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Everything posted by HRGMann

  1. Has it been posted that the new TRU wave is out? Cause they're out.
  2. Yes, whatever they may have left hanging on the pegs is on clearance. The only pack I haven't seen yet is the Adama pack.
  3. Yep, with discount, 2-packs at $3.73, flyers at $7.48. Time to build a fleet. (and the signature at the bottom of your post made me sad when I remembered where that quote is from)
  4. Yeah, I think someone has already mentioned that series 7 has the same SKU # as series 6. I was told last night that none of the 3 stores in my area have any on order. I'm not ready to start buying up series 6 in the "hope" of them getting in series 7.
  5. $4.98 a pack....not bad since i was looking for some civilian type fodder. That was the shelf price for the ones in my store, but there was also a tag for an additional discount... another 25% off, so $3.73 was the ring-up price. As Mr. Butt said, these are good mates. Now my 1 stealth cylon now has a stealth buddy to do stealthy stuff together... stealthily.
  6. I've seen multiple requests for this and no response yet (which is surprising)... can someone please post the UPC codes from the packs so when we call we can ask the clerk to check actual availability of the actual mates folks are looking for? This information would have saved some of the folks on the board some wasted trips. Much thanks.
  7. Figured I'd weigh in... Most of what I've read seems to indicate the the Thing's arms and legs, as we see them in the pic, are large sculpted arms and legs. For the legs, it's obvious those are "slip-over" pieces. When I look closely at the crook of the elbo on the left arm, it appears that the arm pieces are "slip-overs", also... just ones that look like they're sculpted to fit well together. Has this been confirmed? Are we really looking at a basic mate body, completely covered with sculpted pieces, or is this in fact larger sculpted arm pieces?
  8. Too bad the variant pack is sold out already. I picked up a couple of the variant packs for that price a couple of months ago. The WWII Wolverine is a nice figure, works great as a base for Prof X. Oh, yeah, plus there's a Hydra guy in the pack, too.
  9. It's gunny, for the longest time they were trying to get rid of SDCC Thunderbolts and Hulk movie series... now they're gone, but looks like BBTS has them available now. Could be these the minimate equivalent of the holiday fruitcake?
  10. For a 4-pack, are you talking 4 of the same troop builder? I think I might be tempted by a mixed pack (Hydra/AIM/Skrull/Kree), but otherwise would prefer to see these on the shelves at TRU than order them on-line (the Cap/AIM figures were great for a quick-fix when nothing else new was on the pegs!). I think we've gotten to the point where there could be a case of TRU troop builder 2 packs, 4 packs each of: Kree/Skrull AIM/Hydra Sentinel/Multiple Man And if a case of these doesn't sound appealing to the TRU buyers, cut the numbers to 2 packs each, and mix in 3 packs of whatever the major characters are from the current waves. (I'd buy another first appearance Wolverine if you pack it with Wendigo, and if they packed an updated brown Wolverine with Vindicator, they'd have another winner). Later, of course, the Moloid, Brood, Shield Agents, and Doombots (both types) could be worked into the mix. Um... what was the topic again?
  11. :D You just don't know when to shut up and sit down, do you? I thought it was funny... Seriously, the only folks who would think that was for real are those who hardly ever come to the forum. For all the regulars around here, you know that what makes this community work is that folks look out for each other. Anybody willing to do something like that isn't going broadcast it, they're gonna head straight over to ebay. As much as I'd like an army of Black Widows, somethings are better just left to the imagination.
  12. True, Deadpool would help sell the set, but I think it also needs to include a visually striking character like Feral, which could be done easliy with some of the pieces from the new Beast and using the Cheetah tail. I was lucky enough to be into X-men during the Brood story, and the New Mutants orignal book that resulted from it. Heck, I'd even take a set of the orginal team in the old uniforms!
  13. The one I went to at lunch today had 4 exclusives, 1 Hogan/Drone, and 1 Mark V/War Machine. I would have liked to have gotten Pepper instead of the Mark V/War Machine, but at least they had the exclusive.
  14. I found that once you remove the Kubrick peg, take a minimate crotch piece and remove everything below the horizontal piece that the torso peg is attached to. then glue that flat "base" with the torso peg to the hoverchair. This allows Chuck to sit a bit higher in the chair and allows better arm movement. This will also help if you want to place a suited professor in thc chair that uses a suit piece over the torso piece.
  15. Perhaps if they had had a helicopter ? Y'know, Iron Man may not need that helicopter (or the Halo Scorpion or Warthog), but my AIM and Hydra soldiers just love the freedom of mobility these wonderful vehicles provide.
  16. Let me be as politically correct as I can... I am and have been in favor of being a completist except when I have not been or may not be at some point in the future. If times are good (as they are at the moment) I try to get them all. There have been times past where I had to take a look at my collection and say "Do I need this toy (in one case a MID X3 Dark Phoenix pack) when I could sell it and get week's-worth of groceries? Not that times are often that bleak, but when it comes down to it, minimates are a luxury item. The first to go will be the duplicates of characters. This question kind of follows a discussion started a couple weeks ago about when the price of a minimate would get people to scale back purchases.
  17. Good point... on that particular set. Conversely, were I to buy a Klaw/Storm pack at TRU for $8.39 (my cost plus tax), I would get exaclty 1 new piece, Klaw's sound-thing. Don't get me wrong, I love the figures, but if money were already a real issue, I know which one I would be skipping.
  18. As much as I really like the pie-in-the-sky suggestions, and would love to see all of them made, I think a good solid seller would be something to what's already generated some excitement: "X-Men: Friends and Foes" with... updated brown costume Wolverine Jubilee Mr. Sinister Stryfe Bear in mind, these just kind of popped into my head, you could make some changes, but the basic premise would still apply.... as long as Wolverine is in the set.
  19. I laughed out loud when I read that... My first comic ever was one of those book and records with Cap and the Falcon fighting the Phoenix, one of Zemo's aliases, and at the end he fell into a big boiling vat of "Adhesive X"!
  20. I think they appeared together when ROM and the other heroes saved the world from the Dire Wraiths using Forge's "planet-level Nuetralizer-enhancing device". ... man, I miss the 80's...
  21. Thanks for all the replies so far. I think that when the $5/mate range hits, I'll be done with the "gotta get them all" plan. At that point, choices will have to be made based on the character, quality, and accessories. Any new Wolverines would have to be packed with Kang, Beta Ray Bill, or Terrax. Army builders will likely build "Armies of 2". Box sets? would depend on who's in it besides the mandatory Spider-Man. I'm excited about the potential of the MAX line, but depending on the price, they may have to be the sacrificial lamb. I'm actually more excited about the Father's Day stuff, assuming it ever gets produced.
  22. I'm putting this topic in the Marvel thread since it was spurred by someone reporting in another topic here that the TRU 2-packs have been increased in price to $7.99. With all of the product coming out, some folks have joked "no I'm broke" and "there goes my wallet" - In the last couple of weeks, we've had TRU Marvel wave 6 and GB wave 3, Series 33 AND 34, and the IM2 army builder case and Spidey sets are due next week. So.... how much is too much to pay for singles or 2-packs? It feels like the price is getting closer to it's max for me at $8/pack. This is about the per pack cost is you ordered a single series at a place like BBTS, too. Now, I haven't purchased mates from a LCS since DC wave 8 (none of the shops in town carry them), so I have no idea what the normal price for packs are in the LCS's. I guess what I'm putting out here is, at what point will minimates have priced themselves out of your personal market?
  23. I'm hoping that the Doombots will be done sometime before wave 40. I don't have ready access to extra sentinel packs sans ordering another set, so I'm not in a rush to start using them for customs. Same hope for Machine Man, though that's a lot less likely. Of course, if they did Machine Man, they could use Stilt Man legs...
  24. I completely forgot about Godzilla and Shogun Warriors! But, then again, These may not translate well to the 2" scale. And no, I haven't forgotten about the MAX line, I'd just like to see more diverse, colorful characters. Micronauts, especially, would look great in mate form, plus they interacted with the Marvel Universe on multiple occasions (Captain Universe first appeared in Micronauts, and without him, we wouldn't have gotten that Spidey variant) Hmmm... since there's going to be a Princess of Mars movie, maybe we can get them that way?
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