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Everything posted by Ivan

  1. Apropos of nothing, really nothing at all... I'm curious as to what smartphones folks around here are using. OS version would be helpful too if you know. For example, Nexus One on Android 2.2, or HTC Incredible on Android 2.1, or an iPhone with iOS 4.1, etc. I purchased an HTC Evo last summer which is currently running Android 2.2. I'm not really a heavy phone user, but this has been a very nice device to have around. It's really turned a second brain for me. Just wish the battery life was better. After the latest system 'upgrade' from Sprint, I'm thinking about rooting it but I don't think I'm there yet.
  2. Wait 'til you see the one they're giving to Minimate website owners. Gator needs food, badly. (and anti-seizure medication)
  3. Before I settled on Minimate Labs for my Minimate related project website, it was going to be named Minimate Arts. I purchased the domain, designed the site, setup the backend. It was pretty much ready to go, until I drove by a local business seeking experimentation subjects volunteers. I can't recall the name of the business exactly, Apiculture Labs, Topiary Labs, Magnetohydrodynamic Labs, regardless it ended in 'Labs' and that seemed more attractive to me than 'Arts'. At the end of the year will expire. I don't see a compelling reason to renew it apart from that I'd rather not have it fall into the hands of spammers, domain squatters, or various other scum of the Internet. Anyone want it? I'm not offering hosting or anything like that, just the domain name. I'll transfer it to you if you want it, gratis. I've never transferred a domain, but from what I understand it takes about a week to complete the process. So sooner is better, it has to be complete before expiration. You'll probably have to pay to renew the subscription (with your registrar) after the transfer to keep it from expiring on Jan 1, 2011. Post or PM if you're interested or have questions.
  4. Don't know why those photos wouldn't be considered art. Thanks for the link.
  5. Is anybody seeing restocks of these? The last of the fire fighters sold out around here a couple weeks ago and I was hoping to pick up some more cops. Unfortunately, I haven't seen any new stock come in. They're probably not taking a risk with the lingering second and third shipments of Marvel 8 and Universal Monsters hanging on the pegs.
  6. Ah there we are, all I could find was the thumbnail. Looks to be the same shade of green as the first BB.
  7. Trying that now. Firefox doesn't make it easy.
  8. Aw crapola. It looks like it's been pulled. And I didn't save the pics. [Expletives deleted]
  9. I was just checking the NYCC photos at the AA gallery and came across this new entry: It looks like we are getting a "Santa Gator" this year. Even though it's yet another repaint I like it. It has an Iron Man-y feel. I hope it comes with a weapon accessory (a red one of these would be excellent). They probably didn't go to the trouble to tool a candy cane or anything that couldn't be reused. Hopefully it will be mentioned in the blog post whenever that shows up.
  10. I'm curious, how do you guys keep track of your extras? (If you do?) Cappy's Excel checklist, a simple text file, a physical notebook, an open source relational database? I've got a table in my local version of the database that holds pack quantities. Whenever I get back from the LCS or TRU or get a new order in the mail, anything that doesn't get opened gets a +1 in the quantity column. I just ran a SUM query on that table and the results were depressing. Gotta go place a few new orders. I've never been formally diagnosed with OCD, but one would have to be blind not to notice my... tendencies.
  11. I don't think I've ever had a face wear off like that. But, then again, I keep mine in a series of safety deposit boxes scattered throughout the Northeast, so they don't get handled that much. Yeah, I always figured the tampos were fairly resilient, but I don't wear sandpaper underpants anymore. Maybe I'm just out of touch with what all the kids are doing these days. Hellpop, have you been kicked out of the private room for taking too much time while 'opening' your safe deposit box? Twenty minutes just isn't enough time to fully reenact my "Spider-Men Versus the Cylons" space opera. I only keep them in abandoned missile silos now.
  12. Dead marmots (and mostly-dead marmots) are notoriously difficult to work with. I suppose it would be possible if you could obtain a dozen Curly Wurlys and an extra pair of rocket pants. As for the rest of you besmirching young felines named Ruffles, have you no concern for your own well-being? I once offended a kitten with an innocent comment about the length of her whiskers. She stole all my Cheerios, burned down my house, and bit the head off my chicken. *Quietly registers the domain for future use. Aww, he ain't so big. He's just tall that's all.
  13. Your activities are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
  14. It ain't that bad. You just need an infinite budget, infinite patience, a fleet of Predator drones, a spare brain, a fresh kitten named 'Ruffles', webbed toes, a case of Mellow Yellow and a pair of rocket pants. With that, anything is possible.
  15. Where the real money from the movie is made! Thor the T-shirt, Hawkeye the coloring book, Iron Man the lunch box, Captain America the breakfast cereal, Nick Fury the flame thrower!
  16. Looks like packaging shots were just posted at AA. Big ole base in that Magik/Warlock pack.
  17. It's good to know I'm not the only one not finding this set in store. After screwed up my order, I've been a little more antsy than usual about this set. Most of the time Minimates show up in my local stores about a week after they're first spotted. Since the Secret Wars box sets never made it to my TRUs I'm fearful these won't either. Has anybody found the Heroic Age sets in a physical store yet? Wasn't it just that small batch of sets available online?
  18. Updated the site with some new renderings based on that Tron Spider-Man variant covers that MiniFiend UK posted about. More images and a background in the link if you're interested.
  19. I didn't have any issues with Angel's wings, but his feet gave me all sorts of problems. They just didn't have any rhythm. I fear he's never going to dance again.
  20. Better hurry, I've heard they're shutting down the costuming service just before Halloween.
  21. Haven't visited the site, but here are a few based simply on the banner. I promise it won't burn your retinas. The blinking means it's important. Just looks like a Geocities page! Bringin' the blink tag back bitches! Less annoying than this banner would have you believe.
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