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Samwise Gamgee

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Everything posted by Samwise Gamgee

  1. And the pic just keeps getting bigger. Look at all of that detail!
  2. Wow, you really captured all of them quite well! Great attention to detail as always. I love the premiere re-enactment with Bizarro and Clark. Great choice on Lionel too. Thanks for the photos.
  3. Well, wizarduniverse has announced the pack-mates of Trek wave 3. They also have a new official pic of the lil' guys. DST was definitely thinking on spreading out those oddball Kirk and Spocks. It's too bad grey shirt Kirk comes with Kor.
  4. DST's Myspace has a shot of Marty with the guitar up now.
  5. Well, crap. DST has just pushed the frakkin' release date on these guys another 2 months to December 12th. Noooooooo! They originally said June, and now it's December? I sure hope they don't get cancelled.
  6. Same here, though I did receive that letter with the 10% off code with my Rocky hairpiece today. They probably had more people participate in the Target promotion than the SDCC Hunt and sent the remaining hunt 'mates to the first few addresses who sent reciepts in. (just guessing)
  7. Supposedly November 28th, but you never really know with Diamond.
  8. Carlos- love the airborne Deathstroke- that's great! Are he and Rogue hanging somehow? God Magnus- Ha, screwball special! That stance really works well and the second photo is hillarious.
  9. No problem guys, just passing the news along. I certainly hope this isn't the last wave either. I think they could easily get another 4 waves out with some of the third tier characters paired with variants of the main characters. I would love to see Kara/Leoben 2-pack from New Caprica- or any of the New Caprica outfits. By the way, miniseries Baltar art from way back when:
  10. DST has just announced wave 4 of Battlestar minimates! Roslin and Zarek Gaeta and Cally Lab coat Baltar and Doc Cottle -with variant of miniseries Baltar This is great news! Way to go DST on getting Roslin, Zarek and Baltar out!
  11. Yeah, no kidding. Lee in drag just doesn't quite have the same effect, lol.
  12. I picked up a bunch of 'mates at Suncoast the other day. They had BSG wave 2, Trek wave 1, the Rocky box set, and the Spiderman box set. I only got Trek and BSG, but man that was a lot. It's good to have them, though.
  13. lol, thanks. The trick to getting them to stay is leaning Bane to the left on his hip joint. (if that makes any sense)
  14. So, I came up with a new pose for Bane the other day. -poor Bats
  15. You know what box set I would absolutely love, a Brisco County Jr. set. If made, I think Brisco could easily become my favorite 'mate ever. They would only need to make Brisco, Bowler, Socrates, and Bly and I would be in total bliss. If you have never seen the show,,_Jr.
  16. Well, they're not new characters, just uniform variant combinations: And just because I can't wait for him:
  17. Wow, been a while since this was updated. Anyway, here's a shot of Admiral Cain repaint I've been meaning to post: I just did not like her orange hair and eyes and I'm not sure why they made her like that. I'll probably be repainting Boomer once I get her too.
  18. They're not on this week's shipping list though- strange
  19. Brilliant work on Humpty Dumpty. His face is very well done and clean too. Nice touch-ups on Deadman and Spectre also.
  20. Hey cool, I did something similar with Wolverine and Colossus when they came out.
  21. That's awesome! Thank you very much for sharing. I will definitely have to do this.
  22. Well, I found the Street Fighters at my TRU the other day for $9.99. I thought, eh, why not? Here's what I did with them:;#entry50326
  23. I just picked up a Street Fighter 4 pack a couple of days ago and was able to get some good poses out of them.
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