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Posts posted by rsprin

  1. I agree part of my original interest in Minimates is they are so small yet so articulated. All the minute detail looks very intricate on the 2 inch scale. Making them bigger kinda goeas against the term Minimate don't you think? Not that I won't still buy one of all of them (I see you bidding on that Mr.T Ady).


  2. So are there any (reliable) websites that are offering pre-sales of complete waves? I hate to go to the store to pick them up, much more into armchair shopping. Is Corner Store a good site? What about Stuckakid are they doing pre-orders of complete waves? I want to get in early before I have to spend $20 on a variant that's been out 2 weeks! :blink:

  3. Hey guys I have a question. Since it's beginning to look like the Marvel waves are on their way where is a good place to pre-order them so I don't have to go to Ebay and scrounge. I tried doing the pre-order onn Corner Store Comics but I just got an error message that they were out of stock. I don't want a case of each just one of each figure including the variants. Any suggestions?

  4. You REALLY should check into getting creme for that finger, it might be contagious! :o Seriously I agree it's frustrating not hearing anything but working for a manufacturer of things non-mini I know they tend to keep quiet just in case something last minute happens. Even as an employee I don't know about a new product until the sample is sitting on my doorstep!

  5. I don't have much to add to the conversation thread other than I too am pissed I spent so much freakin money on a bunch of mini's that aren't going to be worth the blob left after I melt them down under a magnifying glass and use the plastic sludge to spell out Marvel Sucks. That and I love that someone used the word 'hooey'!


  6. So I might be geting lazy in my old age but anymore I stick to "Buy it now" items. Twice this week I've been bidding on some golf clubs. The first time I was bidding back and forth with a guy until the last second (it's a given that if you're going to bid you have to watch the auction to the last second if you hope to win, or set your max bid a three times what it's worth, right?) Well last night I get some guy deal_sniper who recently changed his handle to hide from something bidding against me with 2 seconds left. Then I get some nasty email, etc. I sent a complaint to ebay but might as well of gone in the other room, flushed the toilet, and called it a night. Anyone else having such a wonderful time using this great site? If not for getting ready to sell of my minis based on the wonderful outpouring of new ones to keep me excited over collecting themI would have cancelled my profile all together.


  7. Well on a lighter note! Maybe a C#? (Ok yeah that was dumb now you know why I rarely post). I think I have this picture thing figured out, so here's a few pics of my collection. Mucho thanx to J-bone for hooking me up on the Emerald City mates!!!!!! :D





  8. Not sure if this is the best way to ask but I have now become a Minimates completist (y'know it started just Iron Man cause he's my favorite, then just the Marvel guys, then Just the Marvel and DC figs, now I am smoking crack staying up until 2am watching for new listings on Ebay). Anyway I have most of the LOTR mates but cannot find the Merry Borimor two pack anywhere. Was it a limted run? Does anyone have a line on them?

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