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Minimate Game?


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Not sure where to put this, but has there ever been talk of a minimate game similar to the Lego games? Imagine playing as your favorite minimates and using their powers to solve, destroy and rearrange various lego blocks and lego like environments. And battle your favorite baddies.

Wolverine minimate battling through a horde of hellfire club goons?

Jean minimate lifting and throwing a sentinel?

Spider-Man minimate swinging on lego blocks?

Thor throwing his minimate hammer at loki?

how cool would this be?

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While I agree it would be cool, I just don't know if Minimates pull in the same kind of numbers as Lego as far as collectors go.

If you could convince a game company that there's enough attention to warrant a game, then it would be a matter of getting the different licenses to the table. Otherwise, you're talking about a bunch of blank Minimates beating up other blank Minimates.

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While I agree it would be cool, I just don't know if Minimates pull in the same kind of numbers as Lego as far as collectors go.

If you could convince a game company that there's enough attention to warrant a game, then it would be a matter of getting the different licenses to the table. Otherwise, you're talking about a bunch of blank Minimates beating up other blank Minimates.

While I agree that minimates as a brand aren't as big as Lego, but I think the Marvel brand name alone could sell good numbers of the game.

To clarify I was thinking of a Marvel minimate game...not just a generic minimate game.

Edited by Chronotrigger
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Superhero Squad got a Marvel game, though that was probably largely inspired by the cartoon. As drgn suggests, not having much outside exposure would hurt the Minimate game's chances. I don't see it happening.

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As per the OP, the idea had been brought up before.

In the first place I don't even fully "get" how the Lego-themed games are so huge in the first place. I figure it's partly appealing to the geek/hardcore fans (both of Legos and of Star Wars/Batman/Indiana Jones/whatever), partly making the same properties fun and palatable for younger audiences, and partly one of those weird flukes that dictate popularity in the gaming world. I guess it's obvious I'm not really the video game-type.

Besides the different issues drgn already brought up, like with everything else a Minimate game might stand a chance at being successful if it actually brings something gamers haven't seen before. It is cool to conceptualize what such a game would be like if it really existed though :D

Wasn't somebody around here working on something like this until he ran into copyright issues?

All I can recall is seeing a thread here somewhere about that Minimate Punisher game Luke did. Was that what you were thinking of, God Magnus?

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That's the only instance I recall, and I think Luke mentioned Marvel pulling the plug on it.

As far as Super Hero Squad, they've had a strong presence in just about all major retailers since their creation, so I'd wager that they are more well known than Minimates by many. The fact that there's a cartoon probably helps.

That isn't to say that a Minimate game couldn't wow the gamers out there, its just going to take a big hook to get anywhere. If they were to make a Marvel Minimates game, they'd have to find a way to distinguish it from not only regular Marvel games, but also Lego games. If they put out MegaBlocks Pirates of the Caribbean: The Game, it would get buried under a flood of "Lego Knock-Off" comments.

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