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Everything posted by JediJohnson

  1. Tell me about it, it was the perfect set... I would only buy it if it included Billy Crystal and a circular seating booth....
  2. This blog post @Newsarama ( has some fun Spidey variants that we haven't seen yet. I did not remember Cyborg Spidey or Tentacle Spidey
  3. No Amazing Baghead Spidey?!?!?! Bummer... :sad:
  4. Great! Now Chuck has a new Spidey variant to work into a future wave: Mets Hat Spidey! As for villians, I'd like to see The Ringer. He was in one of the 1st Spidey comics I owned.
  5. Poor Chuck! I could go for an Avengers Forever wave: Space Phantom/Kang Space Phantom /Immortus (variant) Rick Jones/Genis-Vel Songbird/Captain America
  6. Awesome news, hopefully that means the TRU in Olympia will have some when I get in there to check this weekend. Good luck; Southcenter (Tukwila) still didn't have any today.
  7. Found them @ TRU in Bellevue, WA Stilt Man rocks, haven't opened the exclusives yet. No QC problems, though, on the ones I've opened.
  8. This thread has gone off the rails.
  9. I think it would be more a problem of the MegaBlocks/Marvel license ending first.
  10. They'd suit a Forge Minimate (Take the Hint DST) They'd also suit a KANG minimate! (as seen in Avengers Forever, at least...)
  11. I bet it will ship in--> a cardboard box! Though if it came with Baghead Spidey everyone would buy 2! That's it! Don't use cardboard--use a brown paper bag! Cut two spidey shaped eye holes. Now it is a Baghead Spidey Head Carry Case! SOLD!!!
  12. its so wierd none of the three toys r us i visit here in washington even saw one box set of the secret wars set and i read in hear some t.r.u are stocked with them alot of them.t.r.u. and there distributing is so wonky i swear TRU @ Bellevue, WA had them when the set first came out. They were stocked on the Marvel end cap, not with the minimates in the collectors aisle.
  13. You should send it in to Comic Book Resources Comic Legends Revealed blog and see if it was planned by the creators!
  14. Amazing Baghead Spidey, to go along with the FF wave :biggrin:
  15. The rush to beat Chinese New Year strikes again!
  16. I really like Spymaster. The simple-but-cool execution just pops. A second is the Batman that, I think, came with the C3 Batmobile. You can pop off his arms and put a cape on him that covers his body and trails around him on the floor. I think it's unique, clever, and just an awesome execution of a now-classic Batman look.
  17. And they ALWAYS end up on clearance in my area. The smaller "Aerial Attack" have some nice "Stark" printed pieces, but are also overpriced if that is all you want from them. On the Hall of Armor set, that big plastic head piece would have to go. Anyone know if it is easily detachable from the base?
  18. It should come with a generic "Red Shirt" army (er...cemetary?) builder.
  19. Got a reply from DST customer service regarding my missing SS flight stand: No extra parts available for that 'mate. Darnit!
  20. Found a fresh case at Tukwila, WA TRU last night at 9:30. Picked out one Scorpion and one Surfer pack. My Surfer is missing his flight stand! ARRRGGHHH!!! Well, off to DST customer service...
  21. Found slim pickings of Wave 5 at Bellevue WA TRU last evening. 2 Captain Marvel and 1 Extremis pack was left. Customer Service desk said they didn't have anymore on their upcoming manifest. How far out does that go? I forgot to ask. Lots of Secret Wars packs (in the Marvel Toys endcap section, not with the other 'mates).
  22. I would just like to thank those of you who post "I found them" AND tell us WHERE you found them. It is very helpful and appreciated that you inlcude the WHERE. Has anyone found them in WA yet? Thanks again!
  23. Dude, you UNDRESSED the Beyonder?!?! Ewwwww.....
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