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Everything posted by Nestlé

  1. Sure I'll admit there's some humor in the sentence because those specific characters have all come back from the dead, but even considering those 3... Of the "main" Dc heroes only Superman, Green Arrow and Green Lantern have come back to the dead. Marvel on the other hand... I don't know of a single character that has not died at some point. As for Donna, Lastly, Jason Todd's character stayed dead for something like 19 years. I personally can't stand him and wish he'd stayed in the grave, but still, you get my point.
  2. If there's one character I hate It's Yes. That is actually my real concern with Countdown. They took great characters from every earth and... Killed them. Same goes for Salvation run. Don't get me wrong, unlike Countdown Salvation run is AWESOME! Add that to the fact that 3 of my favorite characters died: In an effort to do "big things" are they getting rid of too many good resources? I mean, this isn't Marvel. In DC characters STAY dead. As for Donna, the TPB Death & Return of Donna Troy is alright, but unlike the other characters out there one Trade really can't sum her up by itself. Unlike the rest of the multiverse she's the only Donna and has to live out every life of tragedy that happened when there were thousands of her. It's pretty confusing, but interesting. Who is Wonder Woman? is another good TPB, but I'll keep my eye out for something better Jatta. I first started reading her back when her and Kyle Rayner were dating.
  3. Okay, a couple of things I thought I should drop in here for you Jatta: By calling Donna "starry Wondergirl" it's pretty obvious you don't really know who she is. She DEFINETLY won't And, is one of the most interesting characters in DC. Without a doubt one of my favs. As for Justice Society, I`ve never been huge on them either, but Geoff Johns writes them (the same guy who writes GL) and they`re not as much about `saving the world`as they are about training the next generation of heroes. They don`t really fall into the same district as the Justice League.
  4. I know, right? Kyle & Donna are 2 of my fav. characters! And, despite what people say, Darkseid is the coolest baddie EVER. And yet... Yikes. I have high hopes for Final Crisis though, and will keep you guys posted. As for Fourth World... Well the reason this whole story happened was because noone at DC COULD write the New Gods. They figured the characters had been so ruined over the years that they should just remove them.
  5. Jatta, let me clear up your queries: First: Sadly, Countdown was brutal. Despite having all the right ingredients, including some of my favorite characters they couldn't pull it together. Disappointment #2: Turns out countdown has nothing to do with Final Crisis. It was just to pass the time. Final Crisis IS about . But, I'm not sure what you've been reading, cause he can kick Superman's a$$. There IS a new major player in the story. Libra. He's not actually new, but he hasn't been in comics in like 20 years, so it counts. Unlike the other major stories that have run in the past Final Crisis seems sum up everything that has happened in DC and builds towards everything that will. It's kind of a "Guide to the universe", and, to my understanding will take place in the past present & future. I have faith it'll be sweet. Know why? Geoff Johns is working closely with Grant Morrisson on it. Oh, and if you liked Infinite Crisis & Sinestro Corps Geoff is writing the third part of his Superman Prime trilogy and is the "accompanyment" for Final Crisis. It's called "Legion of 3 Worlds." As for the , well I'll leave that one. It makes sense because their realities that are essentially who they are are changing so much that they all begin to look different and act different. That being said, often it's hard to picture them as "all powerful"... Bunch o' wusses.
  6. I actually am interested in these. Kara is right, Bruce Timm does make the best cartoons, but evolution was still good. Which reminds me. I had heard about this cartoon back when Evolution was cancelled. It's been so long I thought maybe they dropped the idea. On another note, you guys have obviously not seen the old XMen cartoons in 10 years. Worst show ever. YOu know those memories you have of something that aren't as good as you remember them? Take it from someone who's seen them recently... They're bad. Oh, nevermind... Second worst. The 90's Iron man is the worst.
  7. I noticed they "corrected" some of their sales last time. For instance I got the newest Marvel waves on sale last time.
  8. The double copy idea doesn't actually work, but Vash is right, memory cards are very underrated. They are awesome!
  9. Neo, we have a memory card just for moving GAmertags. It's fast and easy and WAY better then retrieving.
  10. Personally I'm pretty disappointed with Blackout. Don't get me wrong I loved Lockout. Every rerelease of a map so far, however (including H2) has been a remake. I've played Lockout to death. I almost wish it had been a free download. The reason they still make Madden games? People buy them.
  11. I bought Legendary, but matchmaking hasn't put me in Ghost town yet. Avalanche is sweet though.
  12. Where's the link to the petition? I'll sign.
  13. Toon Link is FAR superior to Link. He's actually the reigning champ on my Wii. Followed by Ike and... Bowser? How the hell? Anyways, I'm about 85% done the glass wall. When I started on my 2nd time through (my Wii insteada of my bros) I made that my goal.
  14. I dunno, with Sinestro War and 52 having been such huge success I think Batwoman/Question & Salaak/Sinestro should sell. Cyborg & Raven are also major characters in DCU. The real hard sell will be the soviets.
  15. "Gee you look nice today, honey." "God Magnus made me do it!" "Everything was 15% off sales price." Sorry, just practicing what to say when my wife finds out I spent $150 on Minimates. Anyways, it should be alright, my job gives me $500 dollars towards hobbies each year. Thanks for the good find there Mag.
  16. You're right there, Trekker. What you might not know, however is that Nintendo DOES have good customer support. They sent out free thick wiimote straps and wiimote gloves to anyone who bought a Wii. (You needed to register)
  17. drgn, whenever I do customising, I use GamesWorkshop green stuff. You should be able to find it locally. A hobbyshop or toystore might have them (Or a Gamesworkshop store!) Gamesworkshop is the company that makes WarHammer. Does that help? (The green stuff is made by mixing blue and yellow poxy).
  18. Honestly, I've wanted to for awhile Dino, but I haven't. Sorry can't help ya.
  19. Here we go again. Wii, I'm pretty sure you've already established your point of view on this one. Also, it's important to know that my repairs all took place with the first generation 360s. Quality has grown considerably since then. It's also important to note that I'm not a fan boy. I play all the systems. You WON'T however hear me proclaiming Sony's awesomeness in customer support because when EVERYONE I KNOW'S PS2s died they wouldn't lift a finger to help. Maybe you're too young, but when PS2 was out stores here wouldn't even accept trades on PS2s as they were too prone to breakdowns. I would rather have a company who comes forward and says "we screwed up let me ficx that" than one that says: "You bought it, your problem."
  20. It's true, that means in 2 and a half years I've had 5 breakdowns, but if you go back through this thread you would know that I don't mind. Microsoft has given me piles of swag to make it up to me. I'm still very loyal.
  21. The blog you heard from is incorrect, as I have had mine repaired 5 times for free.
  22. Personally, I don't care either way about GTA, I've [played 'em. I understand Neo's stance, but also know how much they've contributed to video games (free bird). I DO have to hop onto the Halo topic though. EVERYONE has a right to dislike the game... But Dinobot, your "review" was NOT a review. You complain about story and gameplay... Sounds more like your "partner" is what you should be complaining about since they ruined both those for you. How would expect to know whats going on if you skip every movie? YOu wouldn't in H1 or 2 that's for suire. Plus, the last level in H3 is my favorite level in any game. Period. That being said, RB reload is much more efficient once you get used tyo it. It allows you to reload your guns independently if you want. As for the brute technology, think of Brutes as being kind of oppressed in the earlier games. Too violent and barbaric they weren't allowed on the front lines of the battle field. When Elites got booted from the covenant the brutes took their place, and as they grew in power got to bring out more and more weapons and vehicles with blades and spikes. And, just like the battle rifle was new technology in H2, equipment was just being developed during H3.
  23. drgn, I use green stuff from games workshop for my custom needs. Will that do? Or does it need to be Milliput?
  24. I don't know, I think games like RockBand have a way of swaying you. I've spent $50 just downloading songs for it. Though I'm still skeptical microtransactions get thumbs up from me.
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