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Everything posted by McDurg

  1. That looks really nice, although personally I'm a bigger fan of For A Few Dollars More(One of m favorite films of all time), and that Minimate set. It seems like a very nice set, but they could've picked better characters over Baxter and Marisol. They look good, but I would've liked to see maybe one of the Rojo's or Silvanito. But it's still looks like it's worth getting, thanks for the pics! Oh, and great The Good the Bad, and The Ugly quote. "When you have to shoot, shoot. Don't talk" was one of the best lines. Can't wait to get an Angel Eyes and Tuco.
  2. Damn, that is nice antacost. Did you sculpt the zipper on the mask and the parts on the pants?
  3. Ere' is my partner. Devilman, in his super threatening pose!
  4. Here they are, this is my first custom, so don't slaughter me. I present, Bizarnage! I used Game Workshop paint, a camel brush, Sculpey for the tentacles, the hands are from an extra cylon, and some time to do this annoying thing. Edit'd to add reference pic.
  5. Hey, I'll have mine up very soon. It's Bizarnage from Amalgam, I just need to upload.
  6. The problem has been solved, moc is helping a brother out. But thanks for the advice, much appreciated. Well, at least now I'll know where to post if somebody else breaks, Gawd, I hope It doesn't happen again, or at least not to somebody important(Ha! Who needs a Darktide Cyclops anyways?).
  7. I suppose I should have a mod move this thread. I just really want it fixed. And OMac is always expensive on eBay, and about a month ago while at a comic store in Towsand, they had the Omac/Batman for 20, that is how much I got my Deathstroke/Green Arrow for. I can just never find an Omac on eBay for a good price, if worse comes to worse I'll use it. I haven't checked for some time now(About a month or so ago, I never looked for Omac since i had him, I just check how much some of my figures go for every now and then), so maybe I should do that. Oh, and thanks for the offer buttheadsmate.
  8. Sorry if this was the wrong place to make this topic, I'm a bit stressed. This was a horrid morning! I wake up, and decide to watch some tv in my room. I go to grab the remote, and when I do I accidentally knock over my old lego castle that was next to it(It can be rebuilt, thank God I kept the instructions) and it hits my foot. Lego's stabbing your foot hurts, just a lot a bit, but that isn't the problem. So I'm bummed out, not a good way to start a day. I then go over to my storage box where I keep some of my mates I'm not displaying on shelves. I decide, "hey, lets put Omac somewhere.", so I take him out and decide to put him next to carnage and Deathstroke. When I bend his knee to pose him, it breaks! It actually breaks! I'm kind of pissed, because this is one of the last things my deceased mother got me, and it just broke! Right at the thing that holds the knee together. Is there any way for me to fix this? I really want to somehow, but I cant think of any other way than superglue, which would take away the articulation on the knee. I'm really stressed out right now, because Omac was one of my favorites. Can somebody please help me? I don't want to pay 20$ for him and Batman all over again. Again, I'm sorry if this was the wrong place to post this. But any help would be appreciated!
  9. Those look nice(Why'd thy put Mr. Baxtar i it?), but I have to say I'm a bigger fan of the For A Few Dollars More set. I'm gong to order it off of Entertainment Earth, since the price isn't bad. I'm a huge Clint Eastwood fan(I've seen all his films from the Dollars trilogy, and a few of his other westerns), and For A Few Dollars More is by far my favorite western he's done, so I can't wait to get it. I just wish they'd make Dirty Harry mates. D:
  10. Thanks for the link, Kar. My God, some of those look awful! Some might look better than their Mate counterpart, but others look simply awful. Especially that Wolverine/Batman supporting breasts, and what is with those blimp/lollipop heads? I think I'm ore into the ones that Max has, they don't look anything like the others do(The heads/parts). The heads do look a bit larger, but not by that much(I'm mostly talking about the ones with the mate-shaped heads, and I'm not talking about the the knock offs.), I think using the gasmask might be possible. Think you could take a picture of the gasmask next to a mate, Max? Well, at least I have an idea of what to expect.
  11. Loving that Hulk. They should totally make a Hulk line(Non movie), and throw in Bi-Beast(THat names makes me giggle, I am sooo mature!). I'd also love a Maestro, War Hulk, Gargoyle(How'd they go about do that, though?), and Titanium Man(Any version except the video-game one).
  12. Thanks for making the topic, Max. Aren't Kubricks smaller than Minimates? I've never held/seen one in real life, so I'm clueless about them. I'll probably try that tape trick if the masks are a bit big. Most likely, I'll still be interested. But exactly how big/small are Kubricks compared to mates?
  13. Hmm, wouldn't of minded getting that blue Spidey. Oh well, such as life. So many scrapped mates/lines. Oh, and caps is totally for the cool kids.
  14. I think I'll be getting my hands on that New Costume Batman fig. Other than that, I'm out. That Joker looks horrible, the Lego Joker looks so much better than that. Then again, Lego's are awesome, but regardless. I bet you they could've done a decent Scarecrow. The sloppy style would match the Scarecrow's looks.
  15. Hope you guys don't mind a newbie stepping into the mix. I'm pretty much doing this to challenge myself, because I've seen some of the things you guys do and it's pretty amazing. So I figured, why not give it a shot? I'll be doing Grendel from Darkhorse. I should have pictures up by next week(I hope), but just so you know this'll be my first custom. Sorry if it sucks, but I just wanted to try something new(I normally just do sculpting, but this sounded fun). Oh, and that Redeemer is simply incredible! I'm digging that armor.
  16. I just ordered the Gold Cylon Commander for ten dollars(With s&h) on eBay. For another five or six, I coulda' got the box set, but oh well. Hopefully it will be worth it once I get him. There are a few people selling the dead Six for the same price as the Gold Commander. I don't know if it really was worth the ten dollars(But I still think it's a really cool Minimate), but nobody else was carrying it. I'm hoping to get another to keep in the box, but that might take some time.
  17. I called Suncoast at the mall, and they said they hardly ever get new minimates. So I'm guessing that means they wont get the box-set or singles. That is pretty disappointing new for me.
  18. I hope this happens. If we get a boxset, I'd love to see Superman Doomsday, Watchmen, or The Dark Knight.
  19. Sadly, Hobgoblin didn't have his glider. But at least Scarlet came with a spidey web, and since it's somewhat rare to get those now, I wasn't that disappointed. I got mine at Suncoast awhile back, but they are out of package.
  20. I've taken a liking that new Captain America and golden age Human Torch, but the Iron Man set seems like the best. In my opinion the Cap and Human Torch are better than most of the Iron Men, but the Bucky and Namor I can live without.
  21. Wave 25 Annihilation Wave/Conquest! Annhilus and StarLord Ultron(Phalax) and battle damaged Nova Deathcry and Adam Warlock How about a Ronan The Accurser or Mantis as a variant? I would say Groot, but he's supposed to be huge. They couldn't make him. Wave 26 Anything that will give me any of these fine gents: Red Skull(Maybe 26 goes Civil War or Death of Captain America?), Crossbones, Taskmaster(Modern armor), Moonknight, Lizard, Blackheart or Deadpool.
  22. Phoo, the only guy the have left on youbuynow is the Cylon Pilot. D: I guess I'll have to wait a bit longer, or turn to ebay. Oh, and Captain_cbecker. Since you have the set you might be able to answer this. Do some of the Cylon's have wider/larger masks than the other ones? If so, is that the warrior or pilot?
  23. If they fix the head on the Venom it would be amazing. And the Powerhouse Venom from the boxset was horrible. His face.... Argh! The body looks great, but I can't get over the head. Hopefully there is still a chance they might fix it, the image isn't official is it?
  24. This is clearly a part reuse wave. I agree that Lizard, Electro, or Vulture would make for better villains than yet another Venom or a Tarantula, but I think they pulled off a decent look for what they had available. To do Lizard, they'd have to make a tail and most likely a new lab coat. To do Vulture, they'd have to do wings. There were no parts available to do either, so they chose characters that they could do. Spymaster from wave 23 is the same way. Spymaster doesn't reuse that many parts does he? And from the looks of it he's a fairly decent figure, and a character who's never been done before. But I suppose it's true about vulture and the lizard. But they could have just reused Bruce Banners lab coat, but I suppose they'd want to take a more torn/tattered approach. Oh well, I suppose we'll simply have to take what we're given. And sadly what we're given is even more versions of SpiderMan. Hopefully after this run he'll get a loooong break from the minimates line.
  25. I don't think I'm going to be a fan of this wave. Seems to me like the only ones worth getting are Cpt. Universe and Kraven(Why'd they have to use the powerhouse piece? It could have been so much better without it). Shocker is alright, but money has been kinda tight so I can live without him. As for Venom, what did they do? They nailed the body, but that head! Why?! Looks like they were aiming for the McFarlane Venom, but failed. I seriously hope they fix the face, if they do I'd say it's worth getting. But right now, things aren't looking very bright. They should have done Lizard, or Vulture. If Mysterio(I'm not saying he was a bad figure) can land a spot, they should also be able to.
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