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Everything posted by Kassle

  1. Awesome! Can't wait to see the pics. My BSG 'mates need their president!!!!
  2. Definitely some possibilities! If they stuck with the 5-figure format of the Mirror, Mirror set: Romulans: Commander Sela Commander Tomalok Commander Toreth (Face of the Enemy) Commander Donatra (Nemesis) Troi as a Romulan Borg: Borg Queen Hugh Borg Seven of Nine (full borg) Picard as Locutus Icheb Klingons: Gowron Lursa B'Etor Duras K'ehleyr Ferengi: Quark Nog Rom Moogie Grand Nagus Cardassians: Garak Seska Tora Ziyal Damar Gilora I also wouldn't mind seeing some of the characters in earlier uniforms like TNG S1, & DS9's earlier outfits, since i imagine that most, if not all, won't get a variant like Capt. Sisko.
  3. I just hope we see Rocky 4. I'd really dig some Drago & Ludmilla minimates!
  4. Really, really happy about Chapel & Rand. Chapel is my favorite TOS'er, and I think she came out beautifully!
  5. I'm on board with the Madonnamates. Quirky idea, and it appears she comes with that fun, punked out suitcase she carried around for most of the flick.
  6. Love the boxed set. Can't wait to add Kendra & Gina to my BSG line ups.
  7. Congrats! And I am definitely excited...Chapel & Rand are officially scheduled! Also nice to see TNG & DS9 creeping into the waves. I imagine we'll see 7 of 9 making an appearance soon enough, and bringing Voyager into the mix. Bring on Tasha, DST!!!!!
  8. So the rumor is: Wave 4 (or 5, if the TOS wave with Chapel/Rand hits): Picard Romulan Riker Troi Laforge Data Chase - Picard in Jacket Wave 5: Worf Beverly Tasha O'Brien Dixon Hill Borg Chase - Worf in Season 1 Uniform And future waves including: Data as Sherlock Holmes LaForge as Watson Troi as a Romulan Thomas Riker Q Q in Judge's Robes Gowron Barclay Picard as Robin Hood Wesley Crusher Nurse Ogawa Ro Guinan I'd absolutely love it if these were all true. But, sadly - I don't buy it. I'm guessing that the dude read a want list or a suggestion list somewhere. I think they're pretty awesome and cover the series pretty damn well, with only a few major omissions (Dr. Pulaski, Locutus, Lwaxana Troi, Lursa & B'Etor, Tasha Yar from Yesterday's Enterprise). Regardless, if I get a Tasha mini (who doesn't have the black splotch of death on her face), I'll be RIDICULOUSLY happy.
  9. I think the new Six looks pretty great. I expected the jumpsuit version, since she played a large role in Razor, but this version is pretty cool, too, since Six wore this outfit a bunch of times in Season 1, when she was chasing Helo & Boomer around Caprica.
  10. I'm actually pretty stoked about the Madonna-mate. I think she'll be a kitchy, fun addition to the collection.
  11. Are Chapel/Rand actually confirmed? I know we saw the pic of them on the DST holiday email...but I wasn't sure if we'd gotten confirmation they will be released... I hope so - I sooooooo want a mini Chapel!
  12. No worries! Like I said - the database rocks. And I've got one o' those public school edjumacations, too. Nothing anybody would have heard of. It had a limited West Coast run this summer/fall, and now they're going to start the festival circuit. Okay...what is sorta funny is that the director's last name has a "meyer" in it. You're freaking me out there, prophecy guy. Back to my accessories questions. I think the flashlight issue is solved. The Palz figures were a great suggestion. Scully & Mulder are both pretty hard to find, BUT Xander also came with one and he seems to be readily available. So thanks for the suggestion, buttheadsmate. ...still having trouble with the knife. I guess maybe I wasn't totally clear (or maybe it's a regional thing - maybe butcher's knife refers to something different elsewhere or it could be MY public school education rearing its head)? I've gotten some awesome suggestions for cleavers & axes...but I'd like to match the knife the character is toting for about 1/3 of the movie. I'm referring to a large kitchen knife (like in the still below from the flick). So yeah, hopefully I am not driving everybody nuts with this thread, but I'm still on the lookout for a knife. Thanks!
  13. Thanks Matt. Like I said above, the database was the first place I looked. But, yeah - looooove the database! I appreciate the suggestions, guys. From what I've been able to research, it seems like Peacock has a bloody axe, which won't work (but is VERY cool looking!). I will check into the flashlights! Thanks again, everybody. And if anybody thinks of a good butcher's knife - please hit me up. Happy new year!
  14. Hey folks - I'm doing a few minimate customs for a movie that I was involved in. I've searched the database and haven't been able to discern if the character-specific accessories I'd like to use exist in minimate form (or something like it). I need to find: *a butcher's knife *a flashlight Suggestions are appreciated!
  15. The Goonies was one of my absolute favorite movies as a kid. My borhter and I watched it on our ol' VCR countless times. There were no Goonies action figures, so we'd improvise and use pretty much any line of figures we had: GI Joe, Star Wars, Fisher Price Adventure People, and anything else that we had at out fingertips for the day. Anyway...along with some of the other fondly remembered properties AA/DST has been bringing us, I'd love to see The Goonies. Mikey Andy Brand Stef Mouth Data Chunk Sloth Ma Fratelli Jake Fratelli Francis Fratelli If we needed a final figure to round out the group, perhaps One-Eyed Willie's skeleton...the body in the freezer...or even Troy, the a**hole jock.
  16. This is where I have to disagree with you - if they are releasing Chapel (who was a regular cast member) & Rand (who is featured heavily in 9 episodes) in the next wave, then I'm VERY willing to support another TOS wave. However, if it was just more wave of Kirk & Spock variants...then I'd agree with you. I love TNG, too, but I do want to finish out my TOS crew, and Chapel & Rand will do just that.
  17. Even better - I heard over on the Trek board that it is none other than YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES! I am so excited.
  18. My picks: 1. Ellen Tigh 2. Sam Anders 3. Tory Foster 4. Leoben 5. Brother Cavil 6. Billy Keikeya 7. Kendra Shaw I wouldn't mind a razor wave, either: Admiral Cain (I think they could do a better version) Kendra Shaw Gina Col. Belzen Col. Fisk Old-School Cylon Lt. Thorne Other worthy candidates (down the road): New Caprica Starbuck Doral Simon Seelix Racetrack Crashdown Jammer Hot Dog
  19. I've managed to hold off on the minimate train...til I saw all the BSG goodness. I finally purchased my first set of BSG series 1. And will now be getting series 2. I absolutely love them. Question - any word on the release of Roslin? She's one of my favorite characters (and one of the leads)...but no dice yet, so far as I can tell.
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