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Everything posted by entertheninja!

  2. I did. Well, actually I just came home from the movie theatre and it was a very nice film!It wasn't as brilliant as it could be, but it was well done. Here are the black bars: But on the whole, just like I said, a very nice movie with many adorable scenes and some of lesser brilliance. i hate being in junior high i friggin cant see the midnight showing at the palms....dammit!i think im gonna go to a release party at the palms with some of the dudes from my lcs...friday....i will be watching the watchmen...
  3. Had the exact same thoughts. People would say that since I'm young, I'd love MCR and not know who Bob Dylan even is, but man, is that wrong. Its funny (and annoying) to hear the MCR version, and know how the original goes. i like the cover but it annoys me that i cant understand the lyrics good thing i know dylan's original lyrics...check out the music makes it a tad bit better...fridayfridayfriday...oh and nice nite owl bro
  4. anybody look at the 6 minutes to midnight trailer??its an interactive trailer that makes you solve inkblots
  5. 4 more days 7 more hours 13 more minutes and 30 more on my ipod touch theres a countdown
  6. 6 days to go...imax or normal?? 6 days to go...imax or normal?? 6 days to go...imax or normal?? 6 days to go...imax or normal??
  7. heres how i look without my ninja garments of them is with my friend shelby...another is a man in mexico and another is one of my tags...the others are me...i'm 14...and not in need of a rape...and the blue 1 is me at glamour shots by deb so,....
  8. You know what?I'm joining you, what youre doing is smart...i did this star wars episode three came out and i was so dissapointed because all the surprises were gone...i had read the spoilers because i was so giddy i was 10ish when this happened 4 years later im making a wise choice...oh btw hot potato with people that are really hungry is called my potato...
  9. This should comfort you. No matter how the movie turns out, the book will continue to exist, and to rock hard-core, for generations to come. And to answer your question from earlier, I lived in San Diego for a year, and spent a lot of time on that stretch of shore. thats cool and awesome i love it over there and we went right when the sea lions was cool.
  10. im having a mini freakout and im pondering whether or not it will be good...i love the book and i hope will love the music but the slow motion is a bit excessive and then ackerman's acting was stale...i'm scared man someone comfort me...
  11. Yeah, the whole "WTF is an alien doing in Watchmen" reaction from non-fans might indeed have prompted the edit in the movie ending for a somewhat more "plausible" one. As to the whole New York 9/11 sensitivity thing the very fact that this movie's getting made might be a sign that America might just be able to finally overcome the emotional trauma of that day... Then again I'm also considering that Watchmen might've just simply slipped the cracks as far as the PC police are concerned (since, you know, they're too busy worrying about other stuff to pay attention to a comic book movie), and that once it actually comes out in theaters it's only then it'll prompt that late-reaction uproar over that uncanny ending (You know... like the conservatie parents who didn't KNOW what Twilight was actually about until it was too late...) What do I think happened to Jon at the end? Here's an interesting list of wild, crazy theories about the whole book. As for me, . haha lol and i guess your right about the 9/11 thing...yeah the PC police are busy watching cookie monster sings chocolate rain...also some of that shit on that link is hella weird like rorschach being V and dr manhattan breaking the 4th wall...another slepless night for the ninja...thanks for the info
  12. Not as big a wall of text as what Bob and I just put up. I really like your first idea about how the ending might turn out (since it poses even MORE of a gray-area morality question), but I have that sinking feeling Snyder's most likely gonna go with number 2. Plus I think it's already been confirmed . Can't you let a boy dream Mr. NorthRaider?but seriously it makes more sense the way alan moore wrote it but on the bad side the first comers might like have a bitch fit and walk out of the theater when they see a giant vajayjay-like alien in new york...another thing too audiences might take wrongly is new york getting f'd up cause all that post 9/11 trauma you know?america is hella sensitive to that stuff...and what do you think happened to jon after the talk with veidt?he just left...that is the only part i don't understand in the whole spoiler needed in this past post too busy
  13. Oh my did you know that was in La Jolla, CA?Nice inquiring skills Jad.and i did to distract you all from that fact that i....AM TAKING OVER THE WORLD(and canada)....NONE OF YOU CAN STOP ME FROM TAKING OVER THE WORLD(and canada)...or i just did to see what the reaction would be and yes that was like a couple of months ago with my touching... North Raider, what you said about
  14. HELLLOOOOO....watchmen babies in v for vacation! those babies weren't self made
  15. you will not believe this! what the hell did i say about me wanting rorscach condoms!!!oh my god my dream came tru!!!!!!!
  16. I guess that depends on whether you agreed with
  17. i need some advice...i just bought a wacthmen tee from hot topic and am officialy geared up for watchmen but there is one thing missing: the tickets!! should i fandango those bitc*es or should i buy them right then and there? on a seperate note:watchmen will not be a complete disaster like speed racer or the spirit and it will definatley gross more than one of my favorite movies of last year:hellboy 2.i think it'll fall between 100 mil or 130 mil. here's why: you have the readers of the book: 50 mil(est) hardcore dc fans: 15 to 20 mil(est) word of mouth and plain curiousity: 15 mil(est) 2nd viewings: 10 mil(est) nothing to do on 03-06-09:5 to 10 mil(est) that equals all about 100 mil, if you can think of any other factors throw wm' out there. Ps. Hurm
  18. hurm. watchmen motion comics american idol fantasy factory nitro circus hows your news and the office and kath and kim and my name is earl and important things with demitri martin nothing to do but watch the tv after i broke up with maria sooo...
  19. how do you think watchmen will do at the box office?i think it'll go below it's budget(i hope i am wrong)
  20. I want rorschach condoms! and i want a pony...
  21. congratulations to the winners all were good but my personal faves were charlie chaplin and batman b/w they were all good
  22. nice job on the bishop and i lurv that kick ass
  23. You are correct sir! lol...put down your guacamole and chicken fingers ladies and gentlemen!lol...epic fail!so i loved the big game it was crazy!those chinese dudes play ping pong so well...
  24. I remember Xevoz...I used to play with them when i was a 6 years ago they got sad
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