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Fo Shizzle

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Everything posted by Fo Shizzle

  1. I'd say ay to the American Gladiator Mates. But I would like to se Wipeout Mates as well. You could even put heir protective headgear on your regular Mates for a 'Celebrity Minimate Episode'!
  2. Beautiful work man...all your drawings are really, but this is really one that we need made!
  3. Yeah and they are all out already. I went ahead and backordered just in case.....
  4. So there was only one each of the red and blue made?
  5. It's highly unlikely that a ECCC blue blank was used. All four of the ones I have, are all to dark a tint for this.: And according to the MMDB this year was the first time SDCC Mates have been clear. Does anyone know if they have ever been used prior to this year as a fairly available giveaway?
  6. That was really mindblowing! I've been rappelling when I was in Boy Scouts and when I went to Boot Camp. But this....I mean certain section of the walkway had holes that could have collapsed at any time! Wow that was cool!
  7. We have a few choices for those:
  8. That is EXACTLY what I would do upon discovering such a device!!
  9. Perfect for Mini-thugs!! Now all we need are a mini-crowbar and our street gangs can start causing mayhem!! I wonder if there is a way you can take a needle and put it through like this:
  10. As a former Marine myself, I agree somethings look better in camo and a speeder bike is one of them! Semper Fi!
  11. The backgrounds are amazing!! I like the Superman being a douche angle, I think it's hilarious!!
  12. How is that mean?? It's historically acurate!! I would totally buy one of those!
  13. Ok I was watching it and was like ok this is pretty cool....then as Sinestro was talking I was like "this music doesn't really fit this scene, it should be more sinister." Imagine my surprise when Sinestro starts blurting out what I was just thinking!! Hilarious!!
  14. So you know The boondocks. ok I thought jazmine, but huey's my favorite, the boondocks is an awesome show. Yeah the size is a pain. And what about guns because in the home alone episode. they had 1ton of guns. Well, as far size they could always go with those feet they used for the Penguin to make him a bit shorter. I know it wouldn't be much but it's something. As far as accesories, this is one of those shows where the sky's the limit. Spray paint cans, guns, video game controller ( if they could pull off a whole mini video game consol that'd be awesome!!). Here are some other deas I'd like to see if they did this: Middle finger hand you could swap out, and those this with your name you hold up when you get arrested: And this version of Condoleezza Rice, I just thought it would be funny if it was included in a box set!:
  15. It's from Hotwheels, they have a Batgirl one too, but some of them can be a little pricey on E-Bay.
  16. True, but even preordering for that price raises an eyebrow for me...
  17. Yeah that too! troll MMMV lingo for something besides the obvious definition of the word?
  18. You got the whole set for 14.00 bucks or you preordered it for that price? And how can that place afford to sell an entire series for that much including the variant?? Something else isn't right either....they have Star Trek series 4 including the variant for 77.09, that's 19.27 per two pack!! Am I reading this right people?
  19. Here's my guy along with some of his "groupies" His name is Brett and is an old college roommate of Thor's and can usually be found hanging out in Aasgard and getting into drunken bar brawls with other Viking gods......even though he gets his ass kicked every time. Good times though......good times......
  20. Nothing much to report from the Secret Invasion tie-ins this week. However #5 confirms they all were. And most of them just got dealt with ...and Clint is PISSED!! Favorite highlights from this issue are when they begin the broadcast and all our "celebrities" are talking "blah, blah he loves you." It was interesting and quite humorous to see who they picked for this two page spread, but leaves me with the question, are they actually Skrulls, OR did they just assume that shape for the broadcast to make humans feel more comfortable? Hmmm..... And if they actually are I kinda would have suspected Oprah,Paris, and Ossama. But Steve Colbert, the Pope, and Chris Rock? No way!! Did anybody else recognize who some of the other people in there are? I could make out: Obama McCain Cruise Namor Kim Jong Il Cartman Homer Magneto Aaanold Stark Tiger Doom Can't make out who the others are supposed to be....
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