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Everything posted by Logan

  1. Wow, she looks better than I thought she would!
  2. I'm also hoping for a Kyle Rayner GL and a Sinestro!
  3. I'm missing : Black Elektra, Sabretooth, Visorless Cyclops, Masked Spider-Man, Gwen Stacy, Unmasked Daredevil, Dr. Doom, Maskless Dr. Doom, Stealth Iron Man, Chameleon as JJJ, Spider-Man 2099, Peter Parker, Mary Jane, Super Skrull, CT Thing, Dark Pheonix(pending), JB Cyclops(pending), F4 Boxset Thing, Johnny Storm, Phasing Sue Storm, Labcoat Reed Richards, The Batcopter, the Batcycle(pending), Flash Mini Flyer, Nightwing Mini Flyer, Batman Mini Flyer, Riddler Mini Flyer, Batgirl Mini Flyer, Superman Mini Flyer, all the blanks EXCLUDING The FCBD one, and all of the SF2/Darkstalkers MiniMates!
  4. Yeah, well, me and MiniJeff seem to be the only die-hard collecters in central Canada! Yeah, like Fujis said, it's hard to get the chases(and the regulars, for that matter) in.
  5. Minimates Sporadic Marvel Legends The odd Lego set
  6. Those all kick ass! I like the Batcave and the Chemical Plant!
  7. What wings are on Angel? Those are sweet!
  8. Can you put up some pics of the mansion the X-Men are in? BTW: There all very good! I'd have to say that the Havok is my favorite!
  9. Can somebody make me a Rey Mysterio one?
  10. I'm most looking foward to: Battle Damaged Batman! I'm hoping for: Bane!!!!
  11. I know^^ I hate his head. I fthe toque is painted on, then why have the hole in the head?
  12. I'd have to say either Van Helsing(I know alot of people don't like it) or Jaws! I love both of 'em!
  13. Yeah, Mine's pretty much like Jatta's and Santos' collections right now.
  14. I don't have either one, bit I'm going to say: It's a tie between the Bober 'Mate and Santa Spidey!
  15. Yeah, I remember that. T'was not a good place.^^^ PS: I mystically sense I've touched down on a sensitive subject witth this thread
  16. Nice boxes! really, I like them, and a nice touch on what seems to be a little blurb about the Maximates on the back! Thanks, SD!' BTW: I'm still debating on getting the Galactus one(seeing as I already have a ML Sentinel, don't need the Maxi Sentinel, but might still buy it). It looks pretty cool!
  17. I've watched it a couple of times and I can't say it "tickles my fancy(I'm pretty sure that's how it goes )".
  18. I'm pretty much loving it here!
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