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Everything posted by antacost

  1. I read your news page, Danny... I'm always interested in what new you've got on them little Minis...
  2. Howabout a new X-Factor #1? I love this book (Granted, Sook doens't do anything but covers for it anymore), but I love the idea of a mutant detective agency. Madrox, Rahne, Rictor, Guido, M, Siryn & Lilah Miller... It would make a good boxset. Throw in a wolfed out Rahne, and you've got an eight pack.
  3. I almost bought another one at TRU tonight. I was pretty tempted, but I left empty-handed. I bought two at Target when I first saw them. Opened one and watched the movie. I didn't even unleash the figures... Normally, that would have been the first thing I did...
  4. NO! "I'm with Ace" takes the grand prize. Now I've got that damn "Arnold Rimmer" song going through my head again... Thanks Ivan!
  5. Yes. Join the fight! Do your part! We had thirty-some lurkers the other day... Thirty-Some Lurkers? Sign up! We always welcome new opinions and ideas... We promise not to bite... unless you want us to...
  6. Sweet Sassy Molassy! Those are some awe-inspiring designs. I love them all, but Batwoman's gotta be my favorite... To add one more step to Fujis' comment: "Mmm, nothing like a shiny Lesbian superheroine"
  7. Sinister turned out great. Stroke of genius there with the twistie tie cape... Is Apocalypse a new one? I feel that I've seen him before. Regardless, he turned out great. Way to go all around, my'man!
  8. Next week would be good. New issues of New Avengers and Astonishing are hitting... Could Minimates coincide a release? Stay tuned to find out.
  9. I've had my order in for a case of each wave since they were solicited. But these really need to be in more than just comic shops and specialty stores for the line to keep going. Since Suncoast & Sam Goody are now gone (Granted, my local stores never got anything after wave 2!) and I haven't got a Tower within 3 hours of me (I know their on-line store is severely lacking lately, how's the actual brick and mortar stores for stock?), TRU, Target and Wal-Mart need to start selling these. I know that Target's been testing the waters with them, but they seem to just be sitting there. I haven't seen a Minimate in a TRU since the 10-pack came out. Wal-Mart stopped carrying them pretty early on too. The thing with the next two waves, are that, if they're in Target stores, they're GOING TO SELL. These waves are some of Marvel's heavy hitters. What Marvel Legends collector could pass up a Captain America or an ass-kicking Astonishing Wolverine (Yes, I think it is an ass-kicking figure. My favorite Wolvie yet, and we've got plenty of them to choose from) if they saw them setting there? Same goes for TRU. I feel the line-ups that they've gone with were specifically chosen to get the more common, browsing shopper interested in the line at the retail level.
  10. Timbo, according to the new ToyFare, it was a production change. The prototype had the Unionjack, but the actual figure doesn't... Sorry.
  11. Are these even out yet? I remember BannyJ saying in a Toyfare awhile back that they were working with Hewlett Packard on designing a printer that would allow you to print right on these little guys. That would be so flippin' cool.
  12. Yep... Hope it's fun. I've always wanted to go to one, but I hate the travel. Hopefully they'll have one in Chicago or STL soon... That 12" Sled Dog Exclusive set looks amazing. There's so much cool stuff that comes with it! It's cool that they've reworked the classic head to fit the modern bodies...
  13. One vote for X-Statics! I loved that book... I don't care for Allred's art, but the story and the characters were a fun read... I find that as I get older, that's what I'm looking for... Maybe it's growing up on the Claremont X-run, but I'm tired of heavy, deep story lines. Keep 'em simple, humorous, and I'll keep coming back...
  14. That was a bit of a shocker... Would have been better if another hero hadn't have done it about a year ago... But, regardless, my jaw dropped a bit.
  15. Wouldn't bother me a bit. I don't mind ads as long as they're relevant.
  16. They've got three Trek figures, but they couldn't find the time to slap some new paint on some Minimates?
  17. Dude! I needs me a modern Baltar... And How!
  18. Has there been pics of an actual modern Starbuck? I don't remember seeing her either... I'm sure we'll see tons of pics from San Diego. By then, they should have some pre-press samples, I would think.
  19. Thanks Lurch. Reminds me that it's going to be an expensive trip to Best Buy next week. Two Seasons of DC Cartoons, a movie, and, I think, Lois & Clark: Season 3?
  20. Good calls everyone... Me, I want a Zatanna (I'll settle for the blue and white, alien-head-thingy, but I would really dig the classic Magician look), and, as I've said before: BLUE DEVIL!
  21. The fact that they're doing it after Superman 2 is awesome. 3 and 4 are horrible, and like to Batman Forever and Batman & Robin... Two movies too many... But... HOLY GODS! That poster is awesome! I may have to find some room for that one...
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