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Everything posted by Dude

  1. I'd have to agree it's one of the best Superman Stories ever. I just hope they give us a few other minimate characters fromt his world and that DC considers giving us a few new stories.
  2. Well ... Red Son Batman <to complete the set> Kyle Rainer Alan Scott Wonder Girl Huntress Black Canary Red Arrow
  3. Defenders II box set Nighthawk Son of Satan Hell Cat Namor varient in green trunks with Trident I'm still holding out hope for a Young Avengers wave Patriot/Iron Lad Stature/Hawkeye Asgardian/Hulkling With Asgardian's brother <whose name escapes me> as the varient.
  4. Never expected this. Wow, thanks DST. Nothing to carp about. Woo!
  5. I guess the point I was trying to make was about the lateness in general. Keep in mind I love the product and am grateful it's being produced in such great quanity. For Ghost Rider to have any chance of success, it should have been on the shelves when the movie hit, or failing that, whent he DVD hit the shelves. And while I completely uncerstand about the presales ... it's not he best business decision in the world to preview a product to your core market group, hype it, if you will, then wait an interminable amount of time until you decide there is no interest and drop the line < if that's what's happening >. I'm assuming the same thing happened to Street Fighter, the second wave < which was a great wave and I have no knowledge of Street Fighter >. I wonder if Target would have lost interest if the special wave had come out when the third Spider-man movie hit the theaters? Again, timing is everything. I am more inclined to believe that the ports in China are jammed ... we as a country are buying everything under the sun there and there is more port security of late < at least one hopes >. On a little patriotic note ... I wish that minimates could be made in the USA. I know it's probably cost prohibitive and completely understand the business decision. I can still dream.
  6. That would explain the Avengers wave ... but what about the Ghost Rider wave and the special Target Spider-man wave?
  7. Yup The actual release date is 11/28/07. Can't wait!
  8. Nope, they just asked that I supply my address and they would send one right out. Very nice. Great customer service.
  9. Did you notice that they mention that he's Tim Drake in the bio on the back of the card? No, I didn't notice that. Hmmm, I'll have to go back and take a look. Thanks.
  10. Always loved Batman Beyond and recently bought the action figure that came out in a Batman/Superman Wave. It was the one exception to my "only minimates" rule. I would love if Batman Beyond was one of the 52 and we could get some figures. Great topic and I officially have my hopes up.
  11. I for one am happy not to be going to target twice a week to look for these great minimates. I have no doubt they will be released at some point in some wave, so I'm not really worried. Besides the fact that I want them -- especially Iron Spider and Armor Spider.
  12. Well, then I've done my duty and pre-ordered it when it was first announced. My store would not be carrying mini's if not for me, so that should help some.
  13. What else do we need to complement the current marvel universe? Lots and lots of good stuff is coming our way this year. I was thinking of the mates that are still MIA. My list includes: Black Panther Captain Marvel Nova Winter Soldier Falcon Wasp Yellow Jacket Giant Man Black Widow Ares Hercules Young Avengers Then my personal favorites, the horror mates. With all the zombie action, any chance to get these? Dracula Frankenstein Man Wolf Werewolf by night Moribus Lilith Son of Satan Man Thing
  14. If they come out, I will buy them. I guess I'm a completist at heart. Plus, the figures looked great. I'm hoping the new shipping date of Halloween will help sales somehow.
  15. I heard from them today, and they are sending out a new hydroman. Pretty quick service.
  16. I wrote yesterday as well and haven't heard. I'm thinking a few days to a week. They were just in San Diego, so maybe things are slow this week.
  17. Thanks, I sent them off an email and will let you know what I find out.
  18. See if this works, it's from Minimates Headquarters Yeah, Night >>> HAWK right you are! My bad.
  19. Finally, a Defenders box set. Really excited for the addition of Dr. Strange, Valkery and NAMOR!!! And I guess we can always use another Hulk. We have a Silver Surfer already, how about a Hellcat, Nightwing or Son of Satan? Anyone know when it's coming out or will be available for order??
  20. Nothing more I can ask for at the moment. Most of my wishes are fullfilled! 19... Archangel/Angel with metal wings Mysterio Apocolypse Ms Marvel. Spidey :| Ultron 20 Hulk (Shane says "smart hulk?") Abomination. Vison/Phasing vision Polaris. Havok
  21. Wondering if anyone else had issues with the exclusive hydroman in the Spider-man box set. The problem I had is when I moved, or tried to move his arms, the left one broke off. The other wasn't very mobile either. I've since gotten a replacement set and haven't tried to move the arms, since they also seem very stiff. Is it just me?
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