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The Vox

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Everything posted by The Vox

  1. I know its been a long shot.. but I'm still hoping for Doctor Who Mates. 2009 would be perfect with David Tennant's final year on the show. <sigh> I'll just have to keep letting Marty McFly use my mini tardis to go back to 1955 and dance with his mom.
  2. I've been there minimadman.. its a tough road kicking the habit.. just take it one day at a time. Vox
  3. Also to add to the list of "Where are they being stocked in the store". Found them in stock at two locations in Northern Utah. One TRU had them with the Hulk Action Figures up at the very top peg surrounded by green hulk stuff. I walked past it twice before spotting them (with a Hulk 2-Pack out front they were hidden like camo!) Second TRU had them in the action figure isle in between Spiderman and Ben 10 (or whatever that is called). Good luck and happy hunting!! Tis' the season to be mini, fa la la la la, la la la la. (yep its official, the excitement over the TRU Surprise has actually made me a nutter) -Vox
  4. I can't remember a Minimate secret ever kept this well!! Props to you Chuck and your team!! Absolutely awesome news. I can tell you that out of the 4 Toys R Us locations in the Salt Lake City area they are all just about sold out (I think there are a couple left in West Valley) So at least that is good news in the Rocky Mountain area. I hope the rest of the country is gobbling these up just as fast. p.s. I love the new rocket launcher hands with the Iron Man set.. just brilliant!! Now I just need to explain to my wife why I need a 3rd set of everything..
  5. Sorry if this should be attached to the announcement thread.. I wasn't sure on etiquette for this one. After 4 TRU's I finally found the new Stealth Iron Man (Movie Version). I almost destroyed the packaging because I was drooling so bad over this little beauty. jk. So I crack it open and notice that there was no hole punch through on the right side of the mask (stage right) to put the little pegs from the face plate through. I'm scared to try and punch it through with a toothpick or something thinner.. so I thought I better check here and see if anyone else has experienced this. Thanks, Vox p.s. Great way to come back from the holidays! I check in with the board and then WHAMO!!.. my wife and I are calling and driving to every TRU within 30 miles.. hahaha... man I'm sick.
  6. My biggest advice. Patience. It took me 6 months & 1 1/2 years to find Black Spidey and Variant Blue Iron Man a while back. They were two that I had to have and I started collecting around wave 3 or 4 so I was always trying to back track and get those.. (two of my favorite marvel guys.. and Black Spidey has been my favorite spidey costume since the 80's ) Good luck man, you have a lot of resource here with this crew.. and if you just keep checking ebay you'll find a deal eventually. Suerte, Vox
  7. ha ha how about State of Joy! Just called the LCS and they got em in.. On my way to child like glee to pick up Tony and Pepper! I would imagine if they are hitting Utah then they must be hitting most places in the states by now. Vox
  8. Has anyone got these in their LCS yet? Mine usually calls me the night before a release but I haven't heard a thing yet. If you have seen them at you local comic shop, please let me know what state you are in. Thanks Vox
  9. Absolutely BRILLIANT wave of minimates! I have been looking forward to these for a very long time! The detail, the paint, the new molds, just awesome! The only tiny comment I would make is, why no freckles on Pepper Potts? No biggie though, that was just the only question the wife had. I am hopefully picking up my case tomorrow! Vox
  10. My wife found this and just surprised me with it, saying that it would look "cute" on display. Its a fun little set and doesn't look too bad next to my C3 batcave.. also its one of the few things on that table that I can put on the floor for the kids to go at and know that it won't get broken.
  11. Does it have to be a custom that is not already a comic book guy? If this is ok, then I'm in.. now what do we do? -Vox
  12. awesome. I have been so bummed about not hitting SDCC this year.. I swear I picked the lightest possible mate year to go.. 2007 just had a zombie 2 pack and pre orders.. and I don't collect zombie mates. This year sounds like a great year to be a fan at the con.. Thanks much guys for sharing some of the fun with us homers.. My guess, a giant Iron Man minimate costume that can be worn on casual fridays at work!
  13. I'm trying to think how I can get the minis I want still in a boxed set... hmmm... Kyle Rayner (costume after the original Ion costume) Jade Alan Scott The Atom (with mini hand size Atom) Black Canary hmmm.. no single theme there.. oh well.. these are the ones I was real sad to never see.. of course there are more.. but there are sentimental reasons behind each of these and it would help my displays. As others have said, i'm not counting on anything here, but I'll take anything.. DC minis have been my single favorite thing I have ever collected. All the kids in the family (including nephews and nieces) have their own DC character that they relate too and its been fun to have them all on display for each kid but without Atom and Black Canary its just not complete. Oh well, fingers shall remain crossed for years!!!! (2009 DC?) Vox
  14. I'll double check the box but I believe they are just called Micro Daleks (with movement and talking action) you can pull em back and they go forward (like a slow wind up car) and if you push down on them they have some sweet Dalek talking action like "must destroy the doctor, enemy of the daleks". I love em. But they are a bit pricey.. around $15-$18 each or a 4 pack for around $50. I believe they are about 2.5". Good enough for now for display fun.. The JLA is going to try and take them down next.. should prove interesting. Now we just gotta keep our fingers crossed that some nice bloke at SDCC will convince the right people that Who Mates are a must!!!
  15. Someone please beg for Doctor Who mates! I couldn't make it to the Con this year.
  16. I've got a couple Micro Daleks that look great with minimates and the Micro Tardis. I am very hopeful for this line.. its the one thing that is easing the pain of loosing DC. (poor kyle rayner) but anywho.. (pun intended) Doctor Who would be brilliant as a mini and I've got the display just waiting for him! Vox
  17. I bought two little 2.5 inch daleks and they are awesome! I just ordered the micro tardis.. I'll be real sad if this line doesnt go through. 2" battery powered talking Daleks... its like they knew minimates would be made one day.. haha "must destroy the Doctor!" "Exterminate!".. and they wind up and roll.. they were $18 but I think I have to get some more!
  18. the biggest heart ache is that this line was so close to covering every thing that I love about DC.... <sigh> KYLE RAYNER / JADE (or Donna.. just someone Kyle can snuggle) ALAN SCOTT / GRUNDY RED ARROW / BLACK CANARY MARTIAN MANHUNTER / THE ATOM (runners up: Black Lightning / Vixen. I really loved the rebooted JLA last year until they lost Hal)
  19. attn: owners of the Micro Tardis. Can it be removed from the little sidewalk? How many minis can you place inside? thx also, when do we get a "for sure" on this line? or any idea on what quarter if they do go? 4th quarter this year? 1st quarter 09?
  20. Ouch, live and learn i guess.. I always saw it around $80 to $100 (including shipping). glad to have it all the same.
  21. I think with shipping it was just under $60. I'm sure that's not the best price in the world.. but best i've seen since shopping for it. stilll loving it after a week! haha.. i find myself playing with these sets more than just displaying them..
  22. ooooooh.. after looking into this MICRO line a bit more, they have Micro Dalleks that might work nicely!! now if i can just figure out that 4.7 inch tardis and see if the doors open and close or if they are just stuck half open... man i am getting stoked.. i can see my whole future display in my head... gotta get this Minimate line made official!!! this TARDIS looks promising:
  23. The Big Question is about getting a perfect Mini Tardis. I looked into making some custom Dr. Who minis last year and I looked at the toy Tardis's that existed but the only modern one i could find that was smaller didn't have an way to open the door and let the mini's in. I looked into home made paper cut outs and even 30 year old toys.. but it got too disappointing so i put the quest on hold. and now.. we may get Dr. Who minis!! sweetness.. and just learning about the Micro Universe Tardis.. that may work.. need more info to see if it removable from that base and if the inside is fully accessible. (and if they ever come "in stock" again. I am very excited about this line and hope it survives just long enough to give me: 9th Doc, Rose, 10th Doc, Captain Jack, Cybermen, Dallak, and some way of getting a Tardis for display and play purposes. My final thoughts are, You have been fantastic.. and you know what? so have I. p.s. for those of you wondering, the answer is yes, I do own a sonic screwdriver as well as a lazer screwdriver. haha
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