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Samwise Gamgee

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Everything posted by Samwise Gamgee

  1. Does anyone know what minimates are pictured at the bottom right of this image?
  2. No forum, but they do have hidden gems in their galleries. I spy with my little eye new Iron Man moviemates on someone's desk! Iron Man himself has a rocket base for his feet, a new Rhodey variant in his blue uniform, and some type of bluish-grey Iron Man.
  3. Love those shiny movie Iron Man 'mates.
  4. Invaders at SDCC!
  5. I received SM3 transforming Peter today. Thanks again!
  6. Wow, thanks Limited Edition and Shane for your guys' generosity.
  7. Marvel just announced their 2010/2011 movie plans.
  8. The reason they have it listed as the third episode, though, is because of the TV movie Razor that was out in November. They technically count it as the first two episodes of season 4, but you could easily watch "He That Believeth in Me" without having seen Razor since it takes place during the second season.
  9. Is there any chance you guys could please look at a box set of minimates from the TV show, The Adventures of Brisco County Jr? I think you could re-use many parts from the 'Dollars' mates and Bruce Campbell would probably sell well, no? As always, thanks for doing this.
  10. has confirmed 4 of the 'mates for the wave but no pics.
  11. Wow, thanks for getting these up so quickly. They all look good, but Sarek in particular has a fantastic likeness.
  12. Hmmm...They're not on this week's shipping list. Maybe next week?
  13. Sure, 5 and 7/16" wide by 5 and 15/16"tall.
  14. Well, it looks like DST has Doctor Who minimates coming too! Wow!
  15. Thank you for the scans. I didn't get to see the magazine at my shop either, so these pics are much appreciated. That's great that they have mud all over Dafoe's arms.
  16. Thanks for those pics, MINI_MYTE! That was fast and they look great. I especially like that last one of Flash on Grodd.
  17. lol, that is excellent. The quality is fantastic and very striking. Thanks for sharing.
  18. As usual, cooltoyreview has a nice big pic: They look good, should be cool.
  19. You know you can click on the pic and get this monster? No need to zoom in. By the way, I think a great slogan for these would be (and what I have been referring to them as) 'For a few dollars, more minimates.'
  20. Looks like they're on schedule for March. Nice big picture too. They look outstandingly detailed!
  21. Did anyone else see this post from the AA board? I'd be really surprised if this is true, especially so many of them planned at once.
  22. Hey, no, sorry I have not found anything either. I even checked the second issue...nothing. I don't think he was kidding about it, though. He may have been wrong about the magazine because he said later that Milo was on the cover of the magazine and neither of the official magazine issues had just him on the cover. I guess we'll know from ToyFair next month?
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