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Posts posted by karamazov80

  1. Ah, but in wave 8 we are going to get two Elseworlds figures (Red Son Superman and Wonderwoman) and in wave 5 we got Golden Age Ma Hunkel. So the playing field is still pretty wide open. I'm totally keeping my fingers and toes crossed for any Vertigo 'mates.

    With the popularity of Morpheus and Death, anyway, that 2-pack would seem like a no-brainer in terms of being a huge seller. . .and in terms of other DC-owned brands, personally, I would kill for a Planetary 3-pack, and for some Preacher-Mates (though I'm not holding my breath on either of those).

    But ultimately, if I had my own preference, I would really like these guys to finish what they've started first, before getting too far ahead of themselves. Obscure characters and variants are great, as they keep the line fresh and keep demand for the unreleased, iconic figures high. But if they started producing figures from other brands, then there would be so much to do that, before the line ended, we might never finish getting the golden age JSA, the Teen Titans, or even the iconic Justice League (in my mind this should definitely include J'onn, the Atom, and Elongated Man). Though whether it is better to have completed versions of these teams or incomplete teams along with a few characters from edgier, more obscure comics, is certainly up for debate. . .

    Back to the topic at hand, I never cared much for Sgt. Rock or the Blackhawks as comic characters, but I'm definitely getting those Minimates. Man, are they sweet. As for Bizarro, what's with the joker grin? Yeesh. . .

  2. BTW: What are those stands you are using on them?

    Those are those poster mounting pads that you can find at Office Depot. They're very sturdy, and when you want to switch minimates around, they keep their stickiness pretty good. You just cut them into 4 pieces, and voila, minimate stands! They are pretty cheap, too. Of course, not as cheap as their elevated cardboard display. That was made from an old box, so it was free!!

  3. So, what about you guys, anyone pick up Transformers? neo

    I know that I'm an outlier in the online community today for saying this, but I'm not buying Transformers today, or probably any day for that matter.

    However, I'm actually kind of interested in the Director's Cut of Hollow Man coming out today. Though the original was flawed, I enjoyed it for what it was, and I have heard that the original cut by Verhoeven was something worth seeing. Anyone planning on seeing this one, or has anyone heard anything about it: good, bad, or indifferent?

  4. I don't know how well this will work in a forum like this (somebody will almost definitely spoil the fun), but, check out this link, and do the following:

    "When viewing the video, try to count the total number of times that the people wearing white pass the basketball. Do not count the passes made by the people wearing black. When you're done, visit the main lab web site for more information."

    Be sure to pay very close attention to the number of times the ball is passed by people wearing white shirts. This is important.

    You need java player to see this. I had a whole class that was given this in an undergrad cognitive psychology class, and very few of us were able to correctly count the number of passes. Its surprising what the mind can do. No spoilers :D !

    Click the "View the "basketball" video" link

    After you have tried this a couple of times, click here for the correct answer:

  5. Well, to throw in my 2 cents: I grew up loving the Transformers as a kid, and like TM2 Dinobot, I thought the movie was pretty much complete trash (though I only saw it once, so my opinion may be less finely tuned). Of course, this wasn't helped by the fact that I absolutely love film, and thus, hate every damn thing that Michael Bay stands for. . .but what this all comes down to is that I, for one, won't be buying this DVD.

    To be positive, though, I really, really liked Megatron in this movie, despite him not having Welker's voice. If only he had more screen time. His line about, "you always fail me, Starscream," or whatever, was gold, and his quip about wanting 2 pieces of Jazz: priceless. The rest of the movie, to me, could pretty much be summed up with Bumblebee pissing on John Turturo. And really, that's what Michael Bay does. He pisses on what John Turturo is and should stand for, though with ol' John's career choices in recent years, I'm beginning to wonder. . .

    (BTW, I just posted a trade "reply," and I have a Pepsi Prime and a few other TFs listed there--take a look-see)

  6. I know this isn't an original gripe or anything, but the whole thing with comic companies killing off beloved or semi-beloved characters for pure shock value nowadays annoys the piss out of me (not surprising, I guess, when you look at my avatar). . .but beyond that, everybody knows Steve is coming back, nobody really believes Marvel's crap, and its obviously just a marketing gimmick, like everything else that they do, and I'm probably more annoyed with their half-baked attempt to rip-off the Death of Superman storyline than with anything else they've done in recent years (with the possible exception of killing off and subsequently, and ridiculously, resurrecting Hawkeye).

  7. Really? I like it? Don't plan on BUYING it, of course, but hey, it looks real nice! To each his own, I guess.

    Huh, the black Venom Vs Valor Cobra Commander is the main reason I'm looking forward to this set. I may have to find a cape for him though...

    Man, then I am definitely going to have to start up a want/have "reply" soon. Maybe I can get some of you variant lovers to trade me a minimate or two for these stinkers. :)

  8. I would love to have a Minimate Ken, Vega and Sagat, and I would buy the others, but I never cared too much for anyone except those guys and Ryu when I was a kid putting quarters on the machine. If you get a petition going or something, I would definitely sign up.

    On a somewhat related topic closer to my heart, however, does anyone know why they chose "For a Few Dollars More" instead of "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly?" Its hard to complain when some of my favorite film characters of all time (from Back to the Future and the Man with No Name trilogy) are getting the Minimates treatment, but no Tuco figure? Nooooo!! I say we petition for that! He should have a little horse, a noose around his neck, and a crazed look on his face.

  9. I managed to snag the new Cobra box set. This thing really is amazing. It's got a front that's almost mirrored with a huge Cobra logo on it. It's stunning. And it's got an awesome theme song.

    Crashing through the sky

    Come a fearful cry



    Just got it today, and I've displayed my Cobra crew on top of my TV (can you see the jealous Muppets behind them?) so that they can spread propaganda out to the Springfield masses (and any others foolish enough to enter my living room):


    But man. . .is that Storm Shadow packed in there U-G-L-Y. Both he and dark imposter Cobra Commander are not allowed in public, I'm afraid.

  10. I would have to add my own personal fave badass pic, Point Blank, to that list, starring the ultimate badass actor and star of the previously mentioned Dirty Dozen, Lee Marvin (who closely beats out Charles Bronson, Toshiro Mifune, Chuck Norris, and Clint Eastwood in a race for that title).

    If you are seriously making a list of this type, though, let me refer you to the definitive list of its type, scientifically compiled by my favorite internet reviewer; the "Badass 100":

    And here is one that, if ever made into a movie, might possibly make your list, too:

    Hobo with a Shotgun!

  11. Add in a shirt bottom from Ryu, and that'll give you the extended bit of tunic with the belt...

    Hmm. . .also helps with another problem that I would have had to run into:


    then, add in the Riddler face:


    Trim off the belt, repaint relevant parts. . .outfit is a little exaggerated, what with the low cut neck line and blooming tunic. But I think that might work. . .any other ideas? Thanks for all the helpful comments so far, by the way, they are much appreciated.

  12. Hello all. I'm interested in making a custom minimate of, perhaps, my second favorite comic hero of all time (after Ted Kord's Blue Beetle): Roy Harper; aka Speedy, who would go on to become Arsenal and Red Arrow. . .and I thought that I might fish around here for some advice from any of you that might have some to give.

    Here is a pic of him carrying a dead drug addict for anyone who doesn't know what he looks like:


    here is another:


    and here is another from wikipedia, where you can see more of his body:

    My first thought is that he has to have Green Arrow's hat/hair to begin with. Then, I will trim his hair a bit to make him a little more clean-cut, repaint the hat yellow, hair red, and he should be well under way.

    But beyond that, I'm not sure what is the best route to go. Initially I thought that what might work really nicely is to use Green Lantern for the rest of his entire body. His outfit, based on the interpretation by George Perez (that I am using as a rough template), is pretty tight on his body, including the gloves and boots, so that is fine. But there are a couple of issues that I ran into as I put some thought into it. First, Speedy's head has the mask that lays just around the eyes, so that seemed to work pretty well. However, Lantern's mask is pretty big relative to Arrow's and Speedy's, covering his nose instead of laying on top of it. Though I kind of like the exaggerated quality that the Lantern mask gives. . .I don't know, it doesn't seem right. Any idea of other figures with that kind of mask that is smaller, like Green Arrow's, but who have a clean-shaven face like Lantern, preferably with a smirk, or some look of confidence? I would prefer to keep my customization to the body, as the Minimates faces are so good that I don't want to mess with them and thus mess them up. I know Robin has that kind of mask, but that huge smile would be of the young kid Speedy, and I would prefer to do the teenage, over-confident, post-junkie if I had a choice.

    Anyway, if he is just a repainted Frankestein of Arrow and Lantern, with a quiver added from my Pocket Super Heroes Green Arrow (I don't like the massive thing attached to Minimate Arrow), he would look something like this, but with different colors, obviously:


    So, what do you guys think? Is the mask a little big? Any ideas for anything else that I might do to improve upon my idea before I go buying up parts to create this abomination of the Minimate gods? Any input would be appreciated. Thanks.

  13. When I last checked, both the Joe & Cobra 5-packs are in stock, and the coupon code is: 25FALL which gets you 25% off AND free shipping! It's an amazing deal!

    Yeah, that code worked beyond the 8th (when it was supposed to stop working), but it didn't seem to work anymore today, which is why I didn't note it.

  14. I hit up 3 targets today and did not find anything! I am really looking for firefly and flint the most. Those guys are sweet! I can't wait for the wave of re-released figures from the box set, although I maybe I should just buy the box set the Gi Joe box set?

    If interested, you can order that box set off right now. There may even be a current coupon code available somewhere. . .

  15. Hello, I am karamazov80, and I am a Minimates-aholic. It all began earlier this year, when the Blue Beetle and Booster Gold Minimates were released. That Blue Beetle is my absolute favorite comic character, so, I bought it, and thought nothing of it, except that I was glad to have him in figure form (his other DC Direct figure still eludes me, as I can't justify its outrageous price), and with his best buddy no less.

    Then, I got him home, and thought they were kind of cool, y'know, for little Lego-guys. Then I noticed something. You could take off their helmets, and they had faces underneath, and extra hair? And their accessories, they were removable. And they had all this articulation. . .and detail. . .I was hooked. And they were so small and awesome. This was what I always wanted in a toy, though I never knew it. So, I went back to the comics shop later in the week and bought some more. Then I bought more, and more, and more. And now, I have many, and am always getting more.







    So here I am, I accept what I can not change, that I am destined to spend my money on these things for as long as they are manufactured. Please help me. Tell me that I can be fixed. Please. . .please. . . :(

  16. Hello everyone. Long time minimates fan, first time poster, anyway, I'm a huge JSA/Teen Titans fan, so:

    1. Speedy (!!!--I'll be posting a separate thread about a potential custom on him soon)

    2. Hourman (golden age)

    3. Mr. Terrific (golden age)

    4. Dr. Mid-Nite (golden age)

    5. Kid Flash (Wally West, yellow suit)

    6. Perez-esque, adult Robin

    7. Green Lantern (Alan Scott)

    8. Sandman (golden age)

    9. Krypto the Superdog (if this is somehow possible, if not, add a Wolfman-Perez-era Wonder Girl to the list)

    10. Starman (golden age)

    Batman/Superman Variants



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