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arnim zola

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Everything posted by arnim zola

  1. The boots and webgear from cap went to the AIM soldiers, his little red wristbands went to skull for the armbands and the pilot who can with Sgt Rock from the DC line gave up his hair and hat for the Skulls Hat.
  2. I'm working on a big project for the minimate community, involving lots of pictures and forcing my opinions on the lot of you . Since I got back from SDCC Ive been unable to provide my photos of the latest mates in high resolution. So I'm starting back up now in this thread with wave 28 and other misc. photo's. I'll also throw in some of the better shots I got from SDCC. Aside from that, if anyone takes a spectacular photo of their mates in a display or anything cool thats mate related, then feel free to post it here. And yes, this is similar to my Action Photo thread from back in the day, but these dont have to be action only, just great ideas and great shots! So here we go: Thanks to having the TRU wolverine set, I can make my Secret Invasion Beast a little more X-men like with his own X-belt. I also didn't realize that This wolvie had a blue belt tampo'ed on under the red one. My Deadpool came with one katana and 2 of the same mask. I already emailed customer service. This whole wave i got from CornerStoreComics by the way with no troubles. Here is what I'm most excited to show off. I found these three spiderman mega bloks sets at Ross on the cheap and they combine to form a mini playset, or in my case a new minimate display! Heres why you should care: SCALE GOBLIN GLIDER! Its even got peg holes for the new goblins feet! Plus, I'm sure many of you have this somewhat plain Dr., who doesnt seem to look so cool next to your Mysterio and Sandman. This is what I have now thanks to the minimate gods As you can see, I did a little cutting with my Xacto knife to turn my Dr into one capable of receiving a arm transplant. I also found a use for all the Buck Captain America's I got stuck with while army building my A.I.M. soldiers. A lttle parts switching and you have an elite squad to go with your regular squad! I also ended up with a slightly more accurate Red Skull. And here are 2 of my current Minimate Shelves, not at all full, but I'm keeping it light so it will be easier to pack when I move in Dec. And here are a few from SDCC: Me and Cobra-La! For those that wanted to see the Scorpians tail
  3. I think Super Spider Piggy was referring to the uncanny resemblence of Corsair's figure to the old toybiz figure of Deadpool, costume-wise
  4. They actually did a minimates theatre in addition to the regular twisted toyfare when minimates first came around. It focused on the venom mate with the tongue licking a pole in the snow and getting stuck, and I think the hulk mate pulled his head off. And its still good, but used to be way better. It lost some speed when Tom Root left to costart robot chicken. If Robot chicken did an episode focused around spidey, the hulk, conan and thor, than that would be a great nod to the old toyfare days. As for the DC thing, spidey has made several in jokes in TTT about the situation that are always hilarious. They even reshot old strips and replaced the DC guys with marvel guys so they could reprint the strips in their volumes. The original Villain Jeapordy didnt have Modok or the Red Skull in the green jumpsuit. The had Mr Mind and a redskull custom in a Nazi Outfit. Ive been saying crap in a hat here for years and no one ever got it. Its taken you guys too long to talk about toyfare. but this is pleasing none the less.
  5. I guess it was more of a groveling type thing. I was only beat up by his words (DSTMatt).
  6. I was sitting right next to that kid. maybe I was that kid, as I did end up with quite a few freebies from the panel.
  7. I think I heard they would be closer to 40 at the con, but I heard a lot of things so I by no means stand by my statement 100%. Hasbro and Takara are sister companies and have been since the beginning of transformers. Often Takara will work out difficult transformer designs and Hasbro will go from there. Lots of teamwork, and lots of Takara being way cooler.
  8. I'm really more curious as to how Takara/Hasbro could let go of their ownership to something transformers related.
  9. Oh man TBT and BHM, I have'nt heard witty banter like that since the last time I watched Frasier. You have made my wednesday. I also remembered this interesting tidbit from the panel. A little girl asked where the name minimates came from. Chuck answered that the staff of Art Asylum used to refer to themselves as the inmates of the asylum, and from their refered to their mini figures as the minimates of the asylum. I didn't know that, so if you did, I don't want to hear how you are better than me.
  10. I wish I had a laptop so I could have kept up with this over sdcc. Lots of good points here. The way I deal with this is I remember how lucky we are. There is a TRU set with BE and MS that is out there and there is a chance I can have one (which I do), But even at 1 per case, if it wasnt there, then no one would have it. So a possible bullseye that can be gotten in a number of ways, or no bullseye at all. Plus chuck told me they will never do less than 1 per case, which reminded me of some bad times I had collecting marvel legends and he man figures. Toybiz and mattel used to have chase figures that were different characters, and the only way to get a character I wanted (red skull for example) was to find a figure that wasn't even in every case. So I can totally deal with this, and I have been. He also made it clear that even at one per case, they make way more mates for a run of TRU exclusives that they do for specialty in general. There are a ton of bullseyes out there, they just need to be picked up. As for SDCC, I got at least 2 of every new mate related item there, with the exception of the red shirt AFX mate (I have multiples of the other 3) and I even got a free dark avengers set for yelling "beverly hills cop" when Matt was giving stuff to people who could name off a minimate license they currently held. The radiation man from thunderbolts is awesome, and Penance has nipple rings. I shipped all my goods back since I had so much stuff (4 giant boxes) so as soon as they get here I will do a huge pictorial of everything but the amazon set, which I don't want to open since it looks so good in the box. Also, I was the guy who brought up the miniflyers motorcycle that "just happened to catch on fire." And yeah, we need an identify eachother next year.
  11. Okay, so DST Matt was nice enough to honestly answer a few minimate questions, and he tried to run off when the first thing I brought up was street fighter. He was cool though. I also asked about some dead horse subjects that I never saw/thought had a clear explanation, like why things really disappeared or didn't come out. So here is what I was able to ask in the time he had available: 1. Who will Kang be packaged with in wave 34? 2. Street Fighter? 3. Whats the street date for the new resident evil mates? 4. Speed Racer? 5. Can you give us a lineup hint for the next 3 or so "Bring on the bad guys" box sets? 6. Kellogs? 1. Dr. Bong (Howard the duck villain) 2. Street Fighter, just didnt sell. His point was that it sounded like a good idea, and other companies that had the same idea seemed to have trouble too. I accept this as the final answer and am ok with it. 3. doesn't know 4. speed racer was the same deal as street fighter 5. I think he said it wasnt a bad idea to do more, but no definite answer yet, plus I need to attend the panel for more. 6. deal fell through, he thinks they were originally intended to end up as a mail away, which would have been awesome. Will we see more 4-packs to round out 'teams' that have been started with 2-pack releases?(i.e. classic x-men, x-force,other avengers, sinister six.) Please ask him to release future non-repack TRU exclusives (like Bullseye/Moonstone) 1 per every 4 or 5 cases. These were just way too easy to get. Nothing like the hunt! Probably not 4 packs, but more likely as 2 packs to fill out the rest of the teams. Who leg do we (the collectors) have to hump in order to get DST to convince DC Direct or some other company to get DC minimates flying onto shelves again? someone other than matt said george brewer. Also, is there any progress on the Star Trek line coming back soon? Yes, but didnt say what kind. will there be any marvel playsets more gb2 Probably not marvel playsets, but more generic sets like a firehouse. Yes, more GB on the way and I think I got a Viggo confirmation Ask Chuck/Matt WTF happened with the distribution of wave 25 and online stores? They base production on pre-orders and comic shops didnt order enough. If there is a shortage in your area, then its the comic shops fault for not getting enough and trying to order restock and there isn't enough to go around. This answer is making me order ahead for everything I want. Ask Capcom to pull their heads out of their asses and make Street Fighter IV/Marvel Vs Capcom 2 Minimates? Same with DC. And will we get army builder boxsets? Couldn't find a capcom rep that knew jack about this, they were knowledgeable about their games though. Boxsets - I suggested a box of singles like T2 and he said that singles and 4 packs had been talked about. He said we will definitely get more army builders. When he brought up the 4 packs being talked about, his example was 3 AIM soldiers and a baron zemo. I said awesome and what about modok. He said do we want mojo and sugar man too? I said you guys have done amazing things and it could work. I think he silently agreed with me. Ask about the possibility of releasing that Mark II Viper for the BSG miniflyers line. Depending on how well the other flyers sell, they would love too. Finally, T2, Ghostbusters, and BSG are all selling great now with GB definitely in the lead. I'll try and think of more too ask before the panel tomorrow, where I would like to meet some of our multiversers. I will also be posting pics of all the minimates available and anything DST booth or mini panel related on monday.
  12. I'm not, i have to wait until morning Dammit. They sold out of 4 day passes a long time ago.
  13. I'm curious as to what will happen to Mystery Man after we get a Kang... Is there something else on the list for him, or will he just dissappear?
  14. I'll be at the minimate panel, circling the DST booth, and shadowing the DST staff as much as possible. The question is, when we have the opportunity, what do we want to ask DST about thats minimate related. I'm suprised I haven't see a similar thread yet. Here is whats on the top of the list. 1. Who will Kang be packaged with in wave 34? 2. Street Fighter? 3. Whats the street date for the new resident evil mates? 4. Speed Racer? 5. Can you give us a lineup hint for the next 3 or so "Bring on the bad guys" box sets? 6. Kellogs? I will also bring up the fact the we have entirely too few spider-man mates and we can use at least one in every set. Wave 31 for example could use at least 1 more. So what do I ask when I get there. Now is your chance to have a lunatic get the answers YOU crave.
  15. DST Chuck + New minimate playset with security gaurd and new animal = Spider-Ham Minimate.
  16. Im very happy, but very sad. This is my first time going to sdcc and my priority was minimates. I was really hoping to be blown away by new stuff on the shelves and reporting back at all the awesome, but with all these reveals so close together, what else will they have to suprise us with? I really hope I'm wrong. However a blackheart and shuma gorath set would make me feel better...
  17. Okay, Here are the Elbow Shark pics I said I would take. They are not as pronounced as the Marvel Legends Wave 5 Sabretooth, but I still like the effect.
  18. Well, I got 4 of the 5 Ghostbusters last night. And I cant remember if we were just speculating, but I got to see a fresh case of marvel with everything still in it, and the packout is indeed: 3X Wolverine/Sabretooth 3X War Machine/Iron Man 3X Venom/Spidey 2X Bucky Cap/AIM Soldier 1X Bullseye/Moonstone I would have taken a picture, but they dumped the case out on the customer service counter while I was pulling out my phone. They actually looking it up, saw it in stock, radioed an employee to find the case, bring the case to me, and let me at it. Guess what 3 set I bought from the marvel case. I missed the washington square ghost, but still a good haul. : )
  19. Didn't your read the issue of spiderman where Aunt May died in a library after choking on a bag of pork rinds? Do you see the CONNECTION? Seriously though, having 8 isnt all that great, b/c most of the people on the phone are tards. I used to work at TRU and Im familiar with how their inventory lookup works. They can see any store that has them in stock and how many, as well as their local distributor. They can also see when other stores are supposed to receive stock. Then when I get a person at one store smart enough to tell me what I want to know (like what other locations have/will have soon), I get a tard at the other store thats supposed to have it who doesnt know how to do it and they lie to get me off the phone. I like the Hunt for mates, or toys in general, but with TRU I may just have to get on the Preorder Pony.
  20. Dallas Tx. Out of 8 TRU's we have, only 1 had them.
  21. Speaking of Dave, where are the Twin Peaks mates? "Minimates walk with me"
  22. Consider it confirmed. Its just a black blank with four legs, no extra arms, hands, or feet.
  23. Ok, So I drove a half hour to get to a TRU outside of town, and on the way I called another TRU outside of town to see what they got in their truck yesterday. They confirmed marvel mates AND GHOSTBUSTERS. So I quickly changed course and proceeded to get there. They had four of the five GB sets and 2 extras, so sombody had gone to town on these already. I really wanted the Washington Square Ghost set, because that is a damn fine looking ghost, but they didnt have it. I'll tell my marvel part of the story in the Marvel forum, but for now I'll show some pics of what I picked up. I didn't realize it at first, but this is the same Egon from the boxset, I examined him and he had nothing new to show off, so I left him in the blister. The Library Ghost is fantastic, and makes up for me missing the Washington Square one. My camera was dying so I didnt pull out the book, but she has hands big enough to hold it. Winston is pretty neat. Winston here has a nice tampo of the GB 2 ghost logo, and unlike Peter and Egon from the boxset, he doesnt have anything clipped to his belt, or even a peg to clip something there if you wanted. I almost put this set back when I picked it up, b/c there appeared to be a white scuffed mark on Stay Puft's head, but after looking at it, i saw the rest of his body had similar marks and the prototype pictured on the back of the box was also this way. I think they were trying to show that he was the white stay puft, and he was transitioning into the full red before blowing creamy goo on Ray. Also, Ray here is like winston (except white), and doesnt have a clip on his belt or extra accessory like Egon and Peter. He is a straight white blank with little tampo's strewn about his figure. It seems these guys had something to do with Stay Puft appearing so quickly... Yup, I think A.I.M. is on Gozer's speed dial. I also reccomend NOT putting A.I.M masks on other mates, or any of the new slipcover masks for that matter. Mine have all been very tight and hard to remove. I see what people meant about Slimer's stand. As soon as I opened him, it was very distracting that the stand wasn't clear like the proto's. Furthermore, I could not remove the stand from the torso, and I did try. I also could not remove the head from the slimer suit. And finally, and most unfortunate, the awesome tampo of all the food slimer ate is gone. Overall I am pleased, but I would be more pleased if I wasn't teased with awesome tampo's and then have them snatched away. I would also be more happy if I had more shelves set up, but I have to wait till after sdcc. Let the discussion begin!
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