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Posts posted by Kostisfire

  1. 51 minutes ago, MisterMiracle said:

    I just can't imagine Assassin's Creed Minimates doing well enough to go beyond one series.

    Now that Mortal Kombat is officially out of the running, I'm pulling for Metal Gear Solid.

     Eh, why not? It's got a huge fanbase, it's easily one of the most well-known gaming franchises in recent history, and i's got lots of different protagonists, who have tons of different outfits themselves. If you add the supporting cast from each game, the enemies and all that, you're looking at a line with tons of potential. MGS could also work, but not many, if any, western companies have made MGS product, so I don't see that changing.

    16 minutes ago, TENIME_art said:

    Where else could they use the new Scarlet spider-stingers?

     A "The Other"-Kaine from Scarlet Spider could use those hands as well. I don't think that's a major hint, as DST makes individual sculpts that'll never be used again all the time. But, the Animated line has always been light on extras, and I saw someone mention it on FB, so I figured it was interesting that they went the extra mile for Kaine's spikes.

  2.   Well, as far as I'm concerned, the POTC flicks are damn great action-adventure movies. They're not full of cliches and the usual starts, they have an interesting lore and locationd, the designs are cool, the stories are fun, what more do you want out of a Disney Pirate flick? On Stranger Tides was a bit underwhelming 'cause McShane didn't have much to do as Blackbeard and the new characters were pretty boring, but I enjoyed it. I'm just sad Disney cancelled that Armada of the Damned game. I'd been anxiously awaiting that!

    PS: One more vote for resurrecting the Calico Jack ships.

  3.  The thing with AC is that the line could go on forever (well, as long as the sales are good). Like Halo, it's got tons of outfit variations, many protagonists with different looks, lots of antagonists, and it takes place over hundreds of years, so you can be sure the designs will be different enough. Plus, the army builders and historical figures will be welcome to anyone's collection. I mean, wouldn't you want DaVinci? Plus, it's Ubisoft's cash cow. After seeing the Doctor Strange tunic pieces, I'm confident DST can pull it off, although articulation in the lower area might be limited for some. Still, like I said, while I haven't played all games yet (I'm planning on doing it someday), AC would be a fantastic license, just for the cool designs and longetivity alone.

     Ubisoft was betting on the movie being a hit (sadly it bombed), so I can see them making deals for some AC product. Damtoys revealed the AC 1/6th license a while back. I can definitely see it happening. More than MGS anyway, since AFAIK, only Japanese/Asian companies have made licensed MGS collectibles. Megabloks had the AC license, but it came and went without much noise, so I can see Ubi moving on to a more tested block-figure brand.

  4. 5 minutes ago, Nervous Rex said:

    Have God of War and Assassin's creed both been shot down?

     Not to me knowledge, but IIRC, Zach said that while this game is big, it hasn't had a game in 2016, and won't have one in 2017. I'm not sure though. EDIT: Found it:

    On 30/10/2016 at 6:37 AM, DSTZach said:

    It's not a new game (2016/2017), but it is a big, evergreen franchise.

     So God of War is out. Assassin's Creed could work though, as Syndicate came out in 2015 if I'm not mistaken. And like someone mentioned, the Kaine hands from Wallgreens W4 are very similar to when the Assassins use their hidden blades. Now that MK's been shut down, I'd put my money either in AC or MGS, though MGS is getting that zombie game in 2017 I think. So AC seems like the most logical assumption. I mean, sure, there's also Halo, but we already had that one.

     I've only played Revelations (mostly for the setting, although the story was veryone-sided), but it's got one hell of a lore and designs. I just hope whatever it is, they don't start with Blind Bags, and ultimately cancel it after two series like with ME.

  5. 4 minutes ago, hellpop said:

    BTW, I can't be the only one that REALLY wouldn't be too upset if Ozymandias and Silk Spectre never made it out, as they were both the worst portrayals in the movie and the biggest departures from the comics' costumes. I would really like to see some of the Minutemen, though, which I'm hoping will fill out the TRU wave.  My dream, though, is for an Owlship.  Complete with "Hallelujah" Nite Owl and Silk Spectre maybe?

     I liked all the costumes, so even if the acting wasn't that great when it came to those two, well, I still want them. I'd even take a purple suit Veidt & Bubastis 2-Pack.

  6. 1 hour ago, MisterPL said:


    That's a good start! I'm hoping the lines continues past this particular film assortment and becomes an evergreen. (Fun fact: Long before this film, Disney's name for the evergreen Pirates property was "Dead Men Tell No Tales.")


    Now where are my zombie sharks?!

     Same here. If we end up just getting a wave or two of DMTNT figs, I'll be pretty dissapointed. But hey, some POTC mates are better than no POTC mates.

  7.  Woo, I called one of them! The other makes sense as well. Now I just want Mortal Kombat to be the VG license.


     The PotC wave looks kinda... bland, though. Maybe it's because of the Photoshoped pics, as they always look better in-hand. The fact that it's just a DMTNT license hurts it a bit, as it could've used the more interesting looking characters from the previous flicks, like Barbossa, Blackbeard, Davy Jones, etc. I'll be dissapointed if we never end up getting Jones, some Skeleton pirates from CotBP, Norrington, etc, etc. But hey, the more pirate stuff, the better! Jack looks ace btw. Most people dislike the PotC franchise, but I've always loved it, so right now, it's a happy moment for me!

     I've never read the Dark Tower books, and the movie has had zero promotion thus far, but I love me some Elba & McConaughey, so even if we end up getting just them with a few supporting characters (hopefully with some interesting looks), I'll be good.

     I've got to say, these have been pretty good anouncements alongside Watchmen. If the VG license ends up being MK (Zach said it's pretty big & top secret, so I can't think of anything else, considering Mass Effect & Halo have both come and gone, and MGS hasn't had much Western represantationin the colectible genre), this will be a great year! I skipped Predator & Alien due to the Blind Bags, but since these will be LCS waves, I can actually get excited! TNBC is the one that still gives me a hard time though.

    PS: Finally a head with brown eyes! I got tired of having only black and blue irises to choose from. That fig also makes a good base for a young Victor Von Doom. Hmm...

  8.  Not to be a party pooper, but... there are like, 2 or 3 Watchmen threads beingbumbed. Could they be merged into one, or have a new official one be created?

     Anyway, apart from that, this is a historic minimate moment. I remember when the movie hit and everybody thought that we'd never get Watchmen mates. And that was the majority's opinion for years after that. Well, today that's changed. I gotta say, it makes me think the DC line will come back one day...

  9. 1 hour ago, DSTZach said:

    Not really. Still a week to go. New Previews drops tomorrow. You should see Watchmen Minimates today, new movie licenses tomorrow. One Minimates/Vinimates license and one Vinimates license, Minimates to come.

     Yeah, well, one week, no weeks, who can tell the difference, amiright or amiright?

     Good about Watchmen, I was anxiously waiting for them.

     No idea what the Movie licenses will be though. I'm hoping for something cool.

     I'm still betting on Mortal Kombat for the VG license (that's still slated for much later though, right? like SDCC or something).

  10. 18 minutes ago, EricM said:

    I like that idea as well. A cosmic wave.

    there are so many characters to choose from.



     Well, consideringwe still don't have comic book GotG, I wouldn't hold my breath for it. These past few series have really not tickled my fancy, to be honest. I'll eventually get the Black Knight one, but Ilong for the days of the T-Bolts 4-Pack and the Ultimates wave. I know I'm in the minority, but I prefer the newer costumes, teams and whatnot in most cases. I just think they translate to toys better than the "tights". NOW! 2.0 must be the most lacking in good titles era of Marvel in a while, but I'd still like a few of the redesigns and whatnot. Maybe it's the heavy dose of X stuff, as I never was a big X-Fan. I liked pretty much everything else more than the X-Verse.

  11.  I dunno why Mezco is even bothering with the Mezitz line, as their other products are far more profitable and well-received. I didn't even know they'd made BvS & SS ones. Well, at least they've abandoned the comic theme, so maybe the end of the movie versions will be soon. 

  12. 15 minutes ago, EricM said:

     This would be great. They can do the modern Richard Rider design from the new series and instead of the Silver Surfer maybe they can do Ikon the Space Knight.

      I wouldn't mind an Ikon, but I dunno what the deal is with the rights. To be fair, an Annihilators wave would be better:

    Modern Beta Ray Bill/ Gladiator

    Modern Nova (Rich)/ Quasar

    Silver Surfer (mix between the two recent TRU versions)/ Ikon

    Magus/ Cosmo


  13.  Well, from the books I've pulled and read more than 5 issues:

    The Bad:

    Silver Surfer: Just... no. I get the charm and all, and I stuck with it for all of the All-New Vol plus some ANAD issues,but the whole thing got very boring and predictable, very fast. It stopped being a SS book, and it became "The Quirky Adventures Of Loveable Dawn Greenwood". It was just too much Doctor Who fan-fic for my taste.

    Black Panther: Sorry, but I hate this one. I really, truly, do. The characters are nothing but political mouthpieces, the story is something we've seen countless times, the writting is pretentious and over the top, and most importantly, T'Challa is nothing more than a useless punk in this book. Definitely a no-no from me. It doesn't respect what came before, it doesn't expand on the mythos, and all it does is more harm than good.

    Steve Rogers: Strangely enough, it's not the twist that bothers me. It's Nick Spencer being a politically biased writer whose writting has really started to suffer from it. I get exploring civil unrest andthe like, because it is a Cap book, politics should play a role, but he's taken a stand and he's not exploring things frommost angles. And I find his meddling of foreign issues quite insulting. He's got no business talking about issues like the refugee crisis since he's not living it, he's not seeing it. All he has are second hand accounts from biased media (from both sides), and so he can't really come to a valid conclusion. If he'd just kindly stay away from such issues and focus on the book, it'd be better. Also, it's leading into another event, so there's that as well.

    Doctor Strange: Just like BP, this book is DS only in name. The characterization is awful, the story is just a rehash of his God Butcher arc, and the series is just inspired and mostly boring. It's the only book I've still stuck with because the recent arc has been a tad better, but the book is just your run of the mill superhero title with nothing to really set it apart. It's just another modernized take at an old character that the fans hate but the newcomers like 'cause it's on the MCU. I swear, the MCU is doing more harm than good...

    The So-So:

    Infamous Iron Man: Eh, it's not that bad. The usual Bendis deccompresion is here, alongside the irritating speech patterns and the OOC versions of most "cast members", but it's not as bad as I was expecting it to be. Doom's motivation and reason for becoming IM makes sense in the context of Secret Wars and his past dealings with Tony. It's just that if it was developed more in the pages of Invincible before we got into this situation, it'd have been better. But ure enough, you can count on event obsessed Marvel to screw it up!

    The Good:

    Deadpool: Same as the NOW! Vol, Duggan continues the good job... Nothing more to sy, really, it's just... good. The double shipping and constant "oversized" issues should die in a ditch, but the quality is still pretty good. In any case, it's not Waypool, so, yeah...

    Moon Knight: It's a good book, just not great. The first arc was an okay opening, but the second one was such.damn.crap. It could've been one, two issues max, but we had to spend four months with essentially fake protagonists and insignificant scenarios, just so that Marc could finally get his shit together (until the next writer comes along that is). It's not as good as Lemire's Bloodshot, but it's good. Definitely heads and shoulders above the crap Marvel is mostly publishing. Honestly, the art is the MVP of this book. Smallwood has really outdone himself.

     That's it, I guess. I also tried stuff like Thanos, the Invincible Bendis Pet, Unstoppable Wasp, Moon Girl and whatnot, but the less said about titles like the latter, the better. Thanos was good, just not 4.5 euros good. It'll end before issue 10, so I'll just get the trades. It could be like Carnage and go a bit longer though.


  14. 6 hours ago, The Scarlet Spider said:

    I know it may sound like mad science or science fiction to some people (although isn't that what most of us spend our time reading about with comics?) but I want to go into Bio-Gerontology. There are some companies making some headway in stopping/slowing aging. I've always feared death so i figured if I'm gonna have a career it might as well be something I deem worth spending my life on and something I'm passionate about. I mean it'd be like having a super power if I was ever successful. Don't get me wrong people with reservations about the ability to stop aging are right to have them, as there's a lot of involved in achieving something like this as aging is multifaceted, but I've already done quite a few research papers on it and I wouldn't be spending thousands of dollars at university if I didn't think it had a chance of happening, haha :P. The program I hope to get into this next semester will give me useful experience to get a starting position at one of the major companies after I graduate. 

     That sounds very interesting indeed! I wish you the very best of luck and hey, I don't think it's too outlandish, especially in the world we're currently living in.

     Me, I'm mostly leaning towards either Astrophysics or Nanotech, but fields and whatnot are kinda... "weird" here, so I still have to look into it. I've got time either way, but it's nice to have a set goal well before the time to choose comes.

    5 hours ago, NerdyTrev said:

    Let me first say that I am sorry to hear about everyone's tough times. I know starting a new year off on a bad foot can be terrible and the transition from the crappy old year doesn't help much either. 

    My 2016 wasn't horrible, but it wasn't anything to write home about. I guess the major stuff would be me rethinking my life completely. I've been big on acting since I was about twelve years old and haven't stopped since that first show, but recently I've felt unfulfilled with it. I still enjoy it and want to keep doing it, but it feels like a Saturday where all you did was watch reruns of Seinfeld of TV. It was nice, but you probably should've done something else. I still act and wouldn't mind continuing to, but I've realized that my true passion is comic books. Been a fan since my dad passed his old issues of Detective Comics and Batman to me when I was around three or four. After having comic books in my life for so long, I've started to grow more and more attached to them. As if they're a separate part of me. With that being said, I want to write comic books. I want to tell the stories I told with my action figures on my basement carpet when I was so young. I want to create adventures for my favorite characters. Comic books have always been there for me, now I want to be there for them. 

    In regards to new books that are being released, I've never been too big into buying Marvel books but I enjoy getting the TPBs of older books like the Claremont X-Men or classic Avengers, hence why I'm so big on classic Marvel Minis. Modern Marvel just doesn't do it for me. I feel like most of the books are all the same and they all try so hard to reflect the film universe (which isn't a bad idea, its great marketing, I just don't think the films are the best representations of the characters to go off of). Like I said, most books are like this. I do think there are a few diamonds in the rough. For example, I enjoyed the Black Panther run from this year. Kostis, I know you weren't a huge fan, but it was written by someone who does editorials for "The Atlantic" which is my favorite magazine. Also the Hellcat run from this year was fun. I think the idea of a rebooted Young Avengers is cool with Chulk, Nova and past Cyclops (even though the timeline shouldn't even exist if Cyclops wasn't in the past to do all the stuff he did, but that's beside the point), but I just haven't gotten completely behind it. I've picked up a few titles from DC Rebirth and have enjoyed them. Justice League is interesting how all the heroes are reacting to post-Crisis Superman. Aquaman is good, Flash isn't bad and Snyder's All Star Batman is great. I also tried to get into the new Doom Patrol book, but couldn't find an issue past issue 1. I don't now how good it is, can someone tell me so I can decide whether or not to track down the other issues? That's a bout it for the world of comics.

    Minimates, on the other hand, are becoming difficult to keep track of. I've fallen out of the Marvel game because very few waves are interesting to me anymore, Aliens has become a hassle with all the different character variants and vehicle variants etc. etc. and I still yearn for the continuation of the DC property. I find myself looking on eBay for DC mates every so often just hoping that I'll find a new pack float up. It'll never happen, but nothing wrong with wishful thinking. Like many others, I've started collecting the Batman Animated figures. Not much, though as I only want a few characters. Once they release a regular Freeze, I'll be content. DC Icons has been a good line for me. I have most of those figures. Good sculpts and character selection, but a little lacking in articulation. Not bad for me, they make great display pieces. 

    Thats pretty much my 2016 in a nutshell. Best of luck to everyone in the new year. Goodbye and good luck.

     That's a hell of a dream. It takes courage to wander into the woods of comic books, but I genuinely hope we can all be reading your Marvel/DC/Indie work some day in the future. Best of luck!

     As for the Coates BP run, well... I hate it. I really do. As a BP fan, it hurts me to see that printed in the pages of a BP ongoing. I can't comment on his book writting, but as a BP writer, he's an insult to longtime fans of the character. Honestly, Marvel should've just given him the books he wanted. When he came onboard, he wanted to write Spider-Man & X-Men, but Marvel wanted him tied to BP, due to CW, his book and all that. Nice synergy, but I think if he wrote characters he actually cared about and knew, he'd have produced a better run. I hope he stays in the game and picks another book to work on, though.

  15. 1 hour ago, The Scarlet Spider said:

    I really like this thread. Sometimes it seems as though the forum are the only people besides my girlfriend that I talk to! I'm hoping this year is better than the last but my girlfriend just moved about two hours away because she recently had to leave where she was staying due to  money issues :/ Now she lives with her mom and is hopefully pursuing her career until we can live together after this semester. This semester is full of tough classes and I have to keep my GPA at at least a 3.0, but I think Kostis just made me thankful for the American University system. And I feel you about the heating problems though, buddy, space heater bros for life. My heat is non existent here as well. :highfive2: Best of luck in your studies too!

    i too am on the fence about continuing to collect. Marvel mates as well as new comics. With the return of Ben Reilly, my favorite character tied with Pete I don't really know what to think. His new costume is super spidercide like and I'm not sure if it was on purpose but to me it kinda looks silly. Especially with his little mouth in the mask. I've been waiting for the clone conspiracy trade to see what's been going on but it feels like yet another gimmick by marvel. I hate the new symbiotes taking over thing. I hate giving Deadpool the costume to milk his popularity. Thompson was actually interesting and I wanted it to continue in that direction.

     :highfive2: Space-Heater Bros! Also, if you don't mind me asking, what are you studying?

     As for the Ben book, eh, I might give it a shot. I'll be dropping Star Wars and probably Hellblazer, so I can squeeze that in. He's a classic character and I'm trying to support as many of them as I can. And honestly, I could use a more "traditional" Spider-Book, since TASM has basically become Iron Man, especially now that both IM titles are... "strange". Either way, the Creative Team, plus the revival of a beloved relic from the 90s and whatnot will probably be enough for me. Compared to the GotG announcement that did nothing for me, this SS book is a step in the sorta-right direction.

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