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Everything posted by cdubya

  1. Yeah, weren't those fun? It was like a toy and a brain-teaser all in one! And by the time you figure-out how to remove it, you'll be intrigued (or just pissed) by how they got that wire threaded in the first place (I assume it was added before they joined the two sections). *the trick is to snip the wire close to the ship on one side and then pull it out from the other.
  2. I think that it is all subjective at best. In other words, what you are experiencing is not necessarily indicative of the sales as a whole. Granted, GB seems to be selling like wildfire (before a refresh), but at the moment in my local they have reached a pentacle of peg-warming equal to the T2 (which is over-flowing and showing no signs or future movement without a clearance). However, I just bought all four of the Mini-flyers that they had stocked. One looking at the pegs would assume that they were moving fast (compared to the flooding of T2, GB, and Marvel), but that was just one single purchase from a miniac. Geography and numbers play a huge role. We really need to get our "trade forums" cracking to level the playing field (if people are having a hard-time finding any of these). *I did snag a Molecule Man/Spiderwoman, Angel/Warpath in addition to the Minifliers (2 each) tonight ....wheeee!
  3. I doubt these will be appearing at my TRU as they have 4 pegs clogged with Series 1. I may need to hit-up to get mine.
  4. Yikes, good low numbers for sell-through, but it's going to be a bit more difficult than I originally planned (figured they'd be 3-4 each per case) to amass my squadrons. I should be good on Vipers (unless they release the coveted Mk II) as I have one from, one coming from the PX exclusives, and I only want two more (for Apollo and Kat). Raiders, however, may require going back on-line as I've got two, one PX ordered, and am wanting at least five more for 2 squads of four.
  5. Because it would probably turn-out like this... Unless by some small miracle DST were to (literally) expand their vehicle lines to accommodate more than one Minimate (a Colonial Raptor would be a nice experiment to test-the-waters ). Until then, I recommend tracking-down one of Polar Lights "Ecto-1" Snap-kits as it is scaled perfectly for the GB 'mates. "Against your will"? Did you hear "All Along the Watchtower" playing in your head?!? If you don't like BSG, then you probably didn't get that. :biggrin: Question, could you tell what the case ratios were by what was on the pegs? I've been wondering how to divy-up my funds as I need a few more Raiders than Vipers, but don't want to deprive anyone in my zone by scooping-up all of the Raiders (better to buy a few and pick-up the rest at another TRU to balance things out).
  6. I was thinking the same thing. :biggrin: He'll look pretty cool with some electricity bolts from the upcoming Electro, too!
  7. That would be a riot, especially if you could find a 1:24 scale Krispy Kreme truck for him to tip over and ravage (with Slimer circling like a vulture for scraps)!
  8. Good-stuff Luke, I can't wait to see the others!
  9. While this wave looks nice and will surely please quite a few people, it sadly does nothing for me personally. Even news as exciting as a Sentinel army-builder seems to carry with it all of the sentiments I had for a 2" (perhaps a centimeter more) Stay-Puft. Meh...different strokes I suppose. *I do actually like the "Phoenix effect" and I can possibly see an Andorian custom from that Menace 'mate though.
  10. Well, you can always use it to store your GB 'mates in; that's what I've been doing until I can designate a display place for these. I've got the "angry version", but they're both equally wonderful (though I wish the arms were movable) and look great as a center-piece to the line. Despite it's lack of articulation (and "official Minimate" moniker), it's every bit an essential part of the line (more-so than the multitude of 'lil-Pufts...they just don't do it for me personally) IMHO. Get one while you can, you won't regret it!
  11. I'm sorry, what?? ANOTHER exclusive?? I'm gonna go ahead and say that they are referring to good ole Stripey, and i guess that may mean that he'll be a PX two-pack or something...with quite possibly our Marines. As there aren't too many characters (though I'm sure I could come up with a short list, along with updates of previously released) to warrant a Series 3, PX (or other?) exclusive seems to be more probable. Oh please let it be paired with a Marine and easily obtainable for troop-building! *A little reminder that the new mini-series "The Plan" will be available on DVD/Blu-Ray on Oct. 27. It will air on Sy-Fy in 2010 as will "Caprica-the series" (Jan. 22?).
  12. Those are excellent! I especially like the library set. I don't suppose that you're also a BSG fan? *I needs a place to park my Vipers, a C.I.C. to tell'em to launch, aaaand a Cylon basestar resurection room to blow-up.
  13. This may help: The only problem is that the half-circle scanner appears to go on the inside of the canopy (since there is nothing in the cockpit), but this would show the white backside of the sticker from the outside. I may just skip this one and use it for something else. While the colors are off, it is surprising how accurately detailed these decals are. I don't have a camera handy at the moment, so I'll attempt to describe. Looking at the MKVII Viper sheet (with plates at top) I'll number their positions: [Name Plates] 1 2 3 4 6 9 10 5 7 8 11 Looking into the cockpit from behind, place #6(grey rect.) in the center of the console wall. Place #1 to the left, #3 to the right. Place #11 in the center of the console shelf. #7 goes on the left arm-rest, #8 on the right arm-rest. #9 goes on the left inside wall (tracing the shape of the arm-rest and shelf) and #10 goes on the right inside wall. Place the emblems #4 and 5 on the wings. As mentioned, I believe #2 goes on the inside bottom of the canopy, but you will probably see the white back from the outside of the 'glass'. Choose your pilot and "grab your gun and bring in the cat (boom, boom)"! As for the Raider stickers, since my Raiders have no pilots, I'm just using the pentagram emblems (on the wings) and saving the others for consoles in a 'basestar' diorama. Looking at the sheet with looong rectangle on the top right corner: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Again, looking into the cockpit from the back, place #2 on the center of the console wall. Place #7 in the center of the console "shelf" with #6 on the left (starting from where the shelf ends) and #8 on the right. #1 goes on the right inside wall and #3 on the left. The emblems ( #4 and 5) go on the wings (I don't have a pic., but do a search to determine the exact position). Now that I've thoroughly confused you with my diagrams (minus actual pictures), enjoy. I hope it helped! *edit* The page for the image of the MkVII has been removed...Gah! I found it on a Google image search, perhaps you can as well. Otherwise, you'll just have to rely on my confusing diagram...sorry!
  14. I have the "angry" version and can attest to it's greatness. When not in "play-mode", it doubles as a great bin to store your GB 'mates in! My only gripe is that the arms seem like they should move (since they're separate roto-pieces) but don't due to the shoulders having more of an oval shape.
  15. You're not alone, my fin doesn't fit either. The problem is that the exhaust port piece is blocking the path of the tail fin which has a block in the middle of the 'fingers' (added for sturdiness I'd imagine), so one of two things will have to happen: 1) cut-out a notch in the exhaust panel or 2) shave-off the block in the middle of the tail fin (which you may accidently break the necessary 'fingers' that hold it together). I recommend cutting a notch in the exhaust panel. Overall though, I'm quite impressed with the quality of these (a vast improvement over Speed Racer) and despite the "super-deformed" nature of these, they aren't too small. The sticker sheets were a nice addition too. Sure, I think these would fare better in the $10.00 range, but these are a TRU exclusive and well, I'm just thrilled to have gotten them at all. I highly recommend them, and I tend to be more critical than most. Now, as for the "Gold Cylon Commander"...totally unnecessary. I understand that TRU wanted something different, but these would have been best used in the 2-packs (like the "Stealth"). A simple, standard Cylon would have been better and benefited those who choose to army-build. Oh well, I'm just glad to have some Raiders! Now get out there and buy these so we may have a "snowball's chance" at a Series 2!! Heck, even if you don't care for BSG, I'd still say pick a few up for your Kree and Skrulls to do battle in!
  16. Oh sweet, they actually did include a sticker sheet for various nameplates (though it's missing Kat and a few others )! It would have been kind'a cool if they had made the Raider's "eye" a sticker (or better yet...movable) so you could reposition for variations. Mine should be arriving tomorrow and I'd expect to see these at retail in about 2 weeks. Good-stuff, thanks for the pic.-fix. Here's hoping we get a Series 2!
  17. I just got my shipping confirmation (9/11) too! I'd still be cool with coming across these at retail too as I just ordered 1xViper and 2xRaiders just in case store ratios make fleet-building difficult. Not counting the PX release, I still need 2xVipers (Apollo, Starbuck, HotDog, and Kat) and 5xRaiders (at least 8 out-number our Colonials) to start my pricey 'lil armada. If (when) we get a MkII confirmation, I'll really go ape-shit on these (a couple Raptors would round things out nicely! ). Regardless of TRU's history of price-inflated exclusives, I still think these should really be more in the $9.99 range though. Ah well, I'm just glad to be getting something licensed. The thought (and cost) of trying to piece together LEGO versions would have been a nightmare.
  18. Huh, TRU's online is now showing the Mini-fliers as "in stock", but I just got an email saying that my order was "back-ordered". Weird. I guess these will be hitting retail soon, so keep an eye peeled.
  19. Along with a prototype, half-painted Boomer. Well, we know where ONE Red-Stripe is ending up. If this is true and BSG figures are selling well, could that include Minimates too?? I'm thinking we just found out where our Red-Stripe is going... Granted, they're talking specifically about the 7" figures, but hopefully they can sneak a few 'mate surprises through the door with their success. I think the key will be keeping the quantities each store receives reasonable; no more than one case (two for larger populated areas). An example of disproportionate distribution (in my area specifically), was the T2 Series 1. Of 3 TRUs that I frequent, 1 never had them, 1 sold 2 cases completely, and 1 sold 1 case completely but was then unrealistically restocked with no less than 3 cases that have clogged 3 full pegs (2 separate aisles even) for over a month. I think this kind of poor planning is what some of you are experiencing with other 'mate lines (some receiving nada, others receiving far too much). My TRUs have done fairly well with the BSG 'mates because they've kept the case quantities low. Hopefully the 'fliers do well, as I'd love to see a Series 2, but I think the price is going to prohibit many from purchasing multiples. Perhaps the holiday-shopping will help accelerate sales and we'll see new models by Spring. Regardless, this is great-news that BSG is performing well for DST and TRU (as I knew it should). I'm just surprised that for once, others seem to agree with me! I'd love to think so, but I think they're going to have to wait until the over-abundant movie line leaves retail. Next Spring/Summer perhaps?
  20. Well that is an interesting development. I saw the pic.s for the 7" yesterday and did] lament on how they missed an opportunity for the 'mate. I wonder how it will be released (please say "Red Stripe Cylon/Colonial Marine 2-pack previews exclusive"!)? I hope it's not packed with the "Scar" ship or 7" as I only need one of those. Good-news!
  21. I finally found these in stores today, though the thrill was a bit stifled since I had already received a set in the mail earlier. I did get a second set for customs, but I'd have liked to buy more at retail to show more support for the exclusives. Now the wait for the Minifliers (Sept. 6, really?!?). I could use a few more weeks to recover from the onslaught of 'mate releases; my debit card is still smoking!
  22. I finally found my set today! The first (nearest) TRU had sold all but two "energized terror dog/ Venkeman" in just a few hours (I did get a second set of BSG, two AIM/Cap, and a Bullseye/Moonstone though). The second had an untouched case, so it was worth the drive. With all this, and a few things I ordered online, I don't ever remember dropping this much cash at one time on Minimates...not even when I bought them by the case.
  23. I just received the last of my set from TRU and overall I'm extremely pleased to (nearly) complete my collection. However, along with the "missing shoes" on the ladies, I noticed that Tigh is missing his wings (the pin over the chest-pocket). What gives with all of these paint app. short-cuts? The same tampo would have been used on all of the shoes (which had been used in other lines before), and they improved the shoulder patch and added the collar pins (which previous uniforms were missing) but forgot the most obvious of fleet insignias...the wings! *Don't know if this has been mentioned elsewhere, but I just noticed that the new feet are slightly thinner than the ones previously used giving the newer BSG 'mates a shorter stature (I'll be swapping these out with my fleet's ladies to off-set the big hair).
  24. Hmmm, looks like a great landing-pad...for Colonial Raptors.
  25. Yeah, but I haven't received anything yet either. I hope I get one of those cool "active camo" versions.
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