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Everything posted by RSIxidor

  1. Good grief, I didn't think any hotels would be booking for next year yet. I better get to looking now!
  2. It is indeed where its going. I still think there's some stability issue when I saw it at the 'con but a simple fix would be to include proper sized plastic clips for the middle connection. This is really only an issue when its unfolded into the larger (what I guess is the 'lab') set. I'm still freaking out about Battle Beasts. They better do something cool with this. It will make me happy. Or else.
  3. I have green and blue AFX minimates and I need the Sunday black one. I also have extras of the green and blue and some of the red mates from Saturday. Make an offer.
  4. I don't think anyone answered this, the answer is Spock. When he said the battle beasts license was there's, he asked a question like, "What would you want?" I guess he meant ideas on which ones to release, but all I could say was "MOAR!!! MOAAAR!!!!!"
  5. From those I've talked to who've played it all the way, it might as well be.
  6. And what will befall Mr. Chef-looking guy? A green base? Its gonna look like he's had too many burritos.
  7. Slimer Edition 4-Pack at SDCC and with August Previews I am extremely excited now, for reals ya'll.
  8. Consider it confirmed. Its just a black blank with four legs, no extra arms, hands, or feet. So, can we put the terror dog pieces on another mate? Say the one wearing the shiny dress?
  9. At my TRU they have them sandwiched between Star Wars and Star Trek, guess that makes sense. I'm still scratching my head about where Ghostbusters will be.
  10. I found some BSG mates at the TRU in Lewisville, TX (Why didn't I preorder!?) Got Doral/Stealth C, Cavil/Tylium C, and Apollo/D'Anna They all look great, but be careful with Apollo's helmet, mine was a bit too tight and took me a good while to get back off.
  11. WHAT? I'm not even sure how we got from BSG to Harry Potter... perhaps someone should put away the model glue before posting wait so are they making harrypotter minimates No more glue for you either. But then how will he make the minimates?
  12. Clerks mates would be fantastical. I'd also enjoy several of these movies/TV shows, and some examples of what I want: (realize I'm all about the pipe dreams) Half Baked Anchorman (4-Pack from the fight scene, incl Brick w/ Grenade) Mash (I really just want a Radar w/ teddy bear and a Klinger in dress - Normal uniform should be exclusive and come with car parts in a bowl) Arrested Development (Gob w/ Segway ftw) I swear I had a big list in my head the other day that was much larger . . . oh well Maybe I'll do a whole Arrested Development and MASH wishlist later . . .
  13. I can see myself selling some crazy stuff for these things. I've never been a big Marvel or DC guy, but a lot of the ones that have been released are very tempting. I'll probably back track to find some of move/tv stuff (Rocky, old BSG, etc). I'm still not sure I even know what's out there. I'll figure it out.
  14. I actually registered on this forum because of this particular incident. I was super stoked about this set, and now I'm super stoked at the potential to find it cheaper. I also canceled my preorder, this was really my main reason to do so. I'll get the game later when the price drops.
  15. Hey everybody, I'm the new guy. Please don't make fun of me. I'm new to the whole Minimate craze altogether, the T2 and Ghostbusters releases are what drew me in. I already have all the TRU T2 packs, and I should have singles on hold to pick up next week, very excited about that. GB as well (I even had the Amazon preorder till that changed). I'm also a new BSG fan so I'm stoke about those. I also collect Transformers and Transformers-like products. So, yeah. Hi.
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