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Everything posted by Nestlé

  1. You can acctually own EVERYTHING in Fable. The buildings you curretnly cannot own can be "unlocked" by doing quests. I'm all for the NXE... As long as it doens't screw up any of my games. (The update a month ago PREPARING for NXE crashed a dozen games on XBL. Halo 3, for instance didn't work properly for 2 weeks).
  2. It IS a 99cent giant green ball. That part is still fine. It's the strip around it that's damaged. Essentially I took Duct tape wrapped it around, painted it green and then painted the GL symbol. It's not a huge ordeal, but a couple hours of work.
  3. So, if anyone wants to post anything here go for it. I can tell peopl are reading my reviews by the read counter, but I am feeling kind of lonely here. Anyways, here goes: Final Crisis: Last Will and Testament #1 You want a good story? Get BRad Meltzer to write it. I don't even LIKE GeoForce but this story is great. This book came out a few months ago, but I had missed it. It focuses on GeoForce going to kill Deathstroke before the world ends. Deathstroke was responsible for Terra (Geo's sister) going nuts, trying to kill the titans and dying. It's a revenge book, and a damn good one at that. Final Crisis: Submit #1 Some of the books coming out are rough around the edges, but I can respect what they're trying to accomplish with them... Not this one. Submit is a straight up WASTE OF MONEY. This is a horrible story leading into Final Crisis 4. To recap, Darkseid now controls the earth adn the anti life equation is turning the world's population into evil zombies. Black Lightning answers a distress call that turns out to be Tatooed Man's (a villain) family. He rescues them and passes on an important electrical signal to Tatoo before getting brainwashed and becoming a zombie himself. Bo-ring. Final Crisis #4 FINALLY! So did 3 months of waiting pay off? Depends, how high were your expectations? This book continues to get better and better. Does that make this issue awesome? No, just good. We left off with BArry and Wally jumping into the future where they must fight currupted Wonder Woman, Batwomn, Giganta and Catwoman. The world is controlled by Darkseid, and, well it sucks to be the human race. This issue has the Flashes beat up the women (Famale Furies) and starts to give us a realization of how many heroes are left to fight Darkseid's rule. And there aren't many. Tatooed man shows up at the hall of Justice (remember sucky Submit?) where he is taken in by Oracle, Green Arrow, Black Canary, Ray and some civilians. Essentially there are 8 of these "safe houses" spread out around the world. An army of zombified people break through the defenses and take over the Hall. The survivors decide to use Ray's light powers to work the teleporters but need to leave someone behind to work them. Green Arrow volunteers and sends the others away. He then fights the army but can't bring himself to kill Black Lightning, who beats him and tunrs Arrow into a zombie.
  4. My dog wouldn't be the same either if he came anywhere near my Minimates. Nice picture! LOL. The dumb custom rolled off the shelf and landed where my dog could eat it. In retrospect, I probably should have seen that coming.
  5. I thought since my Green Lantern Corps movies are drawing to and end (Shameless self promotion here: ) that I would post a pic of my corps. It also shows just how huge Mogo is. I had no idea such a huge character would be so dificult to shoot on small sets. Plus, my dog attacked him just before episode 3... And he'll never be the same.
  6. My suggestion? Wait for Resident Evil 5. Resident Evil is the best survival horror game ever made... And RE5 is Coop. March is only a few months away... Neo, beating games can be a fickle thing. Sometimes the ending creeps up too soon, sometimes it feels like it wasn't worth it... But often you get that feeling of satisfaction that came with tLoZOoT. I'm not even talking about BEATING games though. MOst of the games I play are multiplayer. I'm just saying get your moneys worth. Try to remember it's not a job to buy and play all the "good" games out there. Just, have fun.
  7. Neo, I think I should tell you something. In my experience playing a lot of games isn't neccessarily a good thing. I used to have 40 games for my GAmecube and would put one in for whatever my mood was. Problem was, I never gave any of them the attention they deserved. I spent a lot of money and barely played half of them. Currently I play Halo 3, Rock Band 2 & Viva Pinata TIP. Occasionally I will rent or buy another game (currently Fable), play it, then go back to games that DESERVE or NEED my attention. A quick skim through our games list shows that there isn't a game that you have more achievemnets on. Okay, so we know achievements don't mean much, but they do represent how much time you've commited to a game. A good chucnk of those games I think you probably liked more than me... But you didn't give them their time.
  8. Bri, Little Big Planet is actually one of the 2 games I want for PS3... I just have one. Sorry. Neo, Burnout Paradise = One of the best driving games available.
  9. My venom tongue comes out no problem. (Canadian 2 pack), didn't know theree was another way.
  10. How many days have you been waiting to use "thor losers" BHM? :tongue: It was a great contest and really made people work for it. Good job. Oh, and my 2 pack variant answer was Black Spider-man/ Venom w/ tongue. My reasoning was that both were variants/rare figures in 1 pack. The normal pack was BD Spider-man with Venom. Only a few packs had black spider-man... Only a fraction of those were from Canada where Venom with a tongue was included. That's right... "best answer" right over here.
  11. I used the one I have but bought it off someone else on the boards... So it must have been missing peices. I DID count to body parts as 15 though.
  12. I absolutely love it! I would pay for that custom any day.
  13. Hey guys! Thought I would finally show mine. It's a bit messy cause I'm using a bunch for movies. Each drawer cabinet has about 150 mates. You can barely make out Sentinel & Galactus on the top shelf too. Bad piture.
  14. You entered the MMMV contest (wave 26)
  15. I'm glad that I only rented Fable. It's very short... And I'm already getting bored. It's back to my tripod of awesome games already. (Halo 3, Rock Band 2 & Viva Pinata TIP)
  16. Surprisingly similar to my guesses Jatta... Except some of mine were in different waves. (Sunfire in 26, ect.)
  17. So this is normally the around the time a new episode would be showing up at MinimateHeadquarters. Sadly, it's not running right now, so Bri told me to go ahead and post it hear for now. You can find episode 3 on page one with the others.
  18. I never disagreed with you on song selection, Neo. I was just able to appreciate the game for what it was. I think it's important to note that the 2 games I play regularily (Halo 3 & RockBand 2) have more than great games in "their corner." Both are made by the 2 best developers in video games. Before you argue that, give me one second to clarify. More than ANY OTHER developers out there Harmonix & Bungie LISTEN TO THEIR FANBASE. Halo fans wanted more maps, more forging equipment & more campaign maps. All these have been delivered (or announced). Harmonix fans said the XBL marketplace was too confusing, so they added their own. Fans said they wanted online tour. Fans said they wanted specific bands and songs. All delivered. Finally, the question of new genres of music? Well, we'll find out soon enough.
  19. And the gods of video games, known only as "harmonix" knelt down and offered neolego an olive branch.
  20. Luke I feel super bad about not having checked in more recently. No, I don't feel bad for you... I feel bad for myself! How could I let myself miss out on these aweseom customs! Crosair has always been a fav of mine and I absolutely LOVE your Lalandra and Darkbird.
  21. Ahhh, Neo. Always determined to be "right." Honestly, I won't be playing Wii music no matter what. I'm got tired of what Nintendo is passing for games a long time ago. I WILL however disagree on your statement about "amateur review." Jenn is one of the most promonent reviewers for, the company who puts out Electronic Gaming Monthly (the BIGGEST monthly video game magazine in the world). She has been reviewing games for several years now and definetly knows her stuff. Also, you can see on IGN the other reviews it's received from the press. The IGN rating you linked is considerably lower than any others there. I also ran it through google and couldn't find any other low reviews. Like I said before, I couldn't care less if this game succeeds. Actually, I would probably prefer if it didn't. I DO however have a great deal of respect for and consider them the most credible centre for video game information out there.
  22. MiniFiend, I've played Sonic & MArio Olympics, and I couldn't disagree more. That game is a massive list of horrible.
  23. So this is ironic. Turns out the game you guys decided to boycott (not me, I don't play ANY Wii games anymore) is actually good.
  24. Well I'm back again with finally something to talk about. This was a good week for final crisis, since the the 2 books I've talked very highly about came out this week. First up: Rogue's Revenge #3. This issue of course, does not disappoint. The only thing that doesn't make me happy is that it's over. Issue 3 was the end of the mini series. I love reading about the Rogues, they're some of the best characters in comics. With the story they told they could have easily gotten another issue (maybe 2) in there. The finale seemed a bit rushed, but very solid book. Legion of Three Wolrds #2 Once again I'm impressed. It's hard to believe you're only reading 1 comic. Geoff crams SO MUCH into each issue without feeling wordy. Also very interesting is what he's doing with Green Lanterns in the future. I'm not even gona put 'em in spoiler boxes though, since, if you're going to read it will ruin some of the surprise. This comic definetly IS the perfect guide to the future of DC. IT ties PERFECTLY into continuity and I love it. Big thumbs up on both books. Neither of them are "must reads," but you might regret it if you don't.
  25. Well Bungie continues to "up the ante" with Halo 3. We've seen all types of new things coming down the pipeline from new maps to new achievements to new challenges. "Sandbox" promises to be a videogame equivalent to a HoloDeck from Star Trek with the "create your own world" feel. But those are just the tip of the iceberg. Without further ado, I give you Recon: You finished watching it yet? Essentially it's new Campaign levels. To our understnding it takes place during Halo 3 on earth. You play as an ODST (my favorite thing in Halo universe!) and fight for survival on a Covenant invaded planet. Sweet.
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