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Everything posted by captain_cbecker

  1. So... is the shipping list pretty much gospel on these things, or can it be incorrect? I noticed that some differentiate between the East & West coast. Does DST ship to the coasts at different times or is it a matter of transit times with UPS (Pronounced "Oops!?") or Federal Expletive or whoever. I noticed that the last DC wave hit the west coast a week later that others.
  2. So, the date on the DST website changed to this week. Anyone have any news?
  3. I think it would be interesting... though DST has been avoiding the vehicles lately I think I'd rather see other TV series from that era like A-Team. Considering they were commandos and often acted under disguise, I could see a lot of cool accessories going with. If I had my choice of vehicles, I'd still rather have to go with the BSG vipers that got aborted or a BTTF DeLorean over K.I.T.T.
  4. Action Figure Freddy has a local retail store.... the guy that runs the place told me that BSG Wave 1 was coming and he was going to charge about $8.00 for each. I went back several time and he never had them, then finally one time he had one of the White-Six variants.... in a battered pachage that looks like it was shoplifted in someone's pants.. he wanted $20. So I passed (especially since I got it at Suncoast for $10) I rarely go there anymore.... I found out they buy from AFX and mark there stuff up from there
  5. Same experience here. I got correct gloves, actually, so a perfect record. I've actually never had any breakage problems, aside from the infamous fused Nightcrawler leg, in 3+ years of buying minimates. Do you guys open them with your feet or something? (I keed, I keed) I'm not supposed to open them with my feet?!
  6. go through the disputed transaction process.... e Bay's cracking down on losers and deadbeats and will help you. If you used Paypal, get them invovled.... I think they have some type of buyer protection.
  7. No luck my way.... DC 5 showed up though. Has anyone gotten any notices from any of the online retailers.... AFX usually tells you a few days in advance if they're getting ready to ship
  8. I just got a new DC 5 Shazam and Mary Pack - the wires that hold them in the package were so tight that Shazam's knee was busted in the pack. Hopefully my LCS will exchange it. The only other issue I have had is a painted hip joint on the Target Marvel Kitty Pride. After 2 waves of BSG, 1 ST and several miscellaneous Marvel and DC, I've been pretty fortunate. I was disappointed that Shazam was busted though.
  9. Yeah, I'd agree that it seems like a ton of mates are coming out... and yeah, it's frustrating to try and buy them all with a limited budget. Here's my take... I decided long ago that I had to be selective of the things I buy. Being a big ST and SW fan, I found it was too easy to get buried trying to get one of everything... especially since it's become too common for toy makers to flood the market with lots of uniform variants and stuff that just increase the burden (afterall, who needs just-out-of-the-shower Kirk, or digging in the garden Picard, or Law Clerk Luke Skywalker). To be truthful, it's in my nature to try and get complete sets. I like minimates, becasue the $$ burden isn't as steep as the big AA/DST figures which I started collecting, but I'm finding that I still have to focus on the licenses that I really like such as BSG, ST, BTF and maybe some of 24. SOmetimes I'll break the rule and get a DC or Marvel or SF mate if I really think it's cool, but as a general rule of thumb I'm trying to stay within those lines since so much more is coming. That being said, I'm a lot frustrated that minimates seem to come out in a single wave (no real ability to see additional stock after the initial release) and that is necessary to pre-order or scoop them up as soon as you see it in the store, without the ability to spread the buying out over a month or two, without risking the stock running out. Good luck with your collections and finding the balance between collecting and the supply of money.
  10. How about doing a 2.5" minimate of Ruk the keeper from "What Little Girls are Made of" (he was the android that was played by Lurch from the Addams Family)
  11. I hope this isn't going to be the same business as BSG and ST - with changing release dates, shipping delays and everything else. Unfortunately, I think that's exactly what's going to happen
  12. Nice Trek mates... though I'll probably take a pass on the Dress uniform & Bread & Circuses figures. I wish I had the xtra $$ for all those TWOK figures - I hope those come out as minimates. I noticed no BSG mates in the photos. I was hopin' to see some hint of exclusives or another wave.
  13. As far as internet goes: AFX Cornerstore Comics (Things from Another World) Big Bad Toy Store Stuckakid As far as actual retailers: Target (when they had them) Things from Another World - probably the best source for me so far. Virgin Megastore Suncoast Motion Picture Co.
  14. Says the guy posting in a BSG thread of a toy forum Thanks for the link, Pickle. Battlestarwiki, or any wiki for that matter, tends to be much more reliable than drunken conversations... heeeey.... what's wrong with drunken conversations? (falls off chair) Nothing at all. I'm quite a fan myself. It's just that my research shows that information retrieved via the internet is 37.5% more reliable than information retrieved via drunken conversations. So now, after having a few Sam Adams, I would like to tell you all about the time I saved Ronald Reagan's life... Any chance of a Ronald Reagan minimate?
  15. My first mates were the ST 3".... I got them at Target in that brief span of time that you could get Art Asylum Enterprise and Nemesis action figures AND minimates.... before they all went on clearance.
  16. Says the guy posting in a BSG thread of a toy forum Thanks for the link, Pickle. Battlestarwiki, or any wiki for that matter, tends to be much more reliable than drunken conversations... heeeey.... what's wrong with drunken conversations? (falls off chair)
  17. I struck out at the Suncoast stores this weekend Looking for some xtras. No new BSG or ST yet. Try here... they look available and the price is about as good as you're gonna get.
  18. Yeah.... I check it like 5 times an hour... well, maybe not quite that much
  19. That's a hanky? I thought they were those weird playing cards that they use. I also thought it was supposed to be a hand of cards. that card game would be called Triad. yeah, when i first saw the images on here i thought it was a hanky as well. and the booze is Ambrosia Yeah... I'm thinking that they are playing cards... or 6-sided t.p.
  20. Spaceballs minimates w/ Flying Winnebago would be cool. haha yeah that's what I was thinking. or what about a MAX version of the transformer maid that's used to suck out the ozone? lol It's MEGAMAID! "...suck...suck...suck..."
  21. You can also try - Online they're kind of hit or miss with minimates. I got my set from their retail store the week they came out. They still had sets on hand as of Thursday. may be a good place to try if you don't have any options - I'll warn you though, their pricing is really predatory and may be well above list for hard-to-find stuff like chase figures (think $20+). Entertainment Earth isn't too bad, but you need to buy is case quantity I also got an e-mail that had them in stock (at least the non-chase sets) for $7.99 each. Good Luck
  22. Spaceballs minimates w/ Flying Winnebago would be cool.
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