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Everything posted by TENIME_art

  1. Ok, man...what torso/arms/hands/legs/feet did you use for Skeltor? They look factory-molded blue.
  2. Oh, my freakin' gourd...GM, I hate you!! I found WWi Sunstorm & Magnus, but still no G1... Well, at Kohl's, he and Arcee were $12.99 (well, they had a 10% off action figures sale, so more like 11.69, but still)...
  3. That Ord is incredible, but I can't believe you used a C3 Martian Manhunter head for it!! I still need that 'Mate!!
  4. God, those Smallville guys are awesome...
  5. Was only able to find Megs & Ratch. Makes me sad. Got BB & Arcee at Kohl's of all places. I'm in love... This is one of the coolest Transformers I've ever bought. Makes me like the character and the movie that much more!
  6. I was going to use Caretaker's hat for an Indiana Jones custom that's been done (but hatless) for almost 2 years now. Seeing them go from X3 to Avengers, just skipping over this wave really makes me sad and angry at the same time...
  7. Recipe! Recipe! I don't recognize all the parts (I'm at work, and have nothing to reference)!!
  8. Aww...thanks, 'Rock! Those Wanted ones (and Prime's axe) are sweet!
  9. Optimus, then Megatron, then Soundwave, then Bumblebee...there's something about that pattern that seems awfully familiar... Looks great! Love that Jazz, too!
  10. But yet the Allspark can transform from being nearly as big as a MacDonald's restaurant down to the size of a Gamecube in seconds. Yeah, Michael Bay is a tool. "No mass-shifting! Except the Allspark."
  11. Doppleganger. Six arms, claws on hands and feet, Spider-Man mask with Carnage-like teeth. He'd be awesome!
  12. Well, go vote on the next Autobot Minimate for me to make!!
  13. Shockwave? I already made him, and the poll was only for the Autobots listed...
  14. Vote? (And, no, it's not the USA Today "Vote for a Sequel Character" poll...)
  15. Those're all kinds of awesome!! Pics need to be shrunk drastically, though...
  16. That's the problem: lackluster sales for XIII and Ghost Rider mean almost certain doom for future Marvel waves. If you don't want them, buy them anyways, and make your money back on here or eBay from someone that does, and can't find them anywhere themselves. That way, you don't own them, you're not out any money, and you've helped ensure future waves of Marvel 'Mates. If you don't do your part, you'll never see the 'Mates you wanna see. Do I really give a flying leap about Rocky? No, but I'll be buying all the 'Mates when they come out...
  17. I still want the C3 Flash and Nightwing, but...yippee!! OMG, Gorilla Grodd (gorillas are my favorite animal) and B:TAS Clayface!? Now we need movie-style Hellboy and Teen Titans cartoon-style Slade, and my Ron Perlman Minimate Army can commence taking over my shelves!! One question though, why is DCD obsessed with blue Batman!? Granted, we got a few black ones with C3, but god, if that blue doesn't make the worst Batman costumes ever.
  18. Those wonky pegs keep my movie Ratchet's back bumper/grill from staying on in Robot Mode or during transformation. They really piss me off...
  19. I paint with Testor's Enamels and toothpicks. The toothpicks allow me to do smaller details than I'd be able to do with a brush. Also, as nice as glossy colors can look, don't underestimate the coolness of flat colors. They dry faster, and sometimes look better in place of glossy. I don't use acrylics, because they scrape off too easily. But others will tell you that acryls are better than enamels. It's all up to your preference. Try some trial and error. Learn to love something, and go with that. If you prefer acryls, go with those. Hope that's a help.
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