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Posts posted by MINI_MYTE

  1. Hey Myte, they weren't too much at all.

    You live in Canada if I remember right.

    I picked it up at Canadian Tire for $32.

    Oh, and Jeff! Good to see you! Your orignal Spiderman movie remains one of my favorites out there with very smooth movement! Almost perfect. :thumbsup:

    As for Stop Motion Pro, it works like a dream... But the cost reflects that. :confused:

    Thanks for the tip!

  2. Saw the GR movie last night and must say it wasn't bad. Some of the acting at the beginning seemed a little over the top, but then, it is a comic book movie after all. Love 'em or hate 'em Nic Cage did ok as Johnny Blaze (still think he's a little to old for the role). But that aside, you'll want to go see this movie for his alter ego, THE GHOST RIDER! Visually it was done very nice. Love the flaming skull effect. Loved the way his hell cycle just destroys everything around it when he rode it. His voice was exactly the way I would have envisioned it to sound. Now as far as the minimate GR wave is concerned, DST could have made better choices for characters to do. There were these 3 elemental demons (water, wind and earth) that hook up with Blackheart that would have made better MMs than say stunt rider JB, Roxanne, the Caretaker. Hell, we even get to meet the cowboy GR in this movie! He would of made a better choice of minimate. All in all, I'd say go check out GR the movie if for nothing more than a fun time.

    P.S: Here's how DST should of made the GR wave in my mind. Go see the movie and tell me if you agree.

    Ghost Rider / cowboy Ghost Rider

    Blackheart / Wallow (water elemental demon)

    Abigor (wind elemental demon) / Gressil (earth elemental demon)

    Chase: Johnny Blaze transforming into Ghost Rider (along the lines of the ML GR variant)

    That one would have looked cool.

  3. It wouldn't surprise me to see DST do a bunch of Spider-Man MM waves in a row. Think about it, get the peoples appetites wet with the boxed set and Target exclusive wave, then hit 'em up with 2 Spidey 3 waves back to back. Face it, there are a hell of a lot characters and variations of them to do from the upcoming movie. Now why didn't they do this with the X-men 3 wave? Cause that movie has come and gone, Spidey 3 will soon be the here and now. Hasbro's going to milk the hell out of the property so why shouldn't DST? Come to think of it, Toybiz (at the time) didn't even make 1 X3 figure. Face it, Spider-Man just seems to be the more popular license in the toy world. So if wave 17 & 18 are Spider-man 3 orientated... let it come and go. There will be plenty of years of MM comin' down the pipe and all of our wants and dreams will eventually come to fruition. We all know that DST is unpredictable with their releases of MMs, so let's just wait and see what happens. It's MMs people, let's enjoy them!

  4. Well, with the onslaught of minimate properties barrelling down on us this year, it's a pretty safe bet that we are gonna get a handful of convention exclusives. Toy fair '07 kicked thing off with the hard to get BSG Starbuck MM. Hopefully the next ones will be a little easier to come by. So... who's gonna put out this convention season and which license will prove to be the more popular. Hopefully ther'll be no lame ones like Gaijin Wolverine. Here's are my guesses (or wishful thinking)

    DST: a BSG 2-pack

    AA: a Marvel 2-pack

    DCD: DC 2-pack or even a single pack (a la John Stewart)

    And hopefully, there'll be a 4 pack similar to the FF one that came out a few years back.

    Convention blanks would be nice to see again too.

  5. Overwhelming mentally and finacially! :wacko:

    Yeah, I feel you too. I just got off the phone with my CBG and he said that a case of Series 1 DCD MM, it would be around $96.00 :whistling: I'm thinking I might not be getting a case, since I haven't broke the news to my wife yet :lol: I'm hoping he'll cut me a deal and it won't be that much, since he's a pretty good guy :thumbsup:

    Thank God my CBG gives me 20% off my purchases. Without that discount, I'd be up the river of destitution.

  6. I know some people have been upset about the size difference of the upcoming DC MMs (with the bigger characters getting the 2.5" treatment) and others are rejoicing. So... who do you think should SPECIFICLY get the 2.5" treatment? I'll start it off. Try not to repeat characters that have already posted.





  7. lol, so far it looks like a hat, not a mask. :P hopefully it will truly have a mask.

    Also do you guys think we'll have an extra set of arms with the "Civil War" Spidey? The more I see it, the more I accept the yellow. I hope those eyes are fixed though.

    My guess is that he will have a mask. Why else would they paint his hair on his head, when they easily could have given him a hair piece.

  8. Looking at the 2 Batman packs and the Deathstroke pack, I can't help but notice that the hair pieces are not visible. According to this pic, DC MINIMATES both Batman and Deathstroke will come with hair pieces. Do y'all think they scrubbed the hair pieces or are they just well hidden somewhere on the blister card? Comments please.

    P.S: What do you all think is under Harley Quins mask? Anther white face expression or a flesh colored Harleen Quinzel face?

  9. Pulse elevating :huh: . Heart rate increasing :ohmy: . Head spinning :wacko: Minimate overload! Gonna be sick :sick: .

    Man oh man! 2007 is truly the YEAR OF THE MINIMATE! Spidey wave at Target! Woo Hoo! I think that the Norman Osborn / GG just might be MM of the year. Amazing detail and I'd say the likeness is with out a doubt BANG ON! Way to go DST and AA! Keep up the good work.

  10. Well, we saw some Moviemate posters at the NYC TF. If DST is going this route, what would be some killer licences? Let's breath some new life into this topic thread. What movies would make decent MMs and which poster would look cute in MM form. Remember that certain movies have more than on poster when they are solicited. Here are some of my picks:

    Aliens: Ripley / Hicks

    Vasquez / Hudson

    Bishop / Burke

    Alien army builder case ( a la Cylons single sets)

    Movie Poster: The one with Ripley holding Newt.

    Pirates of the Carribean: Jack Sparrow / Barbossa

    Will Turner / Elizabeth Swan

    Pirate Zombie 2 pack

    Movie Poster: The cover of the DVD case.

    Resevoir Dogs: Boxed set: Mr.White, Mr. Orange, Mr. Blonde, Mr. Pink, Mr Brown and Nice Guys Eddie.

    Poster: The one with them all walking together.

    Kill Bill: Boxed set: The Bride, Elle Driver, Bill, Vernita Green, Bud and Oren Ishi

    Poster: The one with Uma in her yellow jumpsuit brandishing her katana.

  11. So what's the deal with these? Could these be part of some Moviemates line? Maybe a boxed set for each line? Or is it just something for fun? Can't really see people clamoring to get there hands on a madonna MM or even Tom Cruise for that matter. Clint Eastwood on the other hand... hmmm? I wonder.. Dirty Harry'd be a nice addition. Don't you guys think so?

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