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Posts posted by fwoosheyman

  1. With the month almost over it would seem these won’t be out in August like the card at SDCC had listed.

    @DSTZach can you let us know when these are due out? Also, will they be a separate SKU/Item# that will be the comic waves going forward or are they a separate SKU/Item# all to themselves?

  2. I wouldn’t be counting on the Rite Aid change to Walgreens. They only bought a portion of their stores, closed some of those they bought and the change over starts on Sept 1st, with it expected to take 1.5-3 yrs to be complete.

    There’s no public list on which ones they bought so only time will tell.

  3. Let’s face it DST desperately needs new licenses to replace long term ones that have run their course (NBX, Predator, Aliens)

    Buffy has a following and the designs are easy to make figures/minimates for it. Also, 90s nostalgia is in now and talk of a reboot/sequel have people thinking about it again. 

  4. @DSTZach  Kingdom hearts select figures are on clearance at Walgreens along w GameStop and the ones I’ve seen at Targets/Walmarts have never moved. I take no joy in this as Kingdom Hearts is something I want to have a NBX-type run in both Select and Minimates it just doesn’t look like it’s going well at all.

    I find the DST store difficult to navigate,  it’s dated looking, dark, dull with small pictures of the items. There’s no advertising on what’s new in stock and new to pre-order and it’s just kinda hidden away. I believe it needs an visual/interface overall along w more advertising on the main website and social media. The new BBTS site is something I find very appealing both visually and using it. I realize it would take additional employees to have a fully functional store and amazon store. (Or Chuck can just dump it all on you ?).

    As for a new format to get minimates into store I think bringing back the bigger boxset would be worth a try. I find minimates in both 2 and 4-packs get lost on the pegs/shelves and something bigger with a more eye-catching package design would be more appealing. The boxset should aim for a team type lineup that will appeal to casuals but still include new stuff for the collector. Perhaps an Avengers based boxset (classic Vision, classic Black Panther, Wasp variant, Iron Man/Cap/Hulk variants or some selection of other avengers). Or a comic style Guardians or X-men pack. I see a lot of these team/group sets of small figures at Target/Disney Store and it’s defintely something minimates can do and be a much better product then what’s currently out there.

    Whatever format you guys select going forward I would echo what others have said and please stop with overlapping minimate releases. It killed minimates off at most comic shops when they overlapped w TRU. Each store should have their own selection no overlap w Walgreens and comic shops going forward.

    Walgreens as the home of minimates scares me. Drug stores are where toys go to collect dust and be on the shelves for years. We all see them while looking for minimates at Walgreens. There’s already well documented issues with distribution and having them be the one store that carries minimates makes me fear they’ll drop minimates cause they aren’t moving and that will be the end. 

    Minimates are the main line I collect and they are my favorite. The loss of TRU has put them in danger of ending. Also it’s quite obvious DST is moving away from minimates/select figures and becoming more of a statue/bust company. 

    Ok so that’s the end of my rant/thesis/short book. Thanks for reading.

  5. 32 minutes ago, stack32 said:

    But they have to know the chances of that being the case are small. I appreciate them taking a risk but why do it on such a bad bet?

    Cause they don't see it as a bad bet and Chuck loves main characters

  6. Considering DST hasn’t been able to get minimates in Walmart/Target for years and the one time GameStop had them they were a huge flop, I wouldn’t be too optimistic. 

    DST Kingdom Hearts figures are also flopping everywhere and that doesn’t help convince stores to buy more product from you.

    As others have said DST needs to get creative and offer some new formats, etc for minimates in order to get in these stores and win back speciality. I also think they need to embrace online more, revamp their own store and start one on Amazon. 

    Putting all your eggs in one basket again is just one Walgreens buyer change away from complete oblivion. 

  7. After 3 weeks of checking 9 different Walgreens I finally found one set of wave 9. During this time I saw two stores stock IW wave 1 everything else was always the same at each store even those with only 1-2 packs of movie and/or animated. No distribution issue here folks. Nope nope nope. 


  8. Those are the same Met-itz they've been showing for years. Just let it go Mezco nobody wants them.

    Toyark has galleries up for DST. There are no new minimates. In fact the only minimates even displayed are KH wave 2 and the Sonic boxset. ?


  9. DST doesn’t have an Amazon store they run like NECA. Amazon itself buys some DST products and the rest is from others sellers on Amazon.

    The only online store DST has is on their website. No idea how much they sell through but I’ve never heard of anyone using it.

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