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Will Work 4 Mates

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Posts posted by Will Work 4 Mates

  1. The dudes at DCD's booth at WWC told us it is a strong possibility that they were done making mates, "for now" quote. He hit hit me with the shoulder shrug head nod type thing.

    Anyways, F the DCD company, their shat is weak!



  2. I read this thread and could not decide my favorite, so I went to my MM shrine, and placed my new sets (dc8 and SOTL) in the cases. Upon reviewing every minimate I own (I have all except gold and silver spidey) I decided that I could not decide. I am not a comic book buff, so I will say the Dark Angel, and here are three reasons: 1) It is Jessica Alba, and I have a slight obsession with her hotness, 2) it was the first minimate ever, and 3) I was most excited about finding this during my "search and conquer" phase (which I miss).

    I am not sure what is the most valuable mate I own, but I value the custom flip flop paint mate I made with my brother the most, and it was the first and best custom mate I ever did.


  3. :thumbsup: I want that old shield!

    Unless you have really small arms, that won't be able to be used.

    Why get an old shield when you can have a new shield!

    I also do not think that will protect you from oncoming swords and such unless they are super tiny also...

    just joking.


  4. Oh, you simply must...that would be off-the-hook! Better yet, try to incorporate this into your previous plans and make it a "spagetti western theme" extravaganza!!! Drink from a dirty glass, smoke an un-cut cigarillo and liberate the oppressed!! Hell yeah; paint the town red. The quick....and the dead.

    I don't think I ever have and ever will hear "you simply must", and "off the hook" used in the same sentence.

    Indeed, that was a scrupulous display of radically awesome wordplay that was truly the shizzy, for rizzy.

  5. Maybe it is just me, but these exclusives for SDCC are kinda disappointing. I could make the argument that they are mostly all just variants of existing characters with extra accessories to make them seem the more worth while getting. Really though, I am just let down that there is another box set for a Marvel story that I could care less about. :(

    Here is the set I would rather of seen: Planet Hulk

    Planet Hulk (the Gladiator version of Hulk)

    Silver Savage

    The Red King

    Caiera Oldstrong

    But hey, if what the people want is the Invaders, then sweet stuff. Truth be told, as disappointed as I am I sure still want the Sub-Mariner. Guy looks freak'n sweet!

    Thanks murderofcrows, I do need some back issues. I am not up with Marvel as I could be.

    And just so everybody does not think, "these dawgs hate each other." We worked it all out.

    cool beans.


    don't punch him in the face...knee him in the nards!

    No haters allowed! (just playing, don't get all mad)

    Both sets look fantastic.

    I am seriously upset and confused that WW Chicago is before SDCC this year????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

    Now when I go to WWC, there will be no new mates (because I bought every mate available and the sdcc exclusive mates won't be out yet), and the chicks in costume are not that "hot & easy" if you will. Sucks.

    But the mates are truly radical!

    DST Matt, when I see you at WWC, have some sets for me on the low.


  6. Gotta speak my opinion on BSG.

    I collect all minimates. Having never seen a BSG show until yesterday, I bought them in the past with an open mind, thinking how cool the show must be in order to put a large number of toys in the market.

    And then the show was watched........................................

    After painfully wasting 1 hour of my life on bad scripting, bad acting, and bad effects, I now will add BSG into the crap pile of shows that are terrible that should have never had a toy line (i.e. Buffy, Angel, BSG, Dr. Who, etc., etc.).

    I will buy them all because I collect, but I now will do it scoffing the whole time I am shelling out my duckets.

    I know I am obviously a minnow amongst sharks in this thread, seeing that most of you are fans of the show, but before you eat me up, I had to put it out there...


    Uh... thanks for sharing that.... I think... OK, not really.

    Sorry you don't like BSG (or Buffy or Angel or Dr. Who)... would you like me to call Dr. Phil to help you work this out and give you a big hug? Since Britney canned him, I hear he's got some time open.


    Does anyone hear this?

    It is a post from someone that no one gives a shit about!

    Instead of calling Dr.Phil, why don't you call the "Get a Life Foundation" and see if they will donate to your "I'm 40 and still type about toys", ***. The show sucks, that was just my opinion and you are now officially a ****** for this wack post.

    Why don't you try to understand the difference between an opinion and a personal attack to the show that has obviously influence your meaningless life.

    Relax, ***. It is just an opinion.


  7. Gotta speak my opinion on BSG.



    WW4M is a grumpy old sour puss.... :tongue:

    Can I ask which episode you watched? watching them out of sequence can be like trying build a house without foundations, it's possible but not wise. Even though the show has stand alone episodes it's really something that is best taken as an overall arc.

    Everyone has their own tastes, I actually really like the series but have seen the whole thing from the start.


    p.s. You did watch new BSG not 70's BSG? ;)


    I don't know which one it was, something about a cylon shooting, team was running, asian chick in cuffs fights off grown man for gun control, shoots a cylon and saves the day. Really bad sound effects, cheesy facial emotions, and no one is super sexy. I need sexy to keep my attention.

    Point noted. I know I have no idea about the whole story line. It was the newer show, not the 70's feathered hair joint.


  8. Gotta speak my opinion on BSG.

    I collect all minimates. Having never seen a BSG show until yesterday, I bought them in the past with an open mind, thinking how cool the show must be in order to put a large number of toys in the market.

    And then the show was watched........................................

    After painfully wasting 1 hour of my life on bad scripting, bad acting, and bad effects, I now will add BSG into the crap pile of shows that are terrible that should have never had a toy line (i.e. Buffy, Angel, BSG, Dr. Who, etc., etc.).

    I will buy them all because I collect, but I now will do it scoffing the whole time I am shelling out my duckets.

    I know I am obviously a minnow amongst sharks in this thread, seeing that most of you are fans of the show, but before you eat me up, I had to put it out there...


  9. Now that is the TBT I was waiting for! I was picking on you in my ignurrrince (mispelled on purpose) just to have some fun with you. Glad to see I could get a rise. It was all in good fun.

    If the thread was so pointless, than why respond? No need to explain yourself. You did it because you, as much, if not more than, are just as obnoxious and retarded as I. I know it is I who set you up for the "holier than thou" post here on this thread, but I was just pickin' on ya.

    P.S. Don't fight it, you know deep inside, there is some love in there...

    Props to Tim for joining this pointless retarded post!


    Don't read too much into it, you asked I answered. You have WAY too high an opinion of yourself!


    p.s."Mispelled"? Should have 2 S's. Ironic considering you were making a big show of knowing the previous word was spelt wrong. *Notices something on WW4M's chubby little face* is that egg?


    I appreciate the corrections to my spelling. Without you pointing that out I might not make it out here in the nerd world you and I frequent daily. You are a true gift.

    P.S. My face is no longer chubby. I lost 70 pounds due to my Diabetes. It changed my life. But I appreciate the comments. Couldn't be the MMMV without you! Props to you.


  10. Wonder why TBT has no props to give?

    Perhaps because after your first post I'd have felt the need to say something about you that included the words obnoxious and retarded but thought I'd take the high road and suffer your ignorance with a smile. :thumbsup:

    Perhaps it's a simple case of those who deserve "props" or respect from me already know who they are without needing to post in a pointless 'me too' thread!


    p.s. I'd recommend Oxford Comics too, unless it's changed much in the last 3-4 yrs. oh and the correct spelling for the road is Piedmont.

    Now that is the TBT I was waiting for! I was picking on you in my ignurrrince (mispelled on purpose) just to have some fun with you. Glad to see I could get a rise. It was all in good fun.

    If the thread was so pointless, than why respond? No need to explain yourself. You did it because you, as much, if not more than, are just as obnoxious and retarded as I. I know it is I who set you up for the "holier than thou" post here on this thread, but I was just pickin' on ya.

    P.S. Don't fight it, you know deep inside, there is some love in there...

    Props to Tim for joining this pointless retarded post!


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