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Posts posted by THE_CRIPPLER

  1. Crap, I posted my response in another thread. I'll just repaste it here.

    I'd like to see an Exiles set that had Sabretooth, Blink, Morph, Mimic, and Nocturne. Exiles is one of my favorite comics and almost every storline is great (the recent World Tour story is the exception). I love how anyone on the team can die at any time. I was shocked when Mimic was killed. I suggest you all to check the comic out. I know it is in tpb form now. Avengers Forever is a great 2 issue story, so is the King Hyperion story. He is actually a bad ass character in that storyline (otherwise i have always seen him as a boring Superman wanna-be. Check them out if you can find them.

  2. You should be able to get the Krylon sealer at any craft store. They do have craft stores in Spain right? lol. I get mine from the craft section at my local Wal-mart. Are there Wal marts in Spain, or are they only a U.S. chain of stores?

  3. I just got back from the midnight showing. I thought it was pretty dang good. I have read some bad reviews for it saying that it was boring except for the fight scenes. That is a bunch of bullcrap. Some people must have the attention span of a two year old if they thought that it was boring overall. I thought the pace of the movie was just fine. If you liked the first two you'll like this. Some comic nerds may be disappointed that the movie isn't comic accurate, but oh well. You can't please them all. I'd rate this as the second best out of the three movies. I thought the second wasn't quite as enjoyable as this one.

  4. What I find odd is that you say you're selling the Deathstroke custom because you need the money. If memory serves me correctly didn't you use to flaunt that you are wealthy and could afford the high prices that you were paying for mini-mytes customs? Karma may have finally caught up to you. On the other hand maybe you are just trying to unload the Deathstroke custom now because it isn't worth as much to people anymore now that an official one is out. Is that it?

  5. Is there anyone that is able to cast Nightcrawler hands and feet, and tail too I guess. I have no idea how to do it, especially something as thin as Nightcrawler's tail. I have the pieces if anyone is willing to do it. I have no problem paying for the time and materials.

  6. I just bought two packs of all of them and am glad I did. Both of my Ocean Master's left legs were fused togetther. after much careful and diligent work, I got them apart. My two Green Arrows had the same problem with their left legs. One I was able to loosen, the other broke. Also one of my Aquaman minimates had a fused leg, which I was able to loosen. I hope the next wave has better qc than this one. This is still my favorite wave btw.

  7. This is my most anticipated DC wave too. Unfortunately I just got laid off for the next month and a half. I'll probably be able to pick up one pack a week till I got the whole wave. Good thing I'm the only one who buys minimates at my lcs. Maybe I'll sell the chase BSG set and X-men 3 set on ebay. then I should be able to get them all at once.

  8. Most minimate figures fit in really easy into the Lego Batman vehicles. Just remove the steering wheel/backrest and your set. Minimate Batman has problems because his ears stick up so dang high. I figure my Minimate Batman can drive the C3 vehicles and my minimate Robin and Nightwing can drive the lego ones since they fit in really easily.

  9. I got some of the Buffy Palz figures a while back. I thought they were pretty cool but wished they were minimates instead lol. I just picked up the Gentlemen set off ebay for $11.00 shipped. That is a good deal if ya ask me. I may pick up a few other sets too if I can get them for this cheap.

  10. Well, I decided to start this over, so here are a few pics of some customs I have done in the past (I have a few others that are almost done, but are awaiting parts to finish).

    Todays newest customs are Sauron and Stryker from Cyberforce. I have about 10 other customs either drying, or partly done. Anyone else end up doing that too? I start something and then think of something else I would like to see and start working on it.

    Sauron still needs his tail and wings glued on. My wife used the last of the superglue and never got more. With the nasty flooding here it would take me over an hour to get more from a store, so I'm holding off on completing him, but figured I'd show him anyways.


    Then next is Stryker from Cyberforce. Ripclaw is also currently under construction. I'm just having a big problem with figuring out how to do his hair. We really need some long hair pulled back into a ponytail hair pieces.



    Todays newest is Moon Knight. I love the new comics series and really want to see an official mini of him.


    I would love to get an official minimate like my custom Red Skull. I can't believe we haven't gotten one yet.




    Morbius design was done by Bizklimkit, rest by me. I am not happy with the hair and still need to add his torn cape looking thing he wears.

    A more update looking Nightcrawler. Face design by me, Chest design by Biz. I might work on a new chest design (red area) since the current one he is sporting in comics is a bit longer than what this design is.


    He's an easy Jim Lee version of Bishop. I sold him on ebay a while back, but still want to do another one.


    I also wanted to add a big thanks to Bizklimkit. Without his designs and help I probably would have given up on trying to make a decent looking custom minimate. I also want to thank all the top notch customizers out there who's customs get better and better each time, which is in turn raising the bar for the rest of us. It makes me want to improve in what I can make. Thanks again all and keep pumping out those customs!

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