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Will Work 4 Mates

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Posts posted by Will Work 4 Mates

  1. that is cool. I love convention and toy shows, too bad there are not any in tucson or that many in phoenix.

    Or Atlanta. Curse you lack of cool stuff! Georgia has no minimates!

    They did have Mates in Georgia, but I bought them ALL!

    No so good for you, but great for me!

  2. Is it just me, or is Sgt. Rock not possibly the coolest Minimate ever? The military theme, the BA gun, the articulation on the head, the bullets on the jacket, the dogtags, the helemt...

    Dude is rockin' his chest hair! That is BA.

    Great Minimate.


    P.S. I don't know anything about his character, so if he is the first homo military Minimate, then disregard this message.

  3. I have to put my rather not important two cents in:

    If there is no more Marvel, then that sucks. But that means that I might have a goldmine of extra Marvel Minimates to sell in the future (I consume Minimates like Galactus consumes galaxies).

    I am fairly confident this is not true. I am psychic.

    I know Minimates will continue. Even with no more Spidey, we will get some other licenses that are worthwhile.

    I will remain optimistic!

    No worries.


  4. Carry one with me nope, damn you guys are geeks :P

    Explain that they aren't lego, way more often that I'd like. I have most of my minimates displayed pretty prominently on the walls of my apt, so the first thing anyone who enters my place says is ohhh look at all those legos...

    BTW Don't ever feel the need to over explain.. or mention that the gold sliver spideys are worth hundreds of $$$ or they will just think you are even sadder!


    I am the same T.

    I was brought in to the family, and it is uncharacteristic of me to collect anything. Strangely, although I will probably get chastised for admitting this, but I do not know who half of these characters are that come out. I mostly know who I liked as a kid, and what I pick up along the way. I do not read comic books, so I ask my way nerdier big brother to school me on the characters. He is a plethora of comic knowledge. So, no in the pocket, but yes to the explanations, feeble custom attempts, and yes to oddly hurting my chance of future booty from chics with all these toys. I also go to this site daily, so add on some loser to my nerditity. loser + nerd + money to blow + time to waste = WW4M

    Welcome to my world...

  5. I'm on day twelve of the flu and my memory may be a bit hazy, but TBT may be able to confirm my memories of the SF discussion with Chuck at SDCC. (Not that any of it may still be applicable or even relevant today but here goes).

    The real problem with the SF2 line was the volume of SF Minimates manufactured per the orders of the retailers. The first wave production was very large, larger than what they did with something like the new Star Trek wave 1, and the sales did not meet expectations. As many of us on the ground can atest, Toys R Us did a terrible job of getting the SF2 'mates out there for people to find and buy. Also, remember Tower Records and Suncoasts across the country closed. They were a big retailer for these brands of mates.

    If SF2 wave 1 was manufactured on a smaller scale like a specialty market wave, it may have been commercially successful. As it turned out, the bomb at the retailer level spilled into the specialty market and the exclusive e-tailers like AFX got burned a bit with massive overstock.

    Of all the "dead" lines, I personally think SF2 has the slightest chance to again see the light of day. It really needs a strong showing along with the new video game or movie though. DST invested a sum of money into the pre-production prep and they will exploit any oppurtunity to recoup costs.

    The problem is most Comic Book stores show very little interest in the property, they prefer Marvel/DC and Star Trek. In my opinion, you really need a retailer like Game Stop to get on board with selling these at the counter as impulse purchases. I don't think the growing number of Japanese specialty stores have solidified themselves in the retail mall markets yet to provide a profitable enough venue for the product (they are popping up everywhere in SoCal but I don't know but other parts of the US). So if any of you out there know purchasing managers for video game stores, pass the suggestion along!

    Hope this puts the issue in perpective a bit. And DST did say they will produce Minimates for anyone bringing cash to the party.


    I love you in a non gay way. Hope is alive. Your words shine brightly in my dark cloud of a good thread I created. So, for Jatta, TBT, SillyGooserTC, Ady, or Shane: If anyone has any more realistic cost info on doing this exclusive 2 pack, before I decide to go to DST, please post it here or shoot me a PM. If the cost was all the way at $15,000. I have the money. I don't need an investor. If anyone else might want to partner with me on this, I am all ears.

    P.S. I think it should be called a MMMV exclusive two pack (to expose the site).


  6. I wasn't trying to tell you what to say or think...

    You know what, forget it. If you want to continue this mission, best of luck.

    1. Denial - check

    2. Anger - check

    3. Bargaining - check

    4. Depression

    5. Acceptance

    We're almost there. :lol:

    No offense WW4M but that was funny! :lol:

    It's cool. I think TBT hit it on the head. I will contact DST about it for the knowledge. The cash is not the issue, I have been saving my pennies for a long time. The liscence may have expired with SF2, very possible.

    I still put it out there because if I can make this happen, I want to make sure I have support from my fellow collectors.

    So, if you have support, wether or not there is an answer to a seemingly impossible question, show it on the thread. If not, save it. That's all.

    P.S. I hope I entertained someone with my antics.


    seriously i do appreciate your passion. If you have enough pennies saved up to get a "retail exclusive" then i think you will find we will all support you by buying from you. I think the only thing some people *like me were thrown off by was the petition angle. Now if you wrote the petion on the back of a check...that might be a different story.

    You may want to talk to BTTF i know his site hosted an exclusive, he might be able to tell you his experience

    anyway no offense

    It all good. I think of my fellow members like my family. We bicker, then we get over it. I got respect for drgnrbrn316 and TBT. If they are down with minimates, then they are down with me.

    And funny is funny...

  7. I wasn't trying to tell you what to say or think...

    You know what, forget it. If you want to continue this mission, best of luck.

    1. Denial - check

    2. Anger - check

    3. Bargaining - check

    4. Depression

    5. Acceptance

    We're almost there. :lol:

    No offense WW4M but that was funny! :lol:

    It's cool. I think TBT hit it on the head. I will contact DST about it for the knowledge. The cash is not the issue, I have been saving my pennies for a long time. The liscence may have expired with SF2, very possible.

    I still put it out there because if I can make this happen, I want to make sure I have support from my fellow collectors.

    So, if you have support, wether or not there is an answer to a seemingly impossible question, show it on the thread. If not, save it. That's all.

    P.S. I hope I entertained someone with my antics.


  8. Nah, just trying to grow the collection. People "Crushing the dream" or "hating" do not advance the purposes of this thread. I know everyone thinks it is impossible, but here is my view:

    - If they can make a wack marty mcfly exclusive 2 pack, then Ken & Blanka should sell much better.

    - The reason the SF mates didn't sell, is because 90% of the people did not know who the darkstalkers were.

    - The afx Chun Li was a wack repaint, not a real"variant"

    - Someone with money, such as myself, is just about stupid enough to sink dollars into this.

    - They probably have concept art and possibly prototypes, so new sculpt costs are out.

    - We don't need accessories - Have plenty of wack Darkstalkers accessories.

    - Packaging art is done.

    - Cost wise, this could be done cheap.

    - Unless DST says no and never, I can try.

    Not crabby, just optimistic!


    There's some holes in your logic:

    - They can make a "wack marty mcfly" set because ponied up the dough and paid for them. DST got their money already, its up to to try and earn it back with their own profit.

    - When the SF mates went the 4-pack route at a nationwide chain like TRU, the 4-pack consisting entirely of SF characters didn't sell any better than the one consisting of Dark Stalkers.

    - If someone with money had sunk their dollars into this line a couple years ago, we'd have these figures by now. Why should today be any different than yesterday?

    - They do have concept art and prototypes, but that isn't where the cost comes in. The cost comes from tooling molds for the machines to use and the cost of paint, plastic, and other materials for mass production. The cost is still there.

    - How many people would complain about the figures not having accessories? Besides, lacking accessories wouldn't change the fact that you're looking at at least a $15,000 price tag just to get these things produced.

    - Even if the packaging art is done already, they still have to print it out about 3,000 times, which costs money.

    - Cost wise, as I've said before, a bare bones minimum for this set would still heft at least a $15,000 price tag.

    - DST has essentially said they are done with the Street Fighter line.

    I'm not trying to squash your dreams, nor am I trying to bring a negative to your cause. I'm just saying that we see these topics pop up every couple weeks with people theorizing why the line died and pleading for it to be resurrected. I'm just pleading with you to stop bringing false hope to those who are still clinging to this idea. Street Fighter will just rank as one of those lines that had potential, but for some reason just didn't make it. Let it go.

    Why should I let someone tell me what I can speak on in this forum? Get it, it is a forum where we discuss Minimates, not hate on what other people post. You, need to find something better to do then "educate" the rest of us, when you, yourself are not the teacher. I tell you what, why don't you spend your time posting after everything, logical or not, I type on this thread, genius. Please be my voice of reason to everything Minimates I want to type. Having that kind of time makes you a little lonely, bro.

    The sculpting is exactly the same as RYU, except the hair piece for Ken, true on Blanka.

    Bro, here is what it really is.

    You don't own DST. Period. You, are not an expert on this matter. Period. You, are trying to"shed light" in a place that does not need it. You, don't have any real clue on what it costs to produce minimates, and if you do, then spend time helping people produce them.

    Will Work 4 Mates

  9. If you think we are beating a dead horse, you don't have to read or post in this thread.


    Aren't you Mr Sensitive today? :)



    Nah, just trying to grow the collection. People "Crushing the dream" or "hating" do not advance the purposes of this thread. I know everyone thinks it is impossible, but here is my view:

    - If they can make a wack marty mcfly exclusive 2 pack, then Ken & Blanka should sell much better.

    - The reason the SF mates didn't sell, is because 90% of the people did not know who the darkstalkers were.

    - The afx Chun Li was a wack repaint, not a real"variant"

    - Someone with money, such as myself, is just about stupid enough to sink dollars into this.

    - They probably have concept art and possibly prototypes, so new sculpt costs are out.

    - We don't need accessories - Have plenty of wack Darkstalkers accessories.

    - Packaging art is done.

    - Cost wise, this could be done cheap.

    - Unless DST says no and never, I can try.

    Not crabby, just optimistic!


  10. Dang, we went a whole thirteen days without someone mentioning Street Fighter. Is that a new record?

    LOL, I was thinking the same thing. I have actually taken my SF minimates off my shelf, since they look so incomplete without the full cast. I might customize the rest someday, but I have no hope of seeing them in stores again.

    Yeah, I don't know why this keeps cropping back up. I guess some people have trouble letting go.

    That being said, everyone grab a stick:


    And let's gather around, as the fun is about to begin:


    If you think we are beating a dead horse, you don't have to read or post in this thread.


  11. ***************MINIMATE LOVERS ALL OVER THE WORLD************

    I am formally starting this thread to create a petition for DST. I look at all my lonely RYU minimates, and think, "Where is Ken?". That is like giving us Mario with no Luigi. Salt w/no pepper, etc. (you get the point).


    I say give us a Ken (red) & Blanka (green) 2 pack. That is it. I am not even begging for a E.Honda & Dhalsim, just the 2 most popular characters from the game.



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