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Everything posted by mcg031

  1. MAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Zach ! Is there an ALL Option for this poll????
  2. Onyx_6 that's a great 3 Stan Lee deserves to be a minimate
  3. This weeks poll is supporting cast.... This could be anyone from Bucky Barnes to Amadeus Cho. Let's keep it simple name your top 3 request mine are Winter soilder Doc Samson Rescue Intriguing huh?
  4. Wait we still have waves 48,49 sdcc and nycc so I think it's possible some will be made. I just wonder when another Luke Cage is going to be made.... I'm consistent people!
  5. Just glad i got my Scarlet Spider Minimate cause he's a D-lister for DEAD! But isn't that what an A-lister is someone who is everywhere in some sort of fashion ? For example lets pick some mates that made it and haven't seen any type of Media hype...Sin-Eater,Nova & Gamora,The Dark Avengers set..
  6. Deadpool is an A lister (A-) but he should be. Been in 2 movies (Wolverine Orgins & Hulk Vs)Couple of videogames, been minmated 4 times soooo why not consider him a A list character?
  7. Since this is wave 50, aren't we running out of A-listers variants? Won't we have to expand what an A list Marvel hero is? Like ummmmm Luke Cage I'm just saying....
  8. I already know what Zachary considers an A-lister... What does the forum consider an A lister???
  9. I was thinking about the Comicbook A-listers rather then the Movie/Cartoons my mistake, thanks for clearing that up Zach
  10. Easy ghost rider and iron man 2020 but the Thing is an A lister? I love the fact we can vote but if the Thing is it a new Luke Cage should have been in there.
  11. Not an A list character but great idea. What categorize an A they have to have their own book?
  12. Great news! Bring on the millions of wish list
  13. How bout an all Hydra? Viper Baron Strucker Gargon Baron Zemo 2 Hydra Guards
  14. Thanks for doing business!
  15. Here we go how about the scarlet spider!!!!
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