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TM2 Dinobot

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Everything posted by TM2 Dinobot

  1. Don't feel bad man. I did a custom BW Soundwave for a friend for his birthday. He gave it back to me saying "No thanks, I'm not interested. It's not that good anyways," We haven't been on great speaking terms since.
  2. YES! I'm not getting enough hugs! That's why I wanted to share.
  3. Heh. Family doctor. The last time I was at the doctor's was when I was born. ...No, wait. When I had my 5 yo imunization shots. Yep. That was the last time I've been to the doctor.
  4. Man, I'm sorry. I know he's growing on a lot of people but I don't like MP03. He's not Starscream. I just don't like the direction Mr superstar took with it. And yeah, the new DVD Prime is totally plastic. I wish he was cheaper. He'd make great kitbash fodder! *drools*
  5. Well, thanks guys. I am depressed. I get depressed when life gets me down. That's just how it is. It cycles. If I'm on a high, I can garantee there's a low comming afterwards. That's the same for every one. I know some people who are clinically depressed, and trust me, there's a world of diffrence between them and me. I'm just a guy who likes to keep things closed up inside, and sometimes I need to vent, that's all. About the suicide thing, let me explain. I was driving home from the office (which i broke all ties with today. yay!) and I was really upset because my check was sopoused to be between $500-$700, and ended up being $150. woh, right? I was shell shocked. My natural defenses kicked in, and I was dealing with it, accepting it and preparing to drudge on. That's how I made it through TRU (which almost put me in the hospitle.) I had nosebleeds at least twice a week. not the way i'd choose to deal with stress but just my natural reaction. So I'm driving home, and this thought jumps into my mind "Jump out of the car. No one will miss you" and then I thought about makign a will, and who would get all my crap. THEN i realized that I should prolly turn off the heart breakin country music before it gets me too down. So it wasn't an attempt, it was just a thought that i quickly dismissed. While still down, I am feeling much better after talking to yall. I think part of the reason I am is that I'm at a crossraods, and have no clue what to do, and I hate that. Like I told my dad tonight, I feel like I'm at a crossroads, and have been stuck here. And now all of a sudden I'm rwalizing that it's not a crossroads at all. I'm stalled out on the railroad tracks and there's a train comming. I'm sure I'll be fine after church on Sunday. Just out of curiousity, how many of yall have thought of killing yerselfs? Not attempted, just thought of it at some point?
  6. You've already been my not-so-secret Santa Heh. Do I detect sexual overtones in that statement?
  7. Oh yeah! w00t! I forgot about those! Yeah. I know. Thanks for your support. It just doesn't help to hear "it'll be okay. Every one goes through it." Well, no. I'm going through it. And I'm not everyone. I'm me. So dotn try and down play it, cause this is big for me and I'm not sure how to attack it. Not saying you're saying that. That's just how I feel. Thanks for your support!
  8. Well that's what I was trying to prevent. I know there are people out there who have everything but Gold/Silver Spideys. Well... too bad. They ain't getin them from me. However, I would like to offer them a regular spidey because I love them so much. Or perhaps customize their favorite character. It's the spirt of the gift, not the bit of plastic itself. See? Yeah, me neither.
  9. *cracks knuckles* What do ya wana know my friend? The resident Transfan is here to help. Thus far I have Megatrona nd Bumblbee, but have olny opened Megs. I hope to have them all be the end of the month. I can tell you, these are the best things ever. They are purely G1 ideas with modern technology. I liked the first couble of alts, but they weren't my thing. These though... Man, they're awesome. They have a few minor flaws. They've taken liberties with the concepts, so they aren't 100% the same, but the idea and fell is there. My friend has HotRod, and I can tell you, I love him. The little flame missile gets on my nerves, but that's just me. The transformation is nice, the articulation is beautiful. Heck, the first thing I did was make Megstron kill all the other toys. And he can do it too. He can actually move! Take that G1! Seriously, for $10 you can not go wrong. And best of all, TRU is having a sale where you get $15 worth of TFs and you get a $7 one free. So hey, win win. (Pick Shortround!) What's the worst that can happen?
  10. Kudos to any one who gets the title refrence. Anyways, I usually bitch on my own journal, but recentally I felt like sharing here, because I feel close to yall. Please understand a few things about me straight off. I vent so I don't go postal on people. That doesn't mean I'm asking for advise, it just means I want to talk your ear off before I take some one elses head off. Lessee, where to start... Okay. I lost my job of 2 years at TRU about half a year back. I've been dredging out a living doing anything I can get my hands on. I'm trying to resort not going back into retail or anything, insted picking up freelance jobs. Legal papers, demos, refits. Yes, I am the dude in walmart offering you my saussage. Anyways, money has been super tight. So I haven't had much in the way of comfort from toys or comics. I think this is what God intended, to help me grow and draw closer to Him. But that doesn't mean it's fun. Anyways, this new job I got, they shorted me on my check be over $300, and basically told me if i can't prove it there's nothing i can do. Which they're right. However, I am working on ways to prove it. So I had just over $100 and decided to get some material comforts after I paied my bills. No minimates at all. However, they did havw the Transformer Classics, and SMC wave 18, so I got 2 of each, quickly draining my limited budget. I got smart about this, so I only opened Megs. Everything else is still sealed, and as much as it hurts, they're gona stay that way for a really rainy day. One new toy is just as good as 2. Anyways, to top it all off, I haven't had minimates in months. None of my friends collect them (heck, what's a "friend"?) so I can't even steal from them, and I have no money to buy or trade them. Man, I'm just having a rough time. Life has really got me down lately. I thought about killing myself because of some other stuff that's going on, but rapidly came to my senses and turned off the sad music. I think I'm okay now. I don't know. Thoughts? Am I going crazy? Or am I just being a winey little bitch because life has finally decided to start screwing with me and I need to cowboy up? (Oh, BTW. Classics Megatron=<3
  11. I like this idea. However, like you said, there are several things to be worked out. I do have one suggestion though. To keep it fair, and shipping down, let's limit it to minimates. Every one make a list of their needs in a BST thread, but one that's only for this. That way, when some one gets a name, they can look at the list, see what the person needs, and send it. If you have some oen like Timbo there, who has them all, that's not a big deal. He still likes suprises, and he can always use custom fodder. Like they say, it's the thought that counts. If we limit it to minimates, it also keeps down the defisite. Like, if I send Zombie 4 Marvel 2 packs, and he sends me a SF blind box. It's not that big a deal actually. There's not that much diffrence, and no one will care. And I think I'm rapidly approching my ramble point. I like this idea, because I have no money, lots of spare toys, and Christmas is going to be tight this year. Hey, what about something like Toys for Tots?
  12. I guess this one will be moving fairly rapidly.
  13. ROFL Zombie, if you hadn't won, I'd send you my prize just for helpping me out. I love this place.
  14. Aaaaand I'm number 6. Should made my rounds earlier. Edit: OH HOLY CRAP!!! “Minimates taste better with gravy!” Thanks Z!
  15. You're not alone. They can't fit with my Marvel on different scales. As far as I know, this is the only toy line to have Marvel and DC in the same exact style. 2-inch should be the universal size. Yeah. I was really unhappy at the announcement of the 2.5" DC stuff. Sorry, but I want all 2" all the way around.
  16. See, I would have, because the only other option was someone else would have taked him, or he'd get thrown away. That's the boat I was in. However, the lesson here is what goes around comes around.
  17. Hey, in my book, stealing whats about to be thrown away isn't stealing. I've done it (though not with minimates). I once got a unicycle that way, though I did ask the person. Nah, I don't really steal though. Maybe some candy from the bins at Target, but that's about it. Yeah, that's how I feel. I was mad already that some one would take ONE FIGURE to start with and leave the rest. Just like that it means it couldn't be sold. Then I get marching orders to ship them out to where I know they will be destroyed. It wasn't so much "stealing" as it was "rescuing". I'm a minimate hero! ...I still suck.
  18. Okay. Well, stealing is wrong. it's wrong morally and it's against the law. But that doesn't keep people from doing it. So, we all like eachother, and we're not gona hunt eachother's addresses down and call the cops on them. Have you ever stolen minimates? If so, explain. If not, what would it take to cause you to do so? I worked at TRU for 2 years. People stole stuff all the time. I was in charge of making sure the stolen crap got to the back room and to the right person. When we still had minimates in stalk, people would always open them and steal them. Expecially the GSXM Wolvy. People seemed to loooooove yellow wolvy. However, that left Parker, Gama hulk and Silver surffer that we couldn't sell. So sometimes, I'd take the stuff back and very quietly take the remainign 3. They were going to the trash once they got shipped out. But that doesn't make it right. Hwever, I did aquire a large battle damaged daredevil collection that way. If there was a natural disaster, I think there would be plenty other things on my mind then stealing minimates. However, if I was willing to risk being killed over toys, and I didn't think it wrong, and the opertunity was there, I might think about it. But I highly doubt I would.
  19. Don't forget "scruffy looking" Oh you did NOT just call me scruffy looking. I want to get a bumpper sticker that says "Everything I know about romance, I learned from Han Solo"
  20. Yeah, I entered that contest way back when it was running. I expected not to win. Now I'll lay odds they lost the entries.
  21. Ya know what I need? Money. Seriously. I haven't been on a toy run in a month, because I KNOW things I want are out, and I can't buy them. That takes away the fun of huntting with the joy of new toys. :/ Seriously, I don't have to worry about which of my bills doesn't get paied this month. None of them do. Heh, sorry, wrong thread. Anyways, I saw these guys. Almost killed me.
  22. Actually, it's easy. Walk up to any price scanner. Punch in the numbers on the buttons. It'll say yes or no in the back. If yes, pick up the phone right there and ask them to go get them for you. That works even if there are some ont he shelf.
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