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Everything posted by AdyCarter

  1. But the original wave Mr F DID have C3 feet didnt he? Or am I going crazy?
  2. Apocalypse. If I have to choose a factory produced one then its Cable.
  3. Wow, 6 months after the site went live and its still not updated... although the idea of an online game with real prizes sounds good, but Im not going to hold my breath.... lets just hope they've got someone in to look after that site... On the plus side that trailers better quality than the last one I saw.
  4. This little fellas are rare. VERY rare. Sealed 2003 Blanks even more so. As such if anyone out there has a 2003 blank that is sealed and they wish to open it, may i suggest they trade it for an open one with someone that has one. That way we can keep some of thise little beauties in circulation for the future
  5. As for Whoozy god knows... stopepd returning my emails around the time of their vanishment, hope all is ok.
  6. Its looking like Marvel 12/13 then DC 1 But I have a feeling they might both show up at SDCC
  7. Usually the ONLY way to get blanks is via online stores or ebay along with conventions, so your in the same situation as most of us. At least you get decent cons in your country
  8. Nope, Texas. Didn't know this was a private party. dont feel bad i am from oklahoma we aint got nuten lol but i want some to i hate oklahoma Eh?
  9. Much as I'd lvoe to take the credit for that song, I cant..
  10. Yup wave 8 = C3 Feet TRU Boxset = No C3 Feet. As for wether all Target Mr Fs have regular feet or not, god only knows.
  11. An Infinite Crisis themed wave would be nice, as would a Villains United/Secret Six wave. I'd also sell members of TBTs family for a few elseworlds Mates
  12. Some nice work there, Im gonna have to get round to picking a Stikfa up at some point and having a play.
  13. Hey there! Glad you've joined us! Any chance of a pic of them?
  14. Yay! Im glad you've joined us! Enjoy NY Jaycen!
  15. Huzzah. I belive you were another victim of some of the IP bans that were enforced, despite been over 3 years old...
  16. Perhaps in the six hours during the weekend that this thread as been here, no one that has bought that pack from target has visited. Isnt the Targer HT/Mr F just the regular wave version anyways, in which case it will have regular feet.
  17. ShockerToys crew, my affectionate name for what appears to be Geoff Beckets army of sock puppet accounts on various forums. is fun reading, although Reideens blog was better, but sadly he took down all the related entries as he felt he was giving them free advertising. They removed the entire Stikfas article (which I restored) and threatend to do the same with the Minimates page. Edit: Am I replying to imaginary posts now?
  18. How was the Shockini article violating Wiki policies? And did our good friend Superkini have anything to do with the kaffufle? I dont think SK could understand Wiki, It violated policies as it was originally pretty much an advertisement, and it was decided to remove the article last december. A newer version of the article was created by myeslf earlier this year (before the ST crew became the bane of my existence - anyone thats been following the situation will know why) but as the article had been officially "deleted" I shouldnt have created a new one, so after a few months of been missed it got deleted again in an audit.
  19. The shockini article got removed from wiki, as it was violating their policies. "Someone" went mental over this and decided that if Shockinis werent allowed an article, neither should Minimates or Stikfas. This moron also decided that the only reason the article was removed was because the Wiki admins work for his competitors. The best part was his attitude, such nuggets of conversation: "A PERSONAL ATTACK HAS HAPPENED TO US THIS IS A FRIGGIN OUTRAGE! AN ADMIN LET THE SHOCKINI PAGE STAY UP AND IT WAS UP FOR MONTHS WITH NO PROBLEM FIX YOUR DAM SYSTEM OF BUTTHEADS WHO JUST WANT TO DELETE STUFF! THIS IS BULL CRAP AND I NOTICED THAT THE COMPANY WHO MAKES SHOCKINIS PUT UP A COMPANY PAGE AT THE SUGGESTION OF AN ADMIN ON HERE AND NOW BOTH PAGES ARE DELETED> THIS IS FRIGGIN CORUPTION!" "IF US FANS CANT WRITE ABOUT A TOY THEN WE WILL JUST DELETE ALL FAN BASED WIKI ARTICLES! UNLESS YOU FRIGGIN BRING THE SHOCKINI PAGE BACK"
  20. Ever been to a Skrull Rock Concert? You have now: Everyone sing along now! On the Skrull home world in a secret laboratory they modified a chromosome and so begins the story of a Skrull whose nearly impossible chore is to battle and defeat the Fantastic Four. He's Super Skrull--incredible! He's as geechy as Nietzsche and that's no bull. Though to us he seems preposterous, it's really not for us to just pass a rash judgement on the Super Skrull, cause his left arm can stretch like it's made out of plastic: it's as elastic as Mr. Fantastic. His right arm's got orange rocks for skin: from the shoulder down he's as strong as big Ben Grimm. He can turn one leg invisible, which really isn't all that practical. Unless you're extremely gullible you won't be fooled by Super Skrull. His other leg is flammable (the same thing as inflammable): he crossed his legs and then he learned his invisible leg could still get burned. Though his appearance is comical and raises many questions anatomical, his features aren't as malleable as the features of his fellow Skrull. From his hat down to his shoes he wears unstable molecules. He's endorsing RC Cola and cruising chicks with Arnim Zola. He's not even possible, but what the hell, he's Super Skrull! He can't tie his shoes without an oven mitt, and he has a hard time finding shirts that fit. Painfully implausible, technically impossible. Socks? He's got a closet full. His favorite band is Jethro Tull. He's not just any ordinary Skrull, he's Super Skrull!
  21. Having just spent the best part of the night dealing with more of the Kinis "lovely" assistants on Wiki I think I might ban those words from this board.
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