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Posts posted by thebatman312

  1. hey guys,

    As an huge minimate and comic book fan, I thought this was pretty cool and I figure'd I'd share it with you. Sorry if its already been posted. But the new issue of Amazing Spider-Man has a full page ad of minimates (wave 23 and 24) stating they are available at TRU starting Oct 08. Obiviously it is not totally updated, but its cool to see minimate advertisements. SOrry I cannot scan it, I dont have a scanner, but if anyone else would like to that would be great

    I know the advertisement is in amazing spider-man #580 and amazing spider-girl #27...not sure about anything else tho

  2. I had no idea this thread was here. Now I can talk about my marvel mighty mugg addiction. I just started collecting. I have thing, hulk, spider-man, captain america and wolverine. I also was fortune enough to be one of the lucky ones to order SDCC Iron man when it was in stock of I actually am going on a hunt today for more muggs. I need venom, thing and doctor doom to complete wave 1 & 2. But since I started collecting them places like target, WM and TRU have been completely sold out of just marvel ones. Anyway, I hope I can find wave 3 today too.

    Oh and I am not a collector of SW or IJ mighty muggs. But I do want to get my hands on Darth Maul cause I love them and I will buy Optimus Prime when he comes out!

    God, why where these made. If minimates weren't addicting enough...

  3. I just don't get it. I have searched the freakin alps for the variant phoenix and cannot find it anywhere! How lucky are you people that you guys walk in and find them for less then 10 bucks. I mean, don't get me wrong, that's awesome. Congrats, but why can't that happen to me. IT IS THE ONLY MINIMATE I NEED TO COMPLETE MY COLLECTION! Well, besides the new SDCC08 packs, but AAAH! I will and need to find this mate and so help me god, I will find it if it is the last thing I do!!!

  4. So I was just on, looking at all the new mates coming out and...BOOM...what do I see? Secret Invasion minimates coming in 4th quarter 2008. If you go to the website and search 'secret invasion minimates', you can see a promo shot the secret invasion comics series. Hopefully we see them soon! Can't wait!


    Sorry if this is old news, I was just excited that I found out.

  5. I have every single marvel minimate except X3 dark phoenix variant. I have been looking everywhere for her and I cannot find her. Every once and a great while when she pops up on ebay she sells for like $50-$60 and I just cant afford that. But otherwise I have every other minimates including variants

  6. I can't even begin to understand this. DCD is just plain stupid. These are easily there best line out there now, IMO and they just take it away from under my feet. I mean, i did not even get a black canary or zatanna or the atom or...oh geez, there are so many still missing, I think i'm gonna be sick

    well at least i got my flash :flash:

  7. I got the wave last night and I think it's almost near perfect.

    My mini review

    Gorilla Grodd: I am loving the two 1/2 inch mates and I think grodd ranks up there as one of the best. I love the design of him and love skull. 9/10

    The Flash: He is the minimate I have been waiting for. Flash is my favorite hero of all time and I am in awe at him. I think he's perfect. This may be a little biased but... 10/10

    Nightwing: Another fantastic mate, I think he paint colors are perfect, perfect design. 9/10

    Starfire: Probably my least fav in the wave, but still a great mate 7/10

    Lobo: I think lobo is fantastic. I love the accessory of his chain and his design is amazing... 9/10

    Ambush Bug: I pretty excited that ambush bug is in this wave, a little plain but still cool 7/10

    Classic Batman: I love this batman! He's fantastic. I love the paint colors and the design they chose for him, but I do wish all of the bat family (batman and batgirl excluding nightwing) should come with a batarang, robin did so no complaints there... 9/10

    Clayface: My favorite 2.5 mate yet. He's amazing and clayface has always been a favorite batman villian of mine. 9.5/10

    Overwall wave rating 8.6 out of 10

    Fantastic Wave! Great job DCD!

  8. So I called the FYE in nashua Nh at the Peasant Lane Mall and gave them the SKU # and they said they had 2 in stock. So i went and they actually had like 8 in stock. So if anyone lives around here they now have 7 in stock because I bought one. I would love you help you guys out but because of the holidays I dont have extra money to buy more. But yeah for those in the Nashua area the FYE in the peasant lane mall.

  9. And say, would any of you who have scored a pack please post the SKU in this thread? That info makes it easier to pester the local stores.

    Not sure which number is what, so here's the whole tag:


    Very handy. Any chance you have the tag for the 24 2-pack as well?

    So I would love to call local FYEs and give them to SKU number to look up but I have absolutely no idea which number that is, can anyone please help me!?!?! Thanks!

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