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Everything posted by murderofcrows

  1. Just you...but hey if you are that bored and want to get rid of any variants pm me!!!
  2. Nice List!! Here is my prioritized listing from that list
  3. I will never buy from them again. I bought one set, and it was smooth as silk. The next set I tried to buy, they took my money, and never delivered. I called, the customer service department, said no problem, we will ship you another set at no charge to you. I waited and waited and waited and this day. I will never buy from them again moc847
  4. WOW~ I feel like we got different waves. I mean the only change I made was the hairpiece on wonderman (switched to bruce waynes and viola! a great wave!
  5. DAMN FINE JOB!!! Minimates look best "in action". I love your zombie sentry...makes me want to get the variant now, so I can steal your idea.
  6. This is waaay too great for DC to make as a legitimate wave. If this were the real wave, people would sponteanously combust from glee we would have to have plastic surgery to remove the smiles from our effing faces. we would be whistling zippity do dah out of our assholes. I smell something obscure like J. Hexx, or Kamandi The last boy on earth. and while i would give a my left nut for a two face, I really want to see a plastic man (wow I am working blue tonight)
  7. Nervous with the Pic Assist!! Thanks Man...makes me really look forward to tomorrow! great pics!!
  8. Great Thread. I would choose characters that I really dig, that stand a snowballs chance in hell of getting made. My 15 Minimates (wish list) 1. Night Hawk (add this bad boy to the defenders and I would never need another minimate again) 2. Red Skull (a freaking crime he isn't made yet) 3. Cobra Commander (yea I am an old school joe fan) 4. Dum Dum Dugan (a minimate in a bowler..oh hell yea, Nick needs a crew) 5. Hydra Agent (that would be an awesome army builder) 6. Baron Wolfgang Von Strucker w/ Satan Claw...(hells yea!) 7. Red Ninja 8. Werewolf by Night 9. Thundarr the Barbarian (with his fabulous sun sword of course) 10. Super Patriot...(loved the original series) 11. Count Dracula 12. Arnim Zola 13. Crossbones (always thought it was a cool character design) 14. Shatter Star 15. Major Bludd
  9. My thoughts exactly.... Bruce Wayne's slicked back hair fit's Simon much better and will be my display piece as well. Other than that, Really like the Thor and Scarlet Witch!!! and can not wait to get the whole set
  10. you mean this one? I will be honest. Not a perfect fit. I am still looking for the perfect bike for Ghost Rider. ps got this from the knock off T2 box set. for like 3 bucks from Tower before they went tits up.
  11. Have you guys seen these? They are freaking Hilarious. The guy who makes them, has a great talent for voice over and a real sense of comic timing. If you haven't checked them out, do yourself a favor and follow the link. Now if we could only convince him to use Minimates I'm a Marvel / I'm a DC
  12. While I agree Salakk is too tall the others rock the efing house, Sinestro...hell yea Raven and Cyborg...throw in a Robin (or night wing) and Starfire and we are rocking some serious teen titans Batwoman and Question....nice rouge and Red Son Superman and Wonderwoman....SUPER NICE I am continuing to LOVE THIS DAMN LINE!!!!!!
  13. The serious answer to your question, is it would cost a ton to make them in America. I work as a Quality Manager in a Manufacturing Facility, and everyday my company is faced the pressures of being Globally Competitive. The truth of the matter is, manufacturing costs money. (design, engineering, planning, tooling, labor, insurance, quality assurance, QMS, EMS). Most companies have to meet a certain mark up percentage to make money on the job. Sometimes the company will take lower returns if the product have high volume. Toys (minimates) while they are "mass produced" I would imagine they only have a run of a few months (per design / character). In order to compensate for the small volume, the mark up would be huge, to make the part a profitable venture. To give you an example, the business I am in we make items for the automotive and aircraft industry. For the automotive / general products division we can sell a product (for example) for 48.00 a piece and for the aircraft (for relatively the same part), we sell it for 4000.00 a piece... seriously. And this is due to the automotive customer ordering 40,000 and the aircraft ordering 100.(volume) Luckily for us, the market will handle this. However, everyday we get pressure to be more competitive with companies over seas, who can throw tons of labor at a job and still pay less than we pay for 1 person in the states. Not to mention cost for health insurance, workers compensation, cost of living increases... It really makes it hard to compete. I doubt we could get them for 10 bucks a piece, and the manufacturer to stay in business. Don't get me wrong I would LOVE for there to be more manufacturing in the US. (and I mean LOVE IT) But until countries like China and India go through an economic growth (better wages, higher cost of living) I just do not see it happening.
  14. Nope I saw the pics and it is definitely caps shield just repainted, you can see the rings in the plastic from caps stripes
  15. Another Option you can try is to use the glider from the spiderman "super hero squad" figures and it is pretty on the money. I will be using it for the Minimate Goblin (when it finally comes out)
  16. I was never really that crazy about Mez-Its... the only ones I actually bought was the aliens and predator sets. Still the aliens looked cool with the minimates
  17. cap shield repaint and blade's sword will take care of that! OR you could use the sword from the DC Deathstroke the Terminator... and for the people not sold on Taskmasters head. I would suggest a simple head swap with either Ghost Rider Figures... oh and by the by I LOVE THESE!!!!!!!!!
  18. HEY!!!! Sweet!! Clayface and Gorrilla Grodd!!!! OK people who didnt get em from C3 FLASH and Night Wing Starfire Sweet LOBO oh yea! Classic Bat Man disappointment Ambush bug...uh ok
  19. I feel the same way... in fact I told my LCS if you see them order them, don't ask just order them
  20. Not Me, I will be getting this wave for sure Have you seen the Ghost Rider, it is an orange translucent head with the skull painted on. so in front of a light it will GLOW kick ass As far as the civilians... they will be either well civilians or the bad guys will be mafia guys. I want minimates to go on and on and the only way to do that is to keep buying em !!
  21. Amen! It doesn't take a genius to figure out that if they spent the money on the tooling, (ie iron man, giant man, black panther) that in time they will make more versions of them. The iron man is a synch for a classics avengers package down the road. Relax guys and be glad for all the product we are getting this year...doesnt anyone remember the drought??? Minimates are good, more minimates are better.... if you love the line like i do BUY THEM ALL and let the line continue
  22. My 2 Cents (by moc847) First of all, I would just like to say, I have always been a Marvel Kid. Sure I would read Bat Man and Superman, from time to time but I would always come back to Captain America, Spiderman, and Iron Man. Having said that, these DC Minimates are absolutely the best minimates to date. The attention to detail, the extra accessories. These are the way that minimates should be made. Marvel could learn a very valuable lesson from these. Eventhough I am highly anticipating Thor and Doctor Strange this year, it is the DC waves that have me frothing at the mouth, month after month. I hope that these have sold well enough to carry on to future waves...fingers crossed. Now on to the rating. Wave 4: Bat Girl 10:12 Always nice to add to the Bat Family. Character Choice 4 out of 4. Always nice to see a new member of the bat-family. While bat girl is typically a b list hero, she is easily recognizable and translates well into a minimate design. Besides now I can have someone beotch slap Harley Quinn without feeling politically incorrect. Sculpting / Paint 4 out of 4. The details added to Barbara set her off. The "purse" on the utility belt, the sly smirk on her face, the pull over full face mask. Accessories 2 out of 4. The "unmasked hair piece" is without a doubt a nice touch. New sculpt, fits well and looks better, but I am an accessory whore, like most of you here, I want the batarang, the grappling gun, the bat lip stick something... Bane 10:12 Bat Man has one of the most easily recognized Rouges Gallery and Bane brings some back breaking clout with him. Character Choice 4 out of 4. It is always hard to hate a villian in a toy line because there just isn't enough of them. While my personal preference would have been a Two Face or Poison Ivy, there is no denying the fact that Bane once "broke the bat", and he makes a menacing presence in a line of adorable characters. Sculpting / Paint 3 out of 4. The sculpting added to Bane, really show the detail DCD is paying for in this line. The venom line that attaches to his mask is a great touch. The surprise of this one was the fully designed head under the pull over full face mask. This I was not expecting, but love none the less. The ONLY reason this this did not get the full 4 points, is his scale. Yes I realize that he is a big guy, yes I realize he broke batmans back over his knee. But I can not help thinking he would look better at the 2 inch scale. He just seems "too big" as a 2.5 figure. Killer Croc suffered the same problem with his mini, but like i said..hard to hate a villian. Accessories 3 out of 4. Not much to really put in with Bane, maybe a teddy bear, maybe a container of venom? I mean the guy works using his hands. So I will give him a 3 for the venom line on his arm and mask...and call it done. WildCat 8:12 bring on the bruiser. Character Choice 3 out of 4. I will be honest, if it wasn't for the JLU cartoon I wouldn't know too much about Wild Cat. I did have a comic book from when I was a snot nosed lad, that had Bat Man and Wild Cat in a boxing ring with these brass knuckles, and Wild Cat is beating the hell out of old Bats. Inside the book he was riding a "cat cycle" that I thought was pretty cool...but that was it. Now having been a fan of the JLU, I grew to really dig wild cat, so for that his score leaps up to 3. Sculpting / Paint 3 out of 4. Simple, plain and effective. Removable mask, and good facial detail. Accessories 2 out of 4. The "unmasked hair piece" looks good, and shows his "age of character". Once again though what do you give a guy that uses his fists alone to stop evil doers? Golden Age Flash 6:12 Who ordered flowers from FTD? Character Choice 2 out of 4. My name is Darren and I am a Wally West fan. I know there is the whole speed force thing and the mythos of the speed carriers from the past, but I don't know squat about the golden age flash other than he looks like the FTD Mercury guy, sorry. Sculpting / Paint 3 out of 4. Love the boots, (these will also soon gracy my Captain America. The hat..while cool is too high on his head, if it were hollowed out to sit down on his noggin it would look better. The face and costume do look really good though, I am thinking of a flash gordon custom with some blonde hair and a laser blaster. Accessories 1 out of 4. So why doesn't this guy get an "unmasked hair piece"? or a speed wind base for his feet? Deadman 7:12 Sometimes Dead is Better Character Choice 3 out of 4. While I didn't read much of the deadman comics as a child, his look was always very eye catching. and he had this quality that I couldn't tell if he was evil or good. Being older I have done some back reading and really think he is a cool character. Sculpting / Paint 2 out of 4. Love the look of the collar, but is does limit the head movement, and the robin shoes, ehhh... but the face and body detailing is nice, and I think it looks good in the minimate style. I guess the only thing I would have liked to see was maybe some translucent legs so show his astral projection, but still a good mini. Accessories 2 out of 4. Lets see the dude is bald, no weapons...yea i don't think we are missing much here. Spectre 7:12 So a cape and underwear...huh Character Choice 2 out of 4. While I don't know squat about the spectre, his pale visage, and cloaked form look the part. I am sure there are some DC people that are really digging this guy, so for them I am glad he was made. Sculpting / Paint 3 out of 4. Love the seperate hood (wish Dr Doom was that way too) as it allows for head turns, the rest is a pretty simple design, but it does translate well into minimate form. Accessories 2 out of 4. Again, i don't think we are missing much here. Cyborg Superman 10:12 Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto Character Choice 4 out of 4. I was reading comics around the death of superman, and out of all of the replacements during the reign of the superman, the cyborg was always my favorite. This visually shocking representation of one of the most loved characters of all time was great, and then he turned out to be a bad guy...sign me up! I admit the whole "reed richards" connection that was revealed later was a let down, but the character model was pretty Marvel for DC and I liked it. Sculpting / Paint 4 out of 4. What can I say, the flesh piece for the head, lines up great. The robot face beneath looks great (hello terminator, and metallo customs). This is a great minimate. The same details are used on the cape as the original Superman minimate, and who can blame them, as it works well here too. Accessories 2 out of 4. None really needed. Steel 11:12 Shaq attack my arse. Character Choice 4 out of 4. Like I said I enjoyed the reign storyline, and John Irons was a cool "iron man" for the DC universe and he does the line proud in his mini version. Sculpting / Paint 3 out of 4. What a great minimate! the gauntlets, the cape, the S shield, the boots. This one is a great one!! So why a 3? Simply put, we needed to have John Henry's mug under the armor. nuff said. Accessories 4 out of 4. The Hammer. NICE and that is my 2 cents moc847
  23. Nope that was DarkTide. This set is actually pretty sweet. It has the BEST spiderman to date. Hydro Man (obscure character that would normally never get made). Venom (ok not the best but still different from the original), Symbiote Spidey, just put him next to a ringing bell and it makes sense (or sonic gun at the baxter building) and sandman, I like the see through head and arms and legs give it a try Jason you just might be surprised
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