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Everything posted by BannersID

  1. I have to say I really like the new boxes, even though I just rip the figs out and discard the package
  2. one of my off beat favorite "hero" qoutes "I'll tell ya' what were gonna do. We're gonna go home, paint the scratches on this tank, put the Sarge to bed and pretend this night never happened." John Candy- "1941"
  3. ok, Ultron 5 created The Vision from what Golden age hero?
  4. yeah talk about a thread killer..... just call me Banner the Destroyer
  5. ok this might be a little harder but I'll bet shanester gets it no problem. Where can Peter Davids first full story featuring the Hulk be found? Unless you would all prefer I stuck with straight up character trivia.
  6. Another stab in the dark, I'll guess Namor the sub-mariner.
  7. I'll take a stab in the dark at this, Juggernaut? hes not a mutant, and as for powers, he's the juggernaut b*t*h!
  8. congrats and best wishes! best of luck in whats to come
  9. Hey all I haven't been around much but a friend of mine finally got the mate bug so at his request an entry for the contest. I went for a mish mash of classic and modern on my figure source art thats the cover I used and my memory of a more classic look. great entries from everyone! Good luck all
  10. I had thought about doing a mod on OMAC's sword hand for this
  11. too bad about the 2.5 boycott dead, the braniac is the stand out of this wave in my humble opinion
  12. I havent delved into the world of legends to much I will say I think the toy biz versions were superior to the hasbro counterparts although having been lucky enough to land an icons Thor I have to say hasbro has redeemed its self a little bit
  13. The perfect army builder set up,300. Sign me up for 300 spartans please!
  14. You might be thinking of the "heroes reborn" storyline while those titles started out with a good head of steam in the end the heroes all wound up being skrulls in disguise... weak
  15. I would be so down with a defenders series, or even a great lakes avengers Yeah sign me up here. although I think I would prefer the variant to be an astral form Dr.Strange
  16. no fruity werewolf guy or marshmellow mummy?
  17. NICE! Wanda is perfection, man when they say classic wave they aren't fartin' around.
  18. unviel happened around 8 yesterday so I would guess we will see a little something in a hour and a half, I hope, the suspense is killing me
  19. so help me, I was just giving up some friendly chatter with my Dr.Strange comment, should he get lumped into this wave I may just go insane with glee I mean the other 5 figs could be spidey/wolvie variants and it would be all good. the chase fig= Astral form Dr.Strange, think about it.... SWEEET!
  20. I feel the need to throw my 2 cents in on this Ultimate vs. classic debate I really do enjoy the Ultimate universe but as someone up the list stated Goldilocks would put a major beat down on the ultimate counterpart. Those Classic characters and images are what the Marvel universe is built on people its only fitting that the line should get fleshed out with some classic characters. While I have been doing the PB-N-J dance all day now as the #1 fan fave request has been answered I feel compelled to start this rant. Bring me the Sorcerer Supreme! as for the rest of the wave I really see good things a coming I mean shite people they opened up with thor for christsakes! Thor / Loki Wonder Man / Black panther Vision / Scarlet Witch variant - phasing vision I really have no love for the BP but as he was showcased in the UA movie I imagine he'll have to crop up. As for the rest I can hope can't I? Dang a Thor and who knows what else, if this the reward for sitting through 2 movie waves I'd have to say its worth it. as for wasp, ant man and giant man I can see getting a hank pym fig as cerebro is a heartbeat away from being pyms helmet but I have to agree with the other sentiments regarding size, its just not going to happen till something changes although as I sit here looking at a 1/8 inch piece of brown plastic designated "Things stogie" I guess a wasp or ant-man accesory wouldnt surprise me as much as a giant man maxi would I mean they cancelled the second wave of those due to lack of interest companies don't make a habit of revisiting dead lines quickly
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