to be there" thing. Sorry.
  24. Thank you, sir. Much appreciated. ...Wait. What happened to Kat?? He's also been gone forever. So, where are your customs? That's...unfortunate. Sitting in my basement. They're done, just not quite...we'll say, "perfected."
  25. Thank you, sir. Much appreciated. ...Wait. What happened to Kat??
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