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Everything posted by battlecat

  1. Aw, sh**... One of the sets last year wasn't an AFX set either (Invaders I think?) and they were just as easy to get online right after. If we go by the last few years, AFX will probably have all the sets up for preorder a while before SDCC, and they'll ship a day or two after the con. From what I remember BBTS takes a little while longer to get the sets in stock, but they'll have them too. Seriously, from everything we've seen, 2000 sets is more than enough. They take a long time to sell out, if they even do (some of the old exclusives were still on BBTS last time I checked).
  2. While looking at those weird numbers, I checked in on the poll, and it looks like in the last week Spidey has lost his 20 vote lead to both Molecule Man and Beyonder, who are now tied 1 vote below him... Oh and this puts all three in striking distance of Storm, since she's only 5 votes ahead of Spidey. Man I hope this nonsense doesn't knock Storm out of the set.
  3. I think usually there is a *bit* less of an angry response to getting a new Spidey, but because we view this set as our one chance to actually choose 4 characters ourselves, and because it's entirely possible/probable that the several other cool mates in the poll won't be made otherwise, people here are taking it a bit more personally. Like when Spidey popped up in his own wave recently, there was a general sense that it was okay, since we've gotten so many other sets and waves with less mainstream characters in the last few years, and it also meant getting a couple new villains alongside him... But in this case, getting a Spidey means not getting something else -- and something we can specifically see that we want instead. And by "we", I just mean a good percentage of board members. Personally, I'd be happy to get him. (Didn't vote for him though; don't yell at me!)
  4. I spent a good week trying not to make an a-hole post in the "Star War Minimates" thread, but then it moved from the front page and I could breathe again...
  5. I don't think so. [...stuff...] You know what I mean? I do know what you mean, and you're totally right. I should've said DST including Beyonder in the poll was objectively wrong, not the fans voting for him as such... there are rationalizations, like being a really big Michael Jackson fan. None taken, or, hopefully, given! Like I said, I'll try to shut up about it now, though that always proves difficult! I'm hoping Lizard was off the table because of an upcoming Spidey villains set or wave.... well, I can dream.
  6. Two of my local comic shops have the online exlcusive SW Muggs in their upcoming product listings for next Wednesday... Not sure if they're getting them through Diamond (which would kinda make the whole "online exclusive" thing completely wrong), or maybe both these stores just ordered a few sets off one of the online stores to sell for a mark-up? Anyway, if you haven't ordered them online yet, or didn't manage to pre-order the Red Guard and Scout Trooper before they sold out, you may want to check with your LCS to see if they're getting any...
  7. Just tried to watch the tape, and it was preempted for a Wolverine marathon in Canada.... But oh well, next week...
  8. I came for the minimates, I stayed for Webhead's Civil War banner. Actually, as minivenom said, I love how when a jerk shows up everyone will band together to get rid of him. And how when anyone else shows up they're welcomed instead of "newb"d to death. And the helpfulness of board members. And BHM's jokes. And the haul thread posts that make me feel better about my spending. And the collection pics that make me feel like less of a lunatic -- lunacy love company!
  9. Did you just condense my entire post into "blah blah..."?!? Dude, just because it's true, doesn't mean you have to point it out... Putting aside that you *can* take an objective stance against voting Beyonder, since he's not in Secret Wars (which is not to say I'm not also subjectively against him, since I think he looks like a d-bag all dressed up like Michael Jackson... blah blah blah), I agree. Everyone's vote is "right", and because of this should be considered equal. But when you vote 4 times, you're cancelling out 3 other people's votes -- saying your vote is 4 times more "right" basically. I guess that's my problem with it... but OH WELL Not much I can do about it. My other (non "ethical" or whatever) reasons for being against cheating, are that DST will be less likely to try something like this again if they see it happening, and also that if you get the Spidey fans in a rigging-race, it may end up knocking out even clear vote leaders like Storm. Which would suck. But... oh well. Anyway, I'll try and leave it at that (since I'm sick of coming across like some preachy moral crusader, especially over an online fan poll!)... I'm going to go find a Spider-man party, so I can cheer up! **Disclaimer thingy, grain of salt, have some beer, vote Molecule Man, etc etc etc**
  10. It says the poll ends May 31st... with a fall release for the set. BTW googling 'Spider-man parade' brings up way fewer entertaining images than you'd think...
  11. Hmm, well I don't really disagree with many of the things in your post (except the importance of this version of Beyonder to the set, or place in this poll at all really, but I've already made my case for that) -- but ultimately I guess I don't think my vote is any more important or "right" than that of the 8 year old (or 30 year old) that wants a(nother) Spidey. So I guess I am with the ass-masses on this one. Once you (not you K, you know, "you") start saying that "my vote is more important because I'm a bigger fan", well, like I said, it's not the point of this poll. If it was, DST would've just done the poll through our board. We are clearly the biggest fans, and we are, after all, very good-looking. BUT there are several well-informed, good-looking board members who have admitted to voting Spidey (and surely others who haven't bothered to post about it), and by rigging the votes you (again, not you you) are taking away from their "rights" in this system. Saying "this is too important for democracy", well, that just rings a little too Jeb Bush for me (since we're referencing political systems). I'm sure people who rig political votes don't believe it's malicious, they believe it has to be done because of the whole mass/ass thing. Also, I think the general public do "know what they want" and it's Spideys On Parade. I'm not denying DST make them because Chuck loves them, I'm just saying that from what we've been told they also sell a lot more than anything else. This is why I said earlier that it's crazy to think DST would rig their own poll -- they don't need to. People love Spideys. **Disclaimer: all expressions of love for Spidey in this post are not the opinions of the author, who'd rather have Spiderwoman or Doom. Also, everything I say, as always, should be taken with a grain of salt, or a beer. Unless you're one of those Spidey-voting 8 year olds. Don't drink, kids!**
  12. Yeah but if people start voting up Beyonder because they think the Spider-Man votes will taper off, and then the votes don't taper off, they might just end up knocking Molecule Man back out of the set. There *is* still a big link to the poll on the DST front page, which is where people buying new Minimates in the next couple of weeks will be directed by that poster they include. I wish people would just let actual fans vote how they want, rather than voting multiple times (especially after the posts accusing DST of rigging the vote?! how is us doing it any better?) or getting family members to do it, etc -- it all defeats the purpose of this whole thing. Right now we have a great 4-pack, why not just leave it alone... Anyway, not to get too Debbie Downer on everyone -- all just my opinion, obviously
  13. Thanks for the info guys, those stories sound interesting, I'll have to try and dig them up at the library at some point... I like the old Gobby's huge feet too, but I find they go better with his more cartoony face and less detailed look... The old Goblin is one of those very early mates that look kinda wrong alongside newer figures, but is still great in his own way. Same goes for that first Venom, with the wrap-around mouth -- I love that mate, even though the latest Venom we got was much more accurate, and definitely looks better standing next to all the other Spidey villains...
  14. Plus we're probably going to get a Norman head with the Iron Patriot fig, so, yeah, Songbird would've been way better.
  15. One of the reasons I thought BA was such a great character on Beast Wars (and was a great choice to reinvent for TFA) was her complete moral ambiguity -- which really made her stand out in a universe that's all good robots vs. bad robots... so that didn't catch me too off-guard. If she does show up again, I could see her ending up allied with the Autobots. Sentinel on the other hand -- Who knew there was that much depth to his character??
  16. I'm guessing the head size grew a little when they started putting a peg hole in the top... I actually like Magneto's shaggy dog hair though, so I won't be jamming that helmet on him anytime soon! Kudos to DST for keeping Red Skull a simple design, he feels like a mate from a couple years back. (Don't get me wrong, I love the ever-increasing detail on newer mates too...) Also, until I read the little bios on the box, I didn't pick up on the fact that this set has a Nazi war criminal and a Holocaust survivor in it -- strange combo. Anyone know if the characters have ever crossed paths in the comics?
  17. I was in that same mindset about the possibility of getting another Venom in this set, but they've designed him so well that it's really clear he's a different character -- I kind of see him as the Venom equivalent of War Machine or Scarlet Spider. Having said that, I'm now just as wary of the Black Spidey in the DA set -- but I'll try and hold off judgement until we see a pic for that one too. (Also that Vader response was the best thing I've seen posted since Worf!)
  18. Just grabbed the Villains, and as usual they're even better in person. My favourite thing is they actually feel like a set, since each mate looks completely psychotic -- Red Skull and Gobby laughing maniacally, Magneto looking *very* pissed, and even Doom's eyes are all burny and furious. They're great!
  19. Right, but... isn't that the basis for the entire team? They're all villains who get a free pass by taking up hero work... Plus, Normie has the fact that he was clinically insane going for him, which took away his legal responsibility to his Goblin crimes, and allowed him to be 'cured' and lead the T-Bolts... doesn't seem any more ludicrous than anything else in the Marvel U, but that's just me... I debate you on this. By which I just mean that I think the emo self-stabby costume is what makes Penance lame, not his Speedball roots...
  20. Wasn't that interested in getting another Venom, but I'm liking this design a LOT. The others are good, except Penance, and that's just because he's Penance not because there's anything wrong with the mate...
  21. Just finished watching this weekend's TFA ep, any other Beast Wars fans catch it? I wasn't too big on Nostalgia overload...
  22. Who is the guy in the bottom left of that picture? It looks like Alex Trebek from Jeopardy! The blog says it's Walt Disney -- and should he be in the picture? What has he done for us lately??? Just kidding, I actually agree Peter Jackson isn't on the same creative level as the rest...
  23. ...when BHM's joke makes you start imagining what it would be like if all your minimates came to life... and it sounds like fun! ...when you know the first names of at least five DST employees.
  24. I knew I was a Minimate addict when I started giving an explanation/disclaimer before I let anyone in my apartment. ...when I stopped having any surface space to display new mates. ...when my credit card bill ran onto a second page. ...when I'd had so many packages that my mailman spontaneously brought up that he collected toys too. ...pretty much when I joined this board
  25. Well, yeah, that does make a bit more sense (still dressed like Jacko though). Still, that version isn't the one with the votes... Thanks for the support, 'Raider! Good to know I'm not just crazy. Anyway, apologies for the ranting and/or raving, the idea of a Jackson-inspired Minimate just seems so wrong. So Vote Molecule Man! And yay Storm! And I'll shut up now...
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