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Everything posted by Webhead

  1. damnit i was holding off on taskmaster until I could snag the sentinel set online. I have a $10 off coupon burning a hole in my pocket.
  2. liking the AOA love. Can we get a group shot?
  3. Now he must stalk TRU ALL DAY. F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5
  4. they are gone. What the hell. Do you people hang out on their website and hit refresh all day? I"m not aware of any alerts you can set up to get emails when they have items in stock. if i'm wrong please tell me how to set that up.
  5. Are you saying that we shouldn't make a TTA box set of a character until the collectors are satisfied with what they have? Or that we should just give up? :biggrin: Nope, I think he's just saying that the Hulk has been the hardest of the major Marvel characters to pull off, and that making a box set of all Hulks is therefor a risk. But, on the other hand, I think you guys have shown with Mega Rage Hulk (and the upcoming Smart Hulk, who looks to be very nice) that you've unlocked the Hulk puzzle. This box set will be either amazing or a disaster; there's no middle ground (no pressure!). And, just so you know, I am betting on "amazing". BTW, I also think Defenders Hulk is the best Hulk. Why can't there be a middle ground with this set? I think it will do fine. We're finally get Mr. Fixit and Maestro. Hulk fans rejoice!
  6. Well said. This sums up my feelings towards Compy-Hulk very nicely. As the Macho Man would have said "OOOOH YEAH I CAN DIG IT!!!!"
  7. yeah Shanester that's what I meant. Sorry if I wasn't clear on that.
  8. Perhaps just restocks from canceled order or declined credit card
  9. thanks guys for the input guys! I'll start looking for a true type body reasonably priced on ebay or on the freaks board. I am really impressed with Dutch and yeah i'm with you YB about the ebay prices. I got this from a freaks board member for $220 shipped from Canada. So even though it's not the exclusive I think I got a pretty good deal. and if I tape the leg up he is poseable...I just want to have a fully functional body for dutch. I tried searching the freaks board but that's like a needle in a haystack lol.
  10. ok I got him. Great figure! I just want to yell "get to the choppah!" Anyway here's his busted knee. You can see the joint itself is busted. Appreciate any ideas on fixing/replacing the joint. Previous owner just scotch taped it together. What Arnold's housekeeper saw a lot of
  11. just be happy we still have minimates after all these years and waves.
  12. great stuff! I am disappointed you didn't snap any pics of them in the honeymoon suite. Where did you get the red flight stand??
  13. Yep, pretty much what I would expect. Can you convince the general public that they didn't just see this movie- or a version of this movie they really liked- ten years ago? I know that seems like a long time, but in movie lifetimes, it's not long at all. I suppose Marvel has to hope that there was enough bad taste left from the atrocious Spider-Man 3 for people to want to start over. But everything I'm seeing (unlike Nolan's Batman movies) is that this is just an inferior version of the first movie. Good point! @Undeadpool I'm not saying that Raimi spider-man movies were more comic accurate, just that this new one isn't more accurate than the previous ones. They are movies so they have to depart from comics somewhat in order to get it translated to the big screen and make it work. My spider-man does not wear a basketball for a costume. Hideous.
  14. 1. If you didn't have any hot engineering majors at your school, that's not the degree's fault. There were more than a few at my school... never enough to go around mind you which is why I was a liberal arts major. (that ans I suck at math) But yeah, science major was Gwen. BUT they did not meet until freshman year of college, and initially she thought he was a complete flake and a coward. (he did have that habit of disappearing when trouble arose) It wasn't until Peter bought a motorcycle that Gwen even gave Peter a second look. Chicks after all, dig guys with motorcycles. The idea that Peter knew Gwen, Harry, and even MJ while still in high school came from Bendis' Ultimate Spider-Man. All these characters were from the college years cast. In High School, originally only Flash and Liz Allen (who followed Peter to college) were actually given personalities, and Peter dated Betty Brant, the graduated secretary from the Bugle. Anything else about the kids in Peter's High School came from Busiek's Untold Tales stories which fleshed out more of the cast from that period than Lee ever did. The idea Peter had a high school sweetheart is a total Bendis fabrication. The idea it was Gwen came from the Spectacular Spider-Man cartoon. 2- It's really hard to call something that happened in ASM annual #5 a retcon. It's more like before then Peter's parents simply had no backstory. They died, and left Peter with his father's older brother. The "they were spies" idea has been slowly expanded on over the years, but again, as nothing is known about them there's little to retcon. 3- Yes, yes that's exactly where that term comes from. And they used the Lizard and his research in their Spider-Man origin too. 7- and continued to be hand sewn and hand repaired by Peter until he started dating women who knew his secret and were willing to help him with it. These days, I suppose Spidey just gets his suits from FF inc. and they're all made from UM and stuff. Yes, yes it is hideous. Not warming up to it much either, personally. Not a fan of the drippy new symbol either. YMMV, but you're wrong.:tongue: Tha'ts why I married a nurse from the nursing school :biggrin: and yeah about his parents I mainly talking about when they decided to make them spies. Sorry I wasn't more clear about that. You made me shed a tear talking about the Spectacular Spider-man cartoon. Sigh.
  15. Pretty sure Gwen was a science major, just like Peter and Harry. But yeah, this film looks like it diverges from the comics as much as all the other big and small screen adaptations have, which is fine by me. They're making a movie, not a comic book. ok my bad my memory's a bit fuzzy. I went to an engineering school and none of the women we're hot so I wrongly assumed Gwen was a liberal arts major...
  16. I wouldn't call this a more accurate spidey movie. Some of your own point out it's not comic accurate 1. Gwen wasn't a science nerd 2. Parker's parents don't have a big part in the comics...there was a retcon in ASM that fleshed them out as CIA agents. If it's a bigger part then Miry will correct me i'm sure 3. neogenics? You are pulling this from Spider-man the animated series 7. Spider-man's costume was handmade sewn together in the comics (not counting big-time and iron spidey)
  17. I searched marvel legends and all I got was Iron Man. Where'd they go?
  18. Just finished watching those episodes! Love 1994 Spiderman!! I really like this set. I can do without the She-Venom but bash that chest with some other black spidey parts and have a makeshift May Parker in her black costume. Won't be entirely accurate but will suffice for me. I really like the sculpted transformation Venom. Can't wait for this set!
  19. I thought it was a normal shortpack, just that the distribution wasn't great. I don't recall any discussions on it being a 1 pack per case.
  20. Good deal Zach...though that's a McFarlane cover. LOVE Todd.
  21. I may be getting a Dutch figure but his left leg is snapped at the knee. Does anyone have a spare leg that would match that body?
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