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Mystery Man

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Everything posted by Mystery Man

  1. I wouldn't mind having a Spider-Man variant so I could use the torso and switch it out with the minimate I've made of myself.
  2. I agree wholeheartedly. I'm very thankful for the nifty GL minimate AND having a wonderful place to get news, post, and just have a good time. So thank you.
  3. Absolutely. Composite Superman is a must. It's hokey but classic and so simple it's great. After that, I've got all the Supermen/Batmen I'd want. I'll take other versions thought, hoping of course that they're comic accurate.
  4. I'm planning on doing that to make a Hal, Guy, and Kyle until the versions of them come out. I'm glad I don't have to wait too long for Hal. -M
  5. No offense intended, but I can't help but laugh at comments like that. No company rep on earth would likely to be as honest as your dreaming of, not unless they sought a way to get fired I think you missed my point here. I never believed there'd be any definite answers about any line-ups of characters. But finding out if Marvel plans on doing anything after 12/13, finding out what they think of the amazing DC stuff, or finding out if they continue to drive the line into the ground with the same characters... these are things I'd really like to know. And it's something I think loyal customers have the right to know. That may just be me... but I don't like being left in the dark with promises of "Big stuff coming soon" and no delivery on it. -Matt
  6. I didn't read comics much during the Liefield/Clone era. I read the stuff going into the Clone Saga... and then the issue that it went out. Otherwise, I read Untold Tales of Spider-Man and wallowed in pre-jr. high adolescent self-pity.
  7. John looks the same in the comics presently as he does/did on the animated series before the character shaved his head and grew the goatee thing. So this can kind of go both ways.
  8. Lookee what I said: Here's hoping for some real answers.
  9. I'll get another membership (which is stupid) and start with the lovely title of "fresh meat". But I plan on doing the majority of my posting here. The layout here is better and I'm still sore about all of those Q&A things and how poorly I felt they handled them. Sure, I'm not really expecting them to tell me exactly who is in each and every line-up, but I never felt like they told us squat. Hell, I half figure that they shut down the message boards because they were ashamed of all the "Why are things not better?" topics.
  10. Off the top of my head... I think at the following lines sum up the best any action figure line can offer and are prime candidates for the minimate treatment. Each series contains well-harnessed and/or unique ideas along with entertaining, fun, and colorful characters. GODLAND Masters of the Universe Hellboy Madman (with the Snap City/Atomics Universe) Invincible Star Wars Sure, Speed Racer and Street Fighter 2 are okay... and if you're a big fan of Rocky or Battlestar Gallactica you'll go ape over those lines. But the five lines I've listed come from series with great plots and great characters to pull new readers in. Even if you had no previous knowledge of any of these lines, the wonderful and interesting characters would be worth it to any minimate fans who like to disassemble and reassemble new characters just based on all the new costume and accessory ideas. -Matt
  11. Don't worry about it, Vox. I've always liked Hal. I like John and Kyle and Guy and Alan too, dont' get me wrong. And I want all the versions of 'em I can get along with other Corps members.
  12. If it gives the minimates more exposure which helps me get Marvel and DC, I'm great with it. If it makes things harder for the Marvel and DC stuff to come out, I hope it crashes and burns. If they do see a release I won't buy them when they come out unless I happen to be at the right place, right time. I've never seen the movies, so it doesn't really make me all misty in the panties. However, I might pick and choose what to get if they come with some neat accessories. Me? I just want some classic Avengers, some classic JLA'ers, and some Green Lantern Corps. Anything else is just a neat distraction. -M
  13. That looks kickass! I think it'd look okay with ear-ring-less Ult. Jean Grey hair, too, in case you can't custom that shaggy Bruce Wayne hairpeice.
  14. Much as I'd like Hawkgirl, I want a Hawkman first. When I think of the Hawks I think of the old stuff from Brave & the Bold... with art by Joe Kubert. I don't think of the animated series. I'd like both of them, though. And I really wouldn't be happy to get the one I want the least and have to wait another million years for the one I want. It was killing me having a Thing and Mr. Fantastic but no Sue and Johnny. I don't wanna go through that kind of withdrawl again. There. I said it. -M
  15. My favorite super hero in the DCU is Hal. He always has been and always will be. But I really do love the mythos and all the other GL's in the history. I hope we get oodles of members of the Corps, Kyle in both his GL suits and as Ion, an Alan Scott GL, Guy, and a slew of villains. The most exciting part of this line is the possibility of all the GLs they can make and that I can get a whole classic JLA. -M
  16. Both in the same set! I want both in the same set! It makes much more sense if you put them in the same set! AH! Matt
  17. So can anybody confirm what versions of Cap and Shellhead will be released?
  18. I'm really pleased with everything that we've seen so far. Only microscopic gripes I have are: 1) Switch the Joker/Harley set out of the first wave for one that's not-Bat related. I really think the Aquaman/Ocean Master set would've gone better here rather than two Bat-related sets in the first series. Then again, I just want Aquaman... 2) Switch the Brainiac they have out for either the green-skinned version with the little dots on his head or the silver, all metal one (as seen during Crisis on Infinite Earths and the Super Powers toy line). Damn, I can't wait to get these. -Matt
  19. I found this place after awhile, too. So I'm back. Wa ha. And I want that Hal Jordan minimate!
  20. Ah, so I see in the promo art. Man, that's a relief. It's a great looking figure... but it just wouldn't be specTACular with his belt missing.
  21. I sure hope they give him one with the "A" on it, in his style. Otherwise, that's gonna be a drag. -Matt
  22. I thought about doing that with a Black Manta pocket hero, too. They all look really good!
  23. I'm pretty happy with the obscure characters that Marvel has put out in the past. Firestar, Silver Sable and Chameleon. But for me, I have to ask three things when seeing this: 1) Why are they only making obscure characters relating to Spider-Man? 2) Why am I getting Silver Sable instead of a Mysterio or Electro or Hobgoblin or other classic Spidey villains? 3) Why am I getting obscure people at all when they still haven't made headliners like Thor? These are "Marvel Minimates"... not "Spider-Man and his amazing X-Men Friends". I hope they step it up, too. I'm not down on them and hoping they never recover from the recession they've been in. But I think it's important they realize what they can do to make this line better. -Matt
  24. Just saw this topic and felt like adding my bit to it. I remember very well all the Q and A sessions where I posted along with others over on the Art Asylum message boards to Chuck and Digger. And all that was ever gotten back was "Wait and see" and "We like Spider-Man and Wolverine and they sell better than secondary characters on the mass market". What bugged me was... what mass market are they talking about? They mainly sell these things in comic shops! That arguement was such bullshit! Also, I don't think the DC minimates will simply be a fad. So far, unless they go a few series and then suck it up like DST or whomever and successfully put their product line in a coma, I'm pretty damned sure that people (like us) will still be buying them. Major props to the DCD people for taking a great product and listening to the customers by giving a pretty diverse selection of characters in the opening shots of their line. Honestly looking back at the first series of Marvel Minimates, it wasn't until series 5 that I was really excited about them coming out because they started making more characters than just the mass marketable ones. And with the first three series of the DC ones I'm already as amped as I was when Marvel got to series 5. Overall: 1) Marvel needs to pick the release dates back up regularly 2) Marvel needs to release new characters. Not new versions of characters, but NEW characters. Hawkeye and Psylocke and Hobgoblin and Ultron and Black Bolt. 3) Marvel needs to get rid of the people that decide who they're going to have in their lines. If that Chuck or Digger, so be it. Whoever it was answering all those questions for us over on the AA forums sucked at what they were doing. They gave the same old answers each time and didn't seem to really give a hoot in hell about what any of the customers wanted. Just in making more Wolverines and Spider-Men. -Matt
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