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Posts posted by MisterPL

  1. I like the poll as is. Otherwise it's just another wish list thread where everyone would piss and moan about their favorite not being nominated.

    As far as I'm concerned these seem to be a very good list of what's likely to appear in an upcoming wave, sooner or later. B)

    Personally, what seems to be MOST likely to be offered are any characters from the Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, or Green Lantern families. But there's obviously room for guys like Plastic Man so he got my vote.

    Not a lot of love for Fire & Ice? Even after Booster Gold & Blue Beetle? I'm disappointed.

  2. If Hasbro can sub-license 12-inch action figures to Sideshow, they can sub-license the block figure category.

    Better yet – since hard-to-find chase figures are a tool of the devil – maybe Hasbro could keep the license and simply offer Star Wars Minimates through AA the same way DC Direct does.

    Hasbro does Q&A's on lots of collecting sites. Probably better off asking them directly if they have any interest in the category (seeing how well Kubricks have been doing) or if they'd be willing to give another manufacturer the chance.

  3. My shop ordered it and never got them in.

    They tried ordering it again and DST's site said they were out of stock.

    A couple weeks later, DST called THEM and said, "Remember that Spidey set you tried to order? We've got bunches of those!"

    Log story short, they should still be available through your local comic retailer. I'm still waiting for mine, however. <_<

  4. Warning: Adult Language.

    No matter how many cool Marvel or BSG or Star Trek Minimates are announced, the fact that they're all being produced by DST with that pain-in-the-ass chase figure business model absolutely destroys almost all interest I have in those lines.

    DST has managed to take a gotta-have-'em-all completist like myself – probably one of the best kind of customers to have – and made being a consumer more frustrating than fun thanks to one-per-case, hard-to-find chase figures.

    DC Direct gets my money without hesitation because I know that there will be no holes in my collection. I don't have to order a whole case or get to the comic shop before other collectors or resort to scalpers on eBay in order to get the 'mates I want.

    I've waited through waves and waves of Spidey and Wolvie variants but now that I've been unable to track down two chase figures I wanted, apathy has started to set in and consequently I'm way behind in my Marvel Minimate collecting. I used to be on top of this shit but not anymore. I have no idea what's coming out or when because DST makes it so hard for me to complete my collection.

    And I don't wanna hear any fucking "thrill of the hunt" bullshit. I want what I want. If I wanted to go hunting, I'd buy a gun and a hunting license and go shoot at some poor, dumb animals. Toys should be fun, not a god-damned sport.

    This sucks particularly hard because for years I've rallied specifically for 2-inch Trek 'mates. Not only does DST continue to offer chase figures of popular variants, they seem hell-bent on repeating Art Asylum's original fuck-up by only offering characters from the original series. Modern Trek fans? Fuck you. Yeah, we saw prototypes of TNG 'mates years ago. So what? You'll get TOS until sales drop so low DST decides Trek is no longer a viable license after all because they ignore every Trek incarnation produced after 1969.

    I just wish DST would cut the crap and do things like DC Direct. Offering characters from EVERY era makes EVERYBODY happy. Making NONE of them hard to find makes NO ONE frustrated. But apparently DST prefers pissing off its most venerable supporters and slowly alienating them wave after wave to the point where a poor bastard like myself just doesn't give a shit anymore and spends his cash elsewhere.

    In the meantime, enjoy another fucking Spider-Man Minimate. This one looks like he's winking at your mother, MILF-loving cockmaster that he is.

  5. I've noticed that just about every series so far includes characters who lend themselves pretty well to boxed set variants. Check it out:

    Series 1:

    Hal Jordan Green Lantern = GL Corps Boxed Set w/ Hal in classic GL costume variant

    OMAC = Infinite Crisis Army Builder Boxed Set

    Series 2:

    Penguin = Classic Batman Rogues Gallery Boxed Set w/ Penguin in pin-striped suit

    Dr. Fate = Golden Age JSA Boxed Set w/ GA Fate variant

    Series 3:

    Aquaman, Green Arrow, and Wonder Woman = JLA Founding Members Boxed Set with costume variants

    Series 4:

    Flash, Wildcat, and Spectre = Golden Age JSA Boxed Set w/ GA Fate, GA Flash, GA Wildcat and glow-in-the-dark Spectre variant

    Series 5:

    Captain Marvel & Mary Marvel = Modern Age SHAZAM! Family Boxed Set with white costume variants

    Series 7:

    Flash = JLA Founding Members Boxed Set with costume variant

    Clayface = Classic Batman Rogues Gallery Boxed Set w/ Penguin in pin-striped suit and new Clayface accessories/deco

    Series 8:

    Cyborg & Raven = New Teen Titans Boxed Set w/ gold Cyborg and white Raven costume variants

    Sinestro = GL Corps Boxed Set w/ Hal and Sinestro in classic GL costume variants

    Just some thoughts.

  6. Good call DCD.. now how about Hal Jordan and Batman from Red Son?

    Considering how well received the Red Son Batman figure was and how big a GL fan Georg Brewer is, I'd be surprised if they weren't offered somewhere down the line. (Depending on sales of this 2-pack, of course.)

    I had the Red Son trade apaperback in my hand today. Came real close to buying it since I own the Batman figure and will be buying the Minimate 2-pack. The art looks great but I just can't bring myself to buy it. Maybe I'll flip through it at Borders and see if it hooks me.

  7. This is great. And what's better is that I don't have to agonize about getting to the comic shop early to get a chase figure because DC Direct wisely does not offer them. Collecting this line is FUN, plain and simple.

    (Hadn't mentioned that in a while.)

  8. This is an interesting mix, and with only four SKUs per wave, you can't please everyone.

    Though I've no interest in Montoya's Question or this new Batwoman (...yet. To be honest I haven't read these characters' incarnations yet), I'll gladly add just about any Gotham-based character to my collection from any era. A Classic Batwoman & Bat-Girl would've been fine with me but I can wait while MA fans get their turn. Besides, who am I to complain about the first lesbian Minimate two-pack ever?

    The Cyborg & Raven set is a nice nod to Wolfman's New Teen Titans fans. I'll be picking those up as well.

    It's great to see DCD putting real effort into a character like Salakk. Four arms and a fully sculpted head go above and beyond the standard painted body. I would have written him off as impossible or at least too expensive to be likely. I'll gladly buy him and Sinestro to fill out my GL ranks.

    And if it takes characters like Red Son Superman & Wonder Woman to keep retailers interested in this product line, so be it. I guess the standard figures must have sold well enough to include block figure incarnations here. Or maybe DCD is just testing the Else-waters with a couple of strong-performing characters. Fine by me and great for fans of this Elseworlds story.

    Now I'm wondering what kind of accessories to expect.

  9. The only real way to rectify the problem is for DCD to release "Battle-damaged Aquaman/Black Manta(with removable helmet) in series 8.

    Nope. Gimme a classic Black Lightning with removable 'fro. Pair him with Katana for racial diversity.

  10. My concern with this and the X3 'mates is that DST will drop the movie licenses in favor of the comics. I really liked the X3 'mates but they came out A YEAR AFTER THE MOVIE and are on clearance at my comic shop! The Ghost Rider 'mates didn't even debut with the home video release!

    Timing is everything with these movie tie-ins. A movie like "Ghost Rider" is not going to build a cult following in a span of eight months. Note to DST: You gotta serve this shit while it's hot!

  11. I guess if the Flash's eyes are green, it's Wally. If they're yellow (?) it's Bart. Barry's were blue and for a time so were Wally's but only as Kid Flash. Although there was an alternate Wally as Flash with blue eyes...

    Now I've got a nosebleed. Nevermind.

  12. like i said no beef with the fig itself it looks good, but its not all that different from series one, besides that fact we're headed down the same spidey/wolerine path they havent even given us legit variations(grey,black, azbat etc) and we get another blue/grey.

    Sorry, but to me this is a VERY legitimate variation.

    The first figure was decidedly Modern Age (dark blue & grey, pouch belt, circle-less bat emblem). This version is Bronze Age, from the brighter blue hue and capsule belt to the longer ears and yellow oval behind the bat logo. Even the line art on the face and torso seem inspired by Adams and Aparo. This is the Batman I grew up with and one that makes the perfect counterpart to the last Robin 'mate we got.

    There are oodles of other legitimate variants to be made as well but I have no doubt we'll see them throughout the course of this awesome line.

    Here are some examples of subtle but distinctively variants I'd like to see:




    I'm expecting to finally see some of those abandoned C3 movie versions when "The Dark Knight" hits next summer, too.

  13. Yet another awesome wave but I have to ask; what's the beef with the Batman? You KNOW that this line will be carried by Batman, Superman, et al. So long as they stick to the source material and we don't get wacky variants like in the C3 line, I'm a happy camper.

  14. I really hope this isn't bad news for DC mates. We had a torrent this year, but the lack of any word on future waves for several months is a little unsettling in this context.

    If we don't get a solicitation next month for DC Minimates in March 2008, THEN I'll worry.

    Keep in mind what we already got this year was supposed to be released last year. I'd be thrilled if DCD decided to offer six series a year but it looks like they'll be offering three for 2008, just like they planned to do in 2006 and 2007.

    Personally I think they could ramp it up to four series a year without a problem. Toss in a couple boxed sets... :thumbsup:

    But I really don't think Mattel has any interest in block figures. Hopefully that category wasn't part of the deal.

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