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Posts posted by hypno

  1. It is disappointing that Halo didn't go to LEGO or DST. But it kind of makes sense that Mega Bloks got the license as they seem to produce more realistic and war themed sets (and the vechicals do look pretty good). Where as LEGO and Minimates are usually a bit more light hearted and fun.

    You are right though Two-Face, the Mega Blok figs are pretty much the uglist mini-figures made.

  2. Thanks, Dux. It's too bad they ended the Batman line so soon. After playing the game it would have been great to pick up a set. A set including a minifig of Killer Moth or Hush would have been really cool.

    Dux, how well are the Indiana Jones sets selling? I'm hoping that the line continues long enough for LEGO to make a circus train and tank battle sets from the Last Crusade.

  3. I'd love to see the concept art for the unmade series but DCD is extreemly closed door about that sort of stuff.

    I'm thinking we would have seen some event tie-ins with Countdown and Death of the New Gods. So maybe Mr. Miracle/Desaad and Orion/Darkseid packs. For Countdown maybe a Captain Atom/Monarc or Jason Todd/Hush or Black Atom/evil Mary Marvel or packs. I didn't read Countdown so I'm not too shure which characters were heavily featured in the series.

    We might have gotten Alan Scott in any number of packs...with Kyle Rayner as a GL/hero pack or with Dr. Mid-Night or Mr. Terrific as a JSA pack or with Solomon Grundy as a hero/villian pack.

    We could have gotten another Titans pack with kid Flash and Beast Boy or a Modern Robin and Ravager.

    We could have gotten a modern Hal Jordan with a modern Black Hand or Manhunter robot. Or a battle damaged classic Hal with a classic villian like the Shark.

    And we could have gotten a JLA pack with say Martian Manhunter with Firestorm or the Atom with Elongated Man. Or we could have gotten a modern Manhunter/modern Atom pack. I miss this toy line. :(

  4. Yeah, I really don't know about this. Star Trek in movie year gets the axe, but The Godfather is a go? It seems odd. But I guess it will have cross-over appeal. The casual buyer might see a Godfather set and go for it. And it would be nice to have some mob-boss punching bags for Batman and Punisher. But even best case scenario, I don't see this being a long term minimate line.

    I think you're on to something here, DST could be seeing The Godfather (and other movie licenses) as something to get non-Minimate buyers into the line.

    The Godfather could get a couple boxsets, but from what I remember from the movie, the characters weren't too visually interesting. I just hope these figures don't end up being another 24, aka, just more bland cilivians in suits.

    I wish DST would produce some Monster movie mates.

  5. I'm pretty sure Mattel is making these and not DCD.

    But yeah these figures aren't that exciting. They're a little bit better than Hasbro's Superhero Squad but still look like pencil toppers to me.

  6. DC wanted 2.5 digger didn't want that mates are mates no scale

    Build a figures are our still count as 8 inches over license limits

    Mates maybe down the road of extra pieces to make an extra mate or no

    bigger than 2.5

    variants only at specialty shops

    MinimateEspo25 could you expand on these a bit...

    What all was said about the DC Minimates? Any chance we will see more made?

    Is DST thinking about doing a Minimate BAF?

    No variants at TRU?

    And was there any mention of a second Platoon set? What up comming Minimate series or sets were shown at ToyFair?


  7. 01) BEST MINIMATE (top 3 choices)

    GL Salaak


    Sgt Bob Barnes

    02) WORST MINIMATE (top 3 choices)

    Professor Hulk


    First Appearance Hulk

    03) BEST PACKAGING (one choice)

    Marvel Invaders box set

    04) BEST BOX SET/WAVE (one choice)


    05) WORST BOX SET/WAVE (one choice)

    BSG series 4

    06) SEXIEST MINIMATE (top 3 choices)


    Marlena Moreau


    07) BIGGEST SLEEPER (top 3 choices)

    Sgt Bob Barnes



    08) IF ONLY... (one choice)

    Mr. Freeze

    10) BEST ACCESSORY (top 3 choices)

    Hannibal's straight jacket

    Fire foot blast

    Flame thrower

    11) WORST ACCESSORY (top 3 choices)

    Duck feet

    12) BEST VARIANT (one choice)


    13) WORST VARIANT (one choice)

    Spock's Brain

    and finally, because he deserves it:

    14) BEST IRON MAN OF '08 (top 3 choices)

    Modular Iron Man

    War Machine

    Stealth Iron Man (movie)

  8. Cool stuff! Where is that Sentinel head from, and can Bats fit in the seat of the Batmobile?

    The Sentinel head is from a series of pre-painted Marvel puzzle figures called Marvel Figure Factory that ToyBiz made a few years back. They came in a nifty plastic crate.

    Unfortunatly the Batmobile is sealed tight. Being remote controled, Mattel probably didn't want kiddies to get their fingers in the gears. I'm pretty sure though, that there is a Tumbler version about this size that can be opened. I remember a forum member posting a photo of it back when the Dark Knight toys first hit retail.

  9. Would be really cool if you could hollow out his torso and fit Sinestro inside there doing the same motions.

    Funny you should say that. There actually is a small Heroclix sized Sinestro inside the construct's chest. It's sealed in and unremovable, and is really hard to see even up close.

  10. Luke you are my hero.

    Ditto! It would be very cool to have a Brick Forge/Brick Arms type of site that sold nifty Minimate accessories. I’ve been so jealous of LEGO collectors resources for some time.

    Off the top of my head I’ve been looking for Scuba gear (air tank backpacks, scuba masks), and a machine gun/ gatling gun on a tripod. With the right accessories we could make all kinds of cool things...spacemen, pirates, cool Superhero specific accessories.

  11. Unless you have a good comic shop in your area, online stores are really the best bet to pickup Minimates. I get most of mine through BBTS most often times prices their Minimates a few dollars higher than other stores but the "Pile of loot" (product hold) feature on their site really saves on the shipping.

  12. Zombie thread, back from the dead!

    You know, it's kind of fun reading back through this thread. Running across this pack on deep Christmas discount was my first encounter with Minimates. Sadly I only picked up two of the 30 odd ones that I spotted on sale for $1.50. *smacks forehead*

  13. Going foward I'm having a hard time thinking of a license that will last as long as Marvel has.

    DC certainly has a strong chance to if the DC folks will ever make the license available. And Star Wars would be huge. Other than those I think we're just going to see a bunch of lines that creep along with just a series/boxset or two to their names. Very few properties have the characters or fan base to support multiple series.

    For every unexpected hit like BSG, there will be several lines like 24 or Rocky that just don't take off. I'm still supprised that the third Rocky set never made it out. Man that was a cool boxset.

  14. I'm really, really suprised that DST made so few Next Generation characters. I went nuts over Picard, and his pack with the sweet Borg, was really the only Trek pack that I paid full price for. I would have loved to have had a chance to get Data, Worf and the rest.

    I just really have no attachment to the first Trek crew. I saw the repeats and the movies, but the characters just seemed from another time, and I found it a bit hard to identify with them.

    The Next Generation, on the other hand, I grew up watching. I still have fond memories of my dad and I sitting around watching the show as it first aired. It was one of the few shows that we both enjoyed equally.

  15. If these do well, maybe DST will look at doing sets from Hellboy, Grendel, ect.

    With the exception of DC Mates, Hellboy would be, by far, the Minimates that I'm dieing to see made.

    The Spirit Mates look pretty good and will make nifty additions to the comic-mate shelf. I'm probably going to pick up a couple of sets so that I can make a more accurate version of the Question. The Rene version still gives me the hebee-gebees.

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