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Everything posted by jadian

  1. Any word on these yet? Been on the boat a while.... Some ebay'ers are saying release date of 10-11. Any one check with their LCS this week? I would but mine dislikes me..... imagine that!
  2. My LCS guy is an ass to me most of the time. He seems mad if I buy alot. Why would you complain if someone comes in and cleans your shelves off for you the same day they arrive? If more people want them, order more. I am glad they are more easily available in mass markets. I most likely will not return to him, unless I am in dire need. Internet, fellow board members, and TRU/Target get me by now. Although I did get my Javelin/Batcycle from him......
  3. I know this is going to reflect negatively upon me, but I have stolen. I feel you can all understand the lure of easy picking, if anyone can. I have an overwhelming urge to unburden myself of all the guilt I have been carrying around since I did it. It was impulsive, it was immature, but damn it, it felt good when I did it. I really needed it too and had no other way to get it........ I took 2 on FCBD............. Who was that tool on the old board that was so proud of his thefts, remember?
  4. The Juggernaut and Reed Richards??? Come on think about it, Jug's indestructible, and Richards has the white streaks in his he's very flexible??? Sorry just wanted to move this quiz along! Serious guess- Mimic is her father?
  5. Right on, she was a cool chick. She traded me my Black Electra, so I figured I'd make sure she knew where everyone went. I owed her as much. She really wanted a Night Crawler or Colosus too. If anyone knows how to get her attention, I'd hook her up with the new Target packs when I can find them. Thanks for the confirm TBT. It's good to be back among good folks!
  6. Thanks to all who have welcomed me, and HUGE thanks to anyone that remembers me too. It's nice to be known, if even a little bit. Glad to have you back too Kale, I missed you bro! Anyone know about She-hulk? I didn't see that name on the member list?
  7. Damn, MManhunters are worth $20?!?!?!?! Wow. Mini Javelins $200?!?!?!?! Wow. I could retire..... $1000 really doesn't seem like an unreasonable amount. I'd say I have easily that into my mates collection. Now, no one take offense to that, I am NOT bragging as much as commiserating. Because I have spent that much to get it does not mean it is WORTH that much. We all need to realize that, HAR especially. Your GSXM's are still cool and all, but rereleasing them will not knock more than $10-15 off your bottom line, tops. You still have the cool box with yours. I'd say if you are that worried, get 'em sold on Ebay as quick as you can. My ML Golitah dropped in overall value by about 1/2 when they rereleased it, but such is, ya know? I still sold it for $40 and bought alot more toys in return. OOOOoooo wait, does that make me a scalper? Can a toy collector really be such a dreaded thing? If you profiteer on something you work hard to find, to be able to buy more of what you buy, where is the problem? That doesn't make me a stinky Hot Wheels guy does it? (you all know what I mean) If HAR wants to try to sell a bag of MM's for $20 a pop, more power to him if he can. If people pay $20 for one, atleast they got a chance to buy one. How many here never even got a chance? Just my 2 bits to this whole Scapler/Collection Value/I'm better arguement (which is what it is). My Bit-Char-G collection however kicks all your'all's asses.
  8. NO TOYFARE EXCLUSIVE!!! Remember all the head aches, ulcers, and fist fight offers over the PM/IF pack? No one would pre-order ANY through them because we could get them sooner at a convention. Can I get a witness...... Oh and Bats old cowl is different in that proto pic isn't it? I don't remember any faces painted ON the cowl, they were cut out to show the head under.
  9. Glad ya have me back and I am appreciated as much as ever!~
  10. They could have added 2 more SF charatcers without blowing their proverbial wad and only logically had more success, especially considering it IS a SF line. SF has 8-12-16-+ characters that have a larger draw. The SOTA line has done T.Hawk, Camy, Fei Long, the old dude, and many more without running out of core characters to put in each line. I'm not saying "make with the Skullomania figure" or anything either.... Any one consider the repaint theory? 3 Ryu's and 3 Akuma's in the first wave? Sounds like what we all complain about with 8 Wolverines, 7 Things, and 15 Spidermans. These were only re-paints also, no variations of costume design or accessories, with the Lilltih/Morrigan exception. Being a complete completist, I was very bummed to have to buy multiple repaints to be complete. Even though I LOVE SF and still fire ups the Genesis sometimes to play (we all know it's best on that console) I considered skipping the line completely because of the 2p repaints. When do we have to pony up for the 3p repaints???
  11. Shenanigans is right! But how used to it are we with ALL the lines by now? They're slow, they change, they leave, they come back. I agree that the Darkstalkers was a drag on the line though, regardless if you were a fan of the line or not. (I AM!) Imagine if the first wave of Marvel characters had had a Mastadon/Antibody 2 pack instead of Hulk/Banner? Or If wave 2 had a Scuzz/Blur 2 pack instead of BD Spidey/Venom? Sure those are a very similiar line, made by the same company, like the SF/DS connection, but one is a popular long lived line and one never really took off. It would have cut down on their overall sales and longevity simply because it would have appealed to a smaller market, like the DS characters. Ryu/Akuma, Chun Li/Bison, + Guile/Balrog-Honda/Dhalsim-Fei Long/Ken-T.Hawk/WHOEVER they would have sold better and still left multiple popular characters to choose from for wave 2. Distribution is an issue also. I know from my personal buying habits that I will order online to guarantee getting them and then if I see them in a store, I'll usually buy more just because it's cool to see them on a shelf. I know I will but the SF 4 pack if I see it in a store even though I x3 bought from AFX the entire line. So all they really did well was the design and production quality I guess. But what does it matter if they make a high quality toy that no one can get or that no one knows?
  13. Great looking heralds!!! I was working on Terrax when I quit toying months ago and had thought of doing all the heralds with Morg being 2.5" tall. I may still make him, but you guys have mostly done all of the others. Some one did Airwalker right? Maybe it was ol' Abe Drgnbrnr...... funny stuff man!
  14. OMG bad Brent Craig flashbacks!!! I have yet to see She-Hulk from Espania around the board, but I just may have missed her. Is it just me or does anyone else think she smoking hot? Thanks for the warm welcome and no worries on finding me. I kinda lost myself toy wise over the summer. Luke- I am working on some original customs, nothing from comics or movies. The DarkTide heads make for amazing......... ZOMBIES!!!! I'll post some pics in progress of a minimate version of my nephew I am working on. It's roughly 1.25-1.5 inches. He's only 5. It's kind of a fictional zombie piece I have been tinkering with. Think Dawn of the Dead meets Reign of Fire meets Blade meets Buttwoman 97. Gotta have some skin yo!
  15. I checked MMC just recently, but I guess I didn't realize there was a forum there too. MMHQ I thought was down because the main page loads info from May? Don't take any offense, but most of my topics on the old AA page went over like a turd in a punch bowl too....
  16. Good Job man, way to make em big too! Nice and healthy and off to a great start!
  17. This is where all you suckers went!~ Thanks for letting ME know!!! I thought everyone quit mates cause they quit coming out. Glad to see some old friends and new faces. AA forums suck huh? Anyways, I'm back too so we'll all catch up soon!!! For those who don't remember me, I once ate a Spiderman head (never confirmed passing if ya know what I mean), I provided Mini-Venom (pretty sure it was his fanfic) with his mate scale toilet, and I made a few unique customs.
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