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Mystery Man

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Everything posted by Mystery Man

  1. I'll be skipping this wave like I did the X3 stuff and like I'll skip the Spider-Man 3 stuff except for the set with the Caretaker in it. I'll buy a couple of those for parts. I want comic characters. I'll save my money.
  2. Classic Hawkeye/Classic Vision Giant Man/Wasp Black Panther/Hercules And some other people we haven't seen. Some villains would be great. Some new heroes would be great.
  3. BOO! This sucks! Why aren't we getting REGULAR versions of Giant Man, Wasp and Black Panther first? Yeah these versions look good but it stinks to not have the traditional versions first. What, are they ONLY gonna makeMarvel ZOMBIE characters from now on? What a disappointment.
  4. I find that it'd difficult for me to rate this series fairly since I have my favorites and I have my not so favorites, meaning there are characters I would've rather seen before these (okay, well, just Bane, actually!) The characters look spot on and I really can appreciate all the details. Rather than give them number scores since it's so hard and I really think they all deserve a 10/10 (even Bane, ugh!) I'll just comment on what I think could've been better included in the sets as room for improvement. Deadman/Spectre: A Spear of Destiny with Spectre and a smirking face for Deadman instead a almost-Spectre-repeat. Batgirl/Bane: A Batarang with a rope attached or even the same Batarang that Robin came with. And Bane? Sure, fine, he LOOKS the part... but I still wish it would've been Two-Face or Mr. Freeze or Poison Ivy. Wildcat/Flash: I don't think a seperate hairpeice for Jay would've been too much to ask. It might be pushing it, but a seperate helmet without hair for him would've been awesome. Steel/Cyborg Superman: Removable helmet or seperate head of John Henry Irons without the mask.
  5. Don't have a pic or else I already would've posted it. I actually wasn't trying to make a robot John like in that picture, though that'd look really cool too. The figure is more robot than GL. Just a GL chest and crotch and black hands. The rest is all silver from the Steel's arms, legs and boots. The Thing mask looks much better if you cut out the eyes A note about cutting out the eyeholes: Put a head you don't want anymore underneath the helmet and then put the head on a body you don't care if it gets scratched so you can hold it and it won't slip away from your fingers. You might even want to heat some water to a boil and soak the helmet for a minute to get it nice and soft. Then use an exacto knife and cut out the eyes really carefully.
  6. Here are the parts you need: Battle-scarred Thing's helmet John Stewart Green Lantern chest, crotch and hands Steel's arms, legs and feet Wonder Woman's gauntlets I went further and cut the eyeholes out of the helmet and put a dark head underneath. An Emerald City blank or a Venom backwards looks best, I think. Also, if you want to really go so far you can add another pair of gauntlets by using the same TYPE that Steel comes with (but you'll need two Steels to get two of them). The gauntlets Steel comes with can be moved up the arm, so you put those on first and then "cap" the arm with the WW ones. I think it looks damned cool.
  7. I hope that WHEN they make a Darkseid he's the size of the Sauron minimate. Same goes with Kalibak.
  8. Using Spectre's cowl, cape And most of Deathstroke with a repainted Cap shield and a Ghost Rider head You could have Taskmaster.
  9. For me it seems to be the other way around. I was super excited about Spectre and Deadman but not as much about Steel/Cyborg and Babs/Bane. If Bane had been replaced with Two Face or Mr. Freeze I would've been really excited to get it instead of just kind of excited. And Steel/Cyborg are neat and all but I want more non-Supes guys. Gimme Golden Age Alan Scott and Starman!
  10. It TORMENTS me that we didn't get a Lizard with this set instead.
  11. I think it sounds great. It'd be really neat to get a Validus, Chemo, Rita Farr or Anti-Monitor. Even a giant Spectre would be cool.
  12. I'm excited about the boots to put on my beardless Green Arrow as well. It's going to be so damned cool when we have different versions of the JSA and JLA and more villains and the Doom Patrol and characters like that. I hope they make a Sea Devils set so we can switch parts around and make a team of 'em like you'll be able to do with the Blackhawk cool cat. Man, these are the best!
  13. You'll forgive me. Since Marvel has been sucking it up I don't spend as much time around here as I once did. Plus that sucks ass that DST won't re-release stuff that there is obviously a market for. One more reason why I hold a grudge against them concerning Marvel mates.
  14. Why couldn't they reissue the original black Spidey?
  15. Just got my case in. So far no breaks or any kind of leg/knee quality control issues. For a wave I wasn't as excited as the other waves about this one still looks absolutely great. I want September to be here now, though. Need those Hawks!
  16. These all look fantastic. This is the series that I've looked least forward to, but there are some great parts in there and the characters are all done top-notch. I think my favorite set will be the Spectre/Deadman one. I love that Cyborg Superman head and those red boots of Jay Garrick will round out my Silver Age beardless Green Arrow quite nicely. New head expressions and some new hairpeices are also the bee's knee's. And with that green hood and cape of Spectre's, I bet it won't be hard to whip together a quick Pied Piper.
  17. I have use for: Torment Spidey's feet Hydro Man I'll buy it, but I won't really be happy about it.
  18. If you want a green speedo version (like I do) of Namor, use Robin's crotch for that peice. It's not difficult to come across a bare chest from either the Namor close-up showed or from the Gollum. Nor is it hard to come up with the bare legs from again, Gollum or Robin. It's the feet that I'm wondering how they'll handle. Namor's black costume had shoes on with the wings sticking out to the sides. This could make or break a green speedo custom.
  19. Which ones are in this set and where is it available again?
  20. I'm looking forward to hearing about this. Besides the Avengers set, this is the only thing this year (so far announced) that I'm really looking forward to.
  21. A toss up between Series 5 and the Avengers series that comes out this year (hopefully). The Series 5 showed that they could put enough different characters in a line that we hadn't had before and really made me hope for future waves of other super heroes. The Avengers wave because it's the first time SINCE Series 5 that they've really made good on my hopes.
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